


The Top 5 Factors to Consider


As organizations address ambitious net-zero targets, executive level profiles must navigate a complex landscape that demands a delicate balance between financial stewardship and environmental responsibility, amidst constant macroeconomic risks. There are several critical factors to consider when navigating decarbonisation and its impact throughout the organisation.


Strategic Financial Planning for a Carbon Neutral Future


The transition to a carbon neutral economy requires a fundamental reimagining of traditional financial models. Executives should develop comprehensive strategies that integrate decarbonization into every aspect of financial planning and decision-making.

1. 实施内部碳定价

1. Implementing Internal Carbon Pricing


Internal carbon pricing has emerged as a powerful tool for organizations to factor the cost of carbon emissions into their financial decisions.

– 确定碳价格: 首先要确定一个合适的碳价格。这可以基于当前的市场价格、监管基准或未来预测。例如,一些公司根据其所在国家的具体情况和所属地区的平均水平来确定每吨二氧化碳的价格范围,而另一些公司则根据更高的价格来制定未来战略。

– Define the Carbon Price: Start by determining an appropriate carbon price. This can be based on current market prices, regulatory benchmarks, or future projections. For example, some companies use a price range  per ton of CO2 based on the specific country where they are based and an average of the geographic region where they belong to, while others align with higher prices to future-proof their strategies.

– 融入财务模型:将碳价格嵌入财务模型和决策过程中。这意味着调整项目评估、资本支出决策和运营预算,以反映碳成本。

– Integrate into Financial Models: Embed the carbon price into financial models and decision-making processes. This means adjusting project evaluations, capital expenditure decisions, and operational budgets to reflect the cost of carbon.

– 监测和调整:定期审查和调整内部碳价格,以反映外部市场、监管环境和公司目标的变化。这确保定价机制保持相关性和有效性。

– Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review and adjust the internal carbon price to reflect changes in external markets, regulatory environments, and company goals. This ensures the pricing mechanism remains relevant and effective.

2. 革新资本配置

2. Revolutionizing Capital Allocation


Decarbonization necessitates a fundamental shift in how companies allocate capital. There must develop robust frameworks for evaluating and prioritizing low-carbon investments while managing the transition away from carbon-intensive assets.

– 进行资产组合审查: 从气候角度定期审查现有资产组合。找出提高效率、改造或剥离高排放资产的机会。有时,在更换资产之前,最好先让资产运转起来,而不是进行改造,但这要视具体情况而定。无论如何,最好能尽早进行这些计算和对话,以利用任何可能获得的补贴。

– Conduct Portfolio Reviews: Regularly review the existing asset portfolio through a climate lens. Identify opportunities for efficiency improvements, retrofitting, or divestment of high-emission assets. At times its better to run the asset down before replacing assets instead of retrofitting but it all depends on the  circumstances. In any case,it is far better to have these calculations and conversations earlier to make use of any potentially available subsidies.

– 实施搁浅资产风险评估:使用情景分析来评估由于气候相关因素导致资产“搁浅”的可能性。这包括在不同的气候路径和监管情景下对资产估值进行压力测试。这可以通过逐渐增加用于低碳举措的资本支出比例来支持。有必要设定明确的目标和时间表,以确保责任和进展。

– Implement Stranded Asset Risk Assessments: Use scenario analysis to evaluate the potential for assets to become “stranded” due to climate-related factors. This involves stress-testing asset valuations under different climate pathways and regulatory scenarios. This can be supported by gradually increasing the proportion of capital expenditure dedicated to low-carbon initiatives. It will be necessary to set clear targets and timelines to ensure accountability and progress.

Source: TodayESG


3. 风险管理

3. Risk Management


The evolving nature of climate-related regulations presents both significant risks and opportunities for businesses. Where regulations are changing and some compliance standards being pushed out, this serves an important catalyst to streamline cost savings during uncertainty.


A large portion of enterprises, especially the small-medium size ones and even some public one, do not have calculated scenarios plans but often run the tactical navigations based on what they “believe” could happen without running probabilities or estimated outcomes. This is different from budgeting. By conducting Scenario Planning and utilising financial models that account for various carbon price scenarios this is a far more accurate approach to assess the impact on profitability, competitiveness, and operational costs under different pricing regimes.


Where companies do not have risk management division, it often falls on the financial department to supplement this function. Certain activities include undertaking a comprehensive Risk Mapping review. By identifying and quantifying risks across the value chain, using value mapping principles, it involves conducting detailed risk assessments for suppliers, operations, and end markets, then mapping these risks to financial metrics.


Once a dissection of the business through risk mapping with a decarbonisation lens is complete, the final step is Financial Impact Modelling. By incorporating models to assess the potential financial implications of transition risks on revenues, costs, and asset values. This might involve scenario analysis, sensitivity testing, and stress-testing financial projections.

4. 数据管理

4. Data Management


Many companies often find  difficult to collect data accurately and in a complete manner through their ERP systems or even consolidate data from their various divisions. Poor data will lead to suboptimal results and incorrect decisions being made. Therefore its important to consider data management methods and associated costs to improve longevity of decarbonization strategies. Solutions needn’t to be expensive as there are affordable IoT sensors, data analytics platforms, and smaller outsourcing companies that can handle data management if the companies don’t have it already.

5. 利益相关者参与和沟通

5. Stakeholder Engagement and Communication


Whilst it is impossible to ignore the decarbonisation trend, companies still struggle to have internal buy-in, partly due to the stigma of Green washing. Every corner of the organisation is vital in optimising the transition to decarbonisation and improving financial performance.

– 培训和研讨会:组织培训课程和研讨会,以增强董事会对气候相关问题的理解。这可能包括邀请外部专家、进行案例研究,并提供相关资源的获取途径。定期举行公开会议,讨论脱碳进展、挑战和机会,促进信息共享、问题解决和目标一致。虽然这是一个简单的解决方案,但在让所有员工参与方面非常有效,因为它提供了董事会在“车间”层面不一定具备的可见性。

– Training and Workshops: Organize training sessions and workshops to enhance the board’s understanding of climate-related issues. This might involve engaging external experts, conducting case studies, and providing access to relevant resources. Holding periodic open meetings to discuss decarbonization progress, challenges, and opportunities, facilitates information sharing, problem-solving, and alignment. Although a simple solution, its highly effective in having all employees engaged in this as it provides visibility that the board won’t always have on the “shop floor” level.

– 融入治理:确保将与气候相关的风险和机会纳入组织的治理框架。这可能涉及设立专门的董事会委员会,设定与气候相关的关键绩效指标,并将气候因素纳入风险管理流程。

– Integrate into Governance: Ensure that climate-related risks and opportunities are integrated into the organization’s governance framework. This might involve establishing dedicated board committees, setting climate-related KPIs, and incorporating climate considerations into risk management processes.

6. 薪酬与关键绩效指标的一致性

  • Compensation and KPI alignment.


Linking remuneration to the achievement of sustainability goals is crucial for driving leadership commitment and prevents decarbonisation being just on the PR or News page of companies. Setting clear targets might come with resistance and push back. However clear, measurable targets for emissions reduction ensures that executives understand what is expected by them and remain committed. Linking a portion of executive compensation to the achievement of these targets might involve incorporating sustainability metrics into bonus structures, long-term incentive plans, and other compensation elements. This forms part of a culture with incentive programs that reward employees for contributing to emissions reduction efforts. This might involve offering bonuses, recognition awards, and other incentives.




The role of the management in particular within finance department, is critical in decarbonisation. By addressing these complex challenges head-on, they can position their organizations not just to survive but to thrive in the carbon neutral future. The most successful finance leaders will be those who view decarbonization not as a compliance exercise, but as a strategic opportunity for innovation, efficiency, and long-term value creation.


With our multidisciplinary team of scholars and experts, which includes financial analysts, CNEUCN stands ready to be your strategic partner. We are ready to help spearhead companies’ strategy into actionable implementation that reduces operation costs, improves optimisations and keeps your organisation compliant and competitive while unlocking sustainable growth potential.