China’s Low Carbon City Construction, Yantai
幸福新城总体规划设计及地标性建筑 – Yantai Jiahe River – Xingfu New City 烟台,位于中国山东半岛东部,毗邻黄海、渤海,与日本、韩国隔海相望。烟台通山达海、风光秀美,获评联合国人居奖城市、中国优秀旅游城市,是亚洲唯一的国际葡萄·葡萄酒城。烟台历史悠久、底蕴深厚,素有“人间仙境”之称,秦始皇三次东巡烟台,“八仙过海”传说和“海市蜃楼”奇观享誉海内外,拥有中国“四大名楼”之一的蓬莱仙阁、“海上仙山”长山列岛、道教全真派发祥地昆嵛山,是国家历史文化名城和东方海上丝绸之路的起航地。 Yantai, located in the eastern Shandong Peninsula of China, is adjacent to the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea, with Japan and South Korea across the sea. The city boasts a landscape where mountains meet the sea, offering stunningly beautiful scenery. It has been awarded the …