


Over the past few years, the European Union and China have developed a strong partnership in the field of circular economy. This cooperation was formalized in 2018 by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Circular Economy. This agreement marked the beginning of collaborative efforts to enhance resource management, waste treatment, and sustainable development.


The original key areas cooperation included:

  • 政策交流:定期举行政策对话,讨论促进循环经济的立法和政策措施。
  • 技术合作:启动了废物管理和资源回收的合作项目,以分享技术专长和创新成果。
  • 市场机制: 双方探讨了以市场为基础推进循环经济实践的方法,包括绿色金融和绿色供应链管理。
  • Policy Exchanges: Regular policy dialogues were held to discuss legislative and policy measures to promote a circular economy.
  • Technical Cooperation: Collaborative waste management and resource recovery projects were initiated to share technical expertise and innovations.
  • Market Mechanisms: Both parties explored market-based approaches to advance circular economy practices, including green finance and green supply chain management.


The first EU-China High-Level Policy Dialogue on Circular Economy was held in Beijing in 2023, marking a significant milestone in reaffirming the commitment to close cooperation on environmental matters between the two regions. This dialogue not only emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts but also resulted in the extension of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Circular Economy for another five years. In 2024, the EU and China took significant steps to deepen their cooperation on the circular economy. Then the new cooperation roadmap was developed and recently released, outlining specific actions to be undertaken by both parties.


Current cooperation focuses on:

  • 塑料:共同参与旨在减少塑料污染的全球谈判。举办关于塑料循环经济转型的研讨会,讨论设计、生命周期方法以及生物基、可降解和可堆肥塑料的最新发展。
  • 电池价值链与再制造:探索在电池管理和再制造方面的合作机会,以提高资源效率并减少环境影响。
  • Plastics: Joint participation in global negotiations for a plastics treaty to reduce plastic pollution. Planning workshop on the transition to a circular economy for plastics, discussing design, lifecycle approaches, and the latest developments in bio-based, biodegradable, and compostable plastics.
  • Battery Value Chains and Remanufacturing: Explore opportunities for cooperation in battery management and remanufacturing to enhance resource efficiency and reduce environmental impact.


Looking ahead, the EU and China are set to continue and expand their cooperation in the circular economy, implementing a series of new projects and initiatives.


Future work will include:

  • 实施合作路线图:该路线图将于2024年启动,重点是塑料、电池和再制造。
  • 技术援助和试点项目:一个由欧盟资助的新项目将于 2024 年初启动,在三年内提供技术援助、支持试点测试以及最佳实践的推广。
  • 定期审查与调整:将每年举行高级别对话,审查合作路线图的进展情况,并根据需要调整优先事项和战略。
  • 持续的政策与技术交流:通过定期的政策与技术交流,持续分享经验和最佳实践,以促进全球循环经济的发展。
  • Implementing the Cooperation Roadmap: The roadmap will be rolled out in 2024, with a focus on plastics, batteries, and remanufacturing.
  • Technical Assistance and Pilot Projects: A new EU-funded project will start in early 2024, providing technical assistance, support for pilot testing, and dissemination of best practices over three years.
  • Regular Reviews and Adjustments: Annual high-level dialogues will be held to review the progress of the cooperation roadmap and adjust priorities and strategies as needed.
  • Ongoing Policy and Technical Exchanges: Continued sharing of experiences and best practices through regular policy and technical exchanges to promote the development of a global circular economy.


Through these efforts, the cooperation between the EU and China on the circular economy not only contributes to sustainable development goals but also provides a model for global environmental protection and resource efficiency.


Opportunities for EU and Chinese Companies in the Circular Economy Collaboration


Sustainability Branding


For Chinese companies, embracing circular economy practices through cooperation with the EU presents a significant opportunity to enhance their corporate image and competitive advantage. By integrating sustainable practices, Chinese firms can attract eco-conscious consumers and investors, differentiating themselves from competitors. This alignment with international sustainability standards not only opens doors to new markets but also builds customer loyalty and trust. On the other hand, EU companies can further bolster their reputation as global sustainability leaders. Collaborating with Chinese partners showcases a commitment to international environmental goals, which enhances corporate reputation and attracts ESG-focused investors. Additionally, a strong sustainability brand helps EU firms penetrate the Chinese market, appealing to the growing demographic of environmentally aware consumers.


Joint Ventures and Partnerships


Joint ventures and partnerships between Chinese and EU companies create a platform for resource sharing, innovation, and market expansion. These collaborations enable companies to share technology, expertise, and capital, reducing costs and facilitating the development of sustainable solutions. By combining diverse perspectives, companies can co-develop new technologies to address circular economy challenges, such as waste reduction and resource efficiency. Furthermore, joint ventures help mitigate risks associated with entering new markets or developing new technologies, spreading financial and operational risks across partners. This collaborative approach not only enhances market reach but also promotes integrated, circular supply chains, contributing to a more sustainable and resource-efficient global economy.


Innovation and Research & Development


Innovation and Research & Development serves as a critical catalyst for advancing the circular economy, particularly in the collaborative efforts between Chinese and EU companies. Through cross-pollination of ideas and technology transfer, these partnerships foster transformative innovations in waste management, resource efficiency, and sustainable product design. By jointly identifying market needs and investing in long-term research initiatives, companies can develop market-driven solutions that adhere to circular economy principles. Collaborative R&D projects, such as smart waste management systems, circular product design platforms, and advanced recycling technologies, demonstrate the potential for cross-border innovation to address global sustainability challenges. Through these initiatives, Chinese and EU companies not only drive technological advancements but also cultivate a culture of innovation that propels the circular economy agenda forward, contributing to a more sustainable and resource-efficient future.

Credit: Courtesy of Novonesis



Novonesis’Biosolutions Close the Loop of Plastic



Novenesis closely collaborate with its partners to develop transformative biosolutions to decouple the needs for virgin plastics and reduce the plastic waste.

Today, PET plastic can only be mechanically recycled a limited number of times before its quality is compromised. At this point, it will be necessary to add virgin plastic to compensate. This both increases demand for plastics and also increases waste.

Carbios, a Novonensis business partner, has developed a revolutionary enzymatic biosolution that can break down PET waste of all types (bottles, trays, fibers, etc) into monomers, the original building blocks of PET. These monomers are then reassembled by PET producers to create recycled PET which has the same quality as virgin fossil-based plastic.


Another innovative solution is about 100% compostable PLA plastics. By this solution, a food container, such as a tray, that is food grade, high performing and durable –can be disposed of with food waste.

It is now possible thanks to a new PLA material containing enzymes developed by our partner Carbolice.

Under the right composting conditions, this new enzymatic PLA fully degrades leaving no toxins or microplastics behind.

This means PLA packaging can be treated as food waste that can be composted either at home or industrially, essentially removing another plastic source from the plastic waste stream. Novonesis is currently scaling up production of Carbios’ patented PET-degrading enzymes which is projected to recycle 2 billion PET bottles a year.


Biosolutions can do more in the new frontier for solutions aligned with virgin plastic demand than waste.

Instead of using petrochemical oil, biosolutions can be used to produce plastics made from different kinds of biomass. This type of biobased plastic enables a more circular production process compared to fossil feedstock-based plastics. Novonesis has a range of offerings for biorefining of lignocellulose, organic waste or starch into fermentable sugars.

Biosolutions can be also used to biodegrade plastics, such as PBAT, PBS and PLA, for a more environmentally-friendly end-of-life or recycling.


Final Remarks


At CNEUCN, we specialize in facilitating seamless market entry and collaboration between Chinese and European companies, particularly in the realm of circular economy. By providing invaluable insights and comprehensive assistance, we help Chinese companies enhance their sustainability branding and comply with European standards, making them more competitive in the EU market. Simultaneously, we support European companies in navigating the Chinese market by fostering strategic partnerships and aligning them with local market dynamics. Our dedicated scientific committee and long-term partners are focused on decarbonization, driving joint ventures and collaborative R&D projects, and fostering innovations in waste management, resource efficiency, and sustainable product design. This dual approach empowers businesses on both sides to thrive in new markets, driving technological advancements and contributing to a more sustainable and resource-efficient global economy.

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仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。

China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China and Europe path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.

China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.