


Merck is a vibrant science & technology company headquartered in Darmstadt, Germany, focusing on Life Science, Healthcare, and Electronics. Today, Merck has around 63,000 employees in 65 countries and generated sales of €21 billion in 2023.


Science is at the heart of everything Merck does, driving discoveries and technological innovations. The company positively impacts millions of lives daily, fueled by constant curiosity and a specialist approach that fosters partnerships and brings new ideas to life. From advancing gene-editing technologies and discovering novel treatments for challenging diseases to enabling intelligent devices – Merck is everywhere.


Merck believes in the talent and passion of curious minds, viewing science as a force for good. It aims to enhance the human experience and promote more joyful and sustainable ways to live.


Merck History:


Merck is a family-owned company with a history of 356 years. Its roots lie in the “Engel-Apotheke” (Angel Pharmacy) in Darmstadt, purchased by Friedrich Jacob Merck in 1668.


Merck China:


As a vibrant science & technology company, Merck strives to sustainably impact every life in China.


Merck has been operating in China for more than 90 years. In 1933, Merck founded E. Merck Chemical Co., Ltd., its first subsidiary, in Shanghai. At present, Merck has nearly 4,500 employees in China and 21 legal entities in Beijing, Shanghai, Nantong, Wuxi, Suzhou, Zhangjiagang, Hong Kong, etc.


Today, China is Merck’s second-largest market worldwide, with sales exceeding €2.7 billion in 2023. In the past decade, Merck continued to deepen its presence in the Chinese market. Merck invested nearly RMB 6 billion in establishing sites, labs, and warehouses across Shanghai, Nantong, Suzhou, Wuxi, Zhangjiagang, and other places, and reached multiple strategic cooperation agreements with local partners.


Reflecting on 90 years of development in China, Merck firmly believes that the positive power of science and technology will drive the company forward, push the boundaries of possibility, and contribute “Merck power” to enhance the life experience of all mankind.

可持续发展是默克集团战略的关键组成部分。到2030 年,默克的目标是将可持续性融入所有的价值链,通过可持续的科技助力10 亿多人实现人类进步。到2040 年,默克希望实现“气候中和”并减少资源消耗。

Sustainability is a key component of the Merck Group strategy. By 2030, Merck aims to integrate sustainability into all value chains and achieve human progress for more than one billion people through sustainable science and technology. And by 2040, Merck expects to achieve climate neutrality and reduce resource consumption.


Synergic Cooperation:

与领先的科技公司默克建立战略合作伙伴关系是仲欧脱碳科技(CNEUCN)发展的又一个里程碑,CNEUCN 将成为一个提供全面解决方案的综合平台,为实现碳中和提供支持。此次合作增强了 CNEUCN 所有合作伙伴在提供高质量产品和服务、促进了可持续发展实践方面的能力。无论是应对大型城市规模的挑战,还是应对单个公司面临的挑战,CNEUCN 都能通过其学术专家、专业顾问和高科技设备供应商合作伙伴的协同贡献,提供最先进、最具成本效益、最省时的解决方案。

The strategic partnership with Merck, a leading science and technology company, marks another milestone in CNEUCN’s development as an integrated platform offering comprehensive solutions to support the journey toward carbon neutrality. 

The collaboration enhances the capabilities of all CNEUCN partners in delivering high-quality products and services, fostering sustainable practices. Whether addressing large urban scale challenges or those faced by individual companies, CNEUCN, through the synergistic contributions of its academic experts, professional consultants, and high-technology equipment provider partners, can deliver the most advanced, cost-effective, and time-saving solutions.