

Progetto CMR 30周年庆典 30年稳步发展


260 million sqm of MASTERPLAN
40 million sqm BUILT AREA
4,000 PROJECTS in over

Progetto CMR是意大利领先的综合设计公司之一,2024年迎来其30周年庆典,期间完成了多个重要项目——例如由Covivio在米兰开发的The Sign商务区——超过150个项目,包括已获得合同的项目和处于不同阶段的开发项目,超过30个正在建设的工地,其中包括乌迪内大学的新医学系,卡拉布里亚Entopan公司的Harmonic创新中心,巴勒莫的RI.MED生物技术与生物医学研究中心,以及位于罗马港的米兰-科尔蒂纳2026年冬季奥运会奥运村,Progetto CMR负责该项目的施工管理。

Progetto CMR, one of the leading integrated design firms in Italy, is celebrating 30 years of activity in 2024, with the completion of several important projects – such as the business district The Sign, developed in Milan by Covivio – more than 150 works between awarded contracts and projects in various stages of development, and over 30 active construction sites, including the new Department of Medicine at the University of Udine, the Harmonic Innovation Hub by Entopan in Calabria, the RI.MED Biotechnology and Biomedical Research Center in Palermo, and the Olympic Village in Porta Romana for the Milan-Cortina 2026 Winter Games, for which the company is overseeing the construction management.

Progetto CMR最近在米兰的路易吉·博科尼商业大学大礼堂举办了一场晚会,庆祝其成立30周年。该活动由意大利喜剧演员和主持人Enrico Bertolino主持,他与众多意大利机构代表、商界、体育界和文化界的知名人物以及客户进行了对话,回顾了公司在三十年中的关键发展时刻。晚会中穿插了纯正的摇滚音乐表演,包括Stefano Belisari(Elio e le Storie Tese乐队的主唱)的演出和歌手Edoardo Bennato的表演。随后,在大礼堂的门厅为1000多位嘉宾提供了鸡尾酒招待,场地布置了Progetto CMR的项目模型、设计作品和专利的临时展览,其中包括CELLIA®,这是一种用于更高效、技术更先进建筑的互动幕墙,2024年获得了Compasso D’Oro ADI奖,这是由Gio Ponti于1954年创立的全球最重要和最负盛名的设计奖项。

Progetto CMR recently celebrated its 30th anniversary with an evening event held in the grand hall of the Luigi Bocconi Commercial University in Milan. The event was hosted by Italian comedian and presenter Enrico Bertolino, who engaged in discussions with numerous representatives from Italian institutions, prominent figures from the world of business, sports, and culture, as well as clients who retraced the key moments of the company’s growth and development over the three decades. The evening’s narrative was punctuated by pure rock music moments, including a performance by Stefano Belisari and a show by singer-songwriter Edoardo Bennato. Following this, a cocktail reception was served to over 1,000 guests in the foyer of the Aula Magna, where the space was set up with a temporary exhibition featuring models of projects, design objects, and patents by Progetto CMR, including CELLIA, the interactive façade for more efficient and technologically advanced buildings, which received the Compasso D’Oro ADI in 2024, the most important and prestigious international design award, established in 1954 by Gio Ponti.

今天,Progetto CMR由多个业务单元组成——医疗设计(Healthcare Design)、产品设计(Product Design)、零售设计(Retail Design)、工作空间设计(Workspace Design——这些单元与建筑设计、工程与建设、室内设计以及健康与安全的专业团队协同工作,跟进项目从可行性研究到完成的所有阶段。其项目组合在酒店业以及学生公寓领域增长强劲——前者包括米兰的Puccini酒店等大型行业运营商的项目,后者包括米兰大学位于via Muzio Attendolo Sforza的新学生公寓。

Today, Progetto CMR is composed of several business units – Healthcare Design, Product Design, Retail Design, Workspace Design – working in synergy with specialized teams in Building Design, Engineering & Construction, Interior Design, and Health & Safety, to follow the project’s development through all its phases, from feasibility studies to completion. The project portfolio is growing strongly in the Hospitality sector – with projects for major industry operators, such as the Hotel Puccini in Milan – and in Student Housing, such as the new Student Housing for the University of Milan in via Muzio Attendolo Sforza.

在30年来获得的78项国际奖项中——包括Red Dot Design Award、IF Design Award、CTBUH Best Tall Building Award和Mipim Award——Progetto CMR的首席执行官兼创始人Massimo Roj建筑荣获了材料和技术系统设计类 2024Compasso D’Oro ADI,获奖作品是 CELLIA®,这是一种新型互动外墙专利模型,可用于技术更先进、更节能的建筑。

Among the 78 international awards received over 30 years of activity – including the Red Dot Design Award, the IF Design Award, the CTBUH Best Tall Building Award, and the Mipim Award – in 2024, Arch. Massimo Roj, CEO and Founder of Progetto CMR, received the Compasso D’Oro ADI 2024 in the category of material and technological systems design, awarded to CELLIA®, the new patented model of an interactive façade for more technologically advanced and energy-efficient buildings.

自1994年成立以来,Progetto CMR稳步增长。如今,除了位于米兰的总部外,还在罗马雅典伊斯坦布尔北京河内雅加达设有6个办事处。Progetto CMR是EAN——European Architect Network的合作伙伴,这是一个国际设计公司网络,并拥有一个由超过200名来自20个不同国家的专业人士组成的跨学科团队。

Since its founding in 1994, Progetto CMR has grown steadily. Today, in addition to its headquarters in in Milan, it has 6 offices in Rome, Athens, Istanbul, Beijing, Hanoi, and Jakarta. Progetto CMR is a partner of EAN – European Architect Network – an international network of design firms – and benefits from a multidisciplinary team of more than 200 professionals from 20 different nationalities.

公司拥有超过4000个国内外项目的组合,涵盖了4000万平方米的建筑面积,展示了其在从城市总体规划到工作空间规划,从医院建筑到体育设施及工业设计等多方面的能力。Progetto CMR在全球超过20个国家设计并实施了项目,包括阿尔巴尼亚、比利时、巴西、柬埔寨、中国、埃及、埃塞俄比亚、法国、格鲁吉亚、德国、希腊、印度、印度尼西亚、英国、意大利、肯尼亚、塞内加尔、西班牙、土耳其、乌干达和越南。

With a portfolio of over 4,000 national and international projects, covering 40 million square meters of built space, the company has demonstrated its ability to work on various scales, from urban masterplanning to workspace planning, from healthcare buildings to sports facilities, and industrial design. Progetto CMR has designed and executed projects in over 20 countries worldwide, including Albania, Belgium, Brazil, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, England, Italy, Kenya, Senegal, Spain, Turkey, Uganda, and Vietnam.

为了持续应对市场日益复杂的需求,Progetto CMR的操作特色是其在建筑、工程和设计上的综合方法。这种方法随后被应用于Progetto CMR国际控股旗下的整个集团公司,包括Progetto CMR本身、SportiumProgetto Design & BuildBimfactoryAgevola 360Dontstop ArchitetturaInFireEnergySaveStain Engineering,形成了一系列在建筑、工程、设计、空间创造和专业咨询领域具有互补技能的垂直专业化公司。2023年,Progetto CMR International的合并收入为4500万欧元,净利润为240万欧元。

To consistently respond to the increasing complexity of the market, the hallmark of Progetto CMR’s operations is an integrated approach to architecture, engineering, and design. This approach was subsequently applied to the entire group of companies under the Progetto CMR International holding, which includes, in addition to Progetto CMR itself, Sportium, Progetto Design & Build, Bimfactory, Agevola 360, Dontstop Architettura, InFire, EnergySave, Stain Engineering, forming a galaxy of vertically specialized companies with complementary skills, active in the fields of architecture, engineering, design, space creation, and specialist consulting. In 2023, Progetto CMR International reported consolidated revenues of 45 million euros and a profit of 2.4 million euros.

“在这30年里,Progetto CMR一直遵循InsideOut方法,该方法以人为中心,专注于从内到外满足其需求的设计过程,适用于小到大规模的项目”,Progetto CMR的首席执行官兼创始人Massimo Roj建筑师表示,“我们应用的综合设计基于环境、社会和治理的考虑,今天被称为ESG,这是设计师工作辐射的焦点,帮助塑造当代转型并描绘未来场景。”

“Over these 30 years, Progetto CMR has operated according to the InsideOut approach, a method that places the human being at the centre and focuses on the design process that meets their needs, from the inside out, applicable from small to large scale,” says Arch. Massimo Roj, CEO and Founder of Progetto CMR. “The integrated design we apply is based on environmental, social, and governance considerations, today identified as ESG, which are the focal point from which the designer’s work radiates, helping shape contemporary transformations and tracing future scenarios.”


Xiantao Big Data Valley Phase 2, Chongqing

Progetto CMR 的方法深深植根于将可持续设计实践融入到解决中国城市和工业环境中独特挑战的过程中。

Progetto CMR 引入了先进的绿色建筑认证、尖端技术和定制化解决方案,直接有助于减少碳排放目标。这包括在新开发项目中优化能源使用、为现有建筑配备节能系统以及实施智能城市技术,全面提升可持续性。

城市区、新经济和开发区以及企业将受益于 Progetto CMR 在创造符合经济和环境目标的可持续且成本效益高的解决方案方面的专业知识。

通过与CNEUCN及其合作伙伴的合作,Progetto CMR 以其综合的建筑和工程方法闻名,为中国城市和工业领域的碳排放减少和能源效率提升做出了显著贡献。

Progetto CMR 可以利用其在重庆“仙桃大数据谷二期”项目中的经验,这是一个可持续的地标性建筑(约30万平方米的商业综合体),设计中融入了先进的节能系统,以及“中意国际合作示范区”在嘉善的项目,这是一个4.5平方公里的全碳中和区示范模型。

Progetto CMR’s approach is deeply rooted in integrating sustainable design practices that address the unique challenges of urban and industrial environments in China. 

Progetto CMR brings advanced green building certifications, cutting-edge technologies, and customized solutions that directly contribute to carbon reduction targets. This includes optimizing energy use in new developments, retrofitting existing structures with energy-efficient systems, and implementing smart city technologies that enhance overall sustainability. 

City districts, new economic and development zones, and companies stand to benefit from Progetto CMR’s expertise in creating sustainable and cost-effective solutions that meet both economic and environmental objectives.

By collaborating with CNEUCN and its partners, Progetto CMR, renowned for its integrated approach to architecture and engineering, offers significant contributions to carbon emission reduction and energy efficiency in China’s urban and industrial sectors.

Progetto CMR can leverage its experience from projects like the “Xiantao Big Data Valley Phase 2” in Chongqing, a sustainable landmark (around 300,000 square meters commercial complex) designed with advanced energy-saving systems, and the ” Sino-Italian International Cooperation Demonstration Zone”, in Jiashan, a 4.5 square kilometres model for fully carbon neutral district.

中意国际合作示范区, 嘉善

Sino-Italian International Cooperation Demonstration Zone, Jiashan

对于城市区、经济区和企业,Progetto CMR 提供定制化的设计解决方案,提升能源效率和可持续性。他们专注于智能城市规划、零能耗建筑和循环经济原则,帮助客户实现大幅度的碳排放减少和运营成本节约。Progetto CMR 能够整合绿色技术,如智能照明、能源回收系统和高性能建筑材料,直接支持中国的碳中和目标。

通过与 CNEUCN 及其合作伙伴合作,Progetto CMR 可以共同交付高价值、可持续的开发项目,这些项目不仅符合环保标准,还能使客户成为绿色创新和环保实践的领导者。

For city districts, economic zones, and companies, Progetto CMR delivers tailored design solutions that enhance energy efficiency and sustainability. Their focus on smart urban planning, zero-energy buildings, and circular economy principles helps clients achieve substantial carbon reductions and operational savings. Progetto CMR’s ability to integrate green technologies, such as smart lighting, energy recovery systems, and high-performance building materials, directly supports China’s carbon-neutral targets.

Collaborating with CNEUCN and its partners, Progetto CMR can jointly deliver high-value, sustainable developments that not only meet environmental standards but also position clients as leaders in green innovation and eco-friendly practices.