
State of the Energy Union Report2024



The EU Green Deal in Action. Turning Carbon Goals into Reality: The Next Decade of Energy Transition under the Green Deal and Dual Carbon Strategy


On 11 September the European Commission released the State of the Energy Union Report 2024.

It outlines the EU’s progress towards building a more sustainable and secure energy system, emphasizing the implementation of the European Green Deal.

This ambitious policy framework aims to reduce the European Union’s greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, ensuring the transition to a carbon-neutral economy by 2050.

The report emphasizes energy security, energy efficiency, the transition to renewable energy sources, and the development of clean energy technologies as crucial elements of the EU’s strategy.



  1. 脱碳:到2050年实现净零排放是欧盟的核心目标。欧盟在从化石燃料向可再生能源过渡方面取得了显著进展。太阳能和风能已成为欧洲能源系统的基石,其在能源组合中的份额逐年增加。报告指出,虽然化石燃料的消耗持续下降,但欧盟必须继续专注于增加可再生能源,并促进能源储存解决方案以确保电网稳定。
  2. 能源效率:能源效率仍然是欧盟总体战略的关键组成部分。报告强调,欧盟致力于减少所有领域的能源消耗,尤其是建筑、交通和工业领域。诸如《能源效率指令》和“翻新浪潮”等项目已带来了可衡量的改善,更多节能住宅和基础设施有助于减少整体排放。
  3. 能源安全:2024年报告特别强调了能源安全,尤其是考虑到最近的地缘政治发展和冲突。这些事件凸显了欧盟对进口化石燃料的依赖,以及实现能源来源多样化的紧迫性。报告概述了通过加快可再生能源开发、加强液化天然气进口和提高成员国之间的互联互通来减少对俄罗斯天然气依赖的战略。能源安全与欧盟促进可再生能源和多样化能源供应的广泛努力密切相关。
  4. 内部能源市场:创建一个综合且有竞争力的能源市场仍然是首要任务。欧盟在改善跨境能源流动方面取得了长足进展,从而增强了能源安全,并确保能源市场具有弹性,能够抵御冲击。报告还强调了价格透明度和消费者权利的重要性,确保欧盟公民能够获得负担得起的清洁能源。
  5. 研究、创新和竞争力:报告强调,创新是能源转型成功的关键。欧盟增加了对清洁能源技术的投资,包括氢能、电池储存以及碳捕集与封存(CCS)。研究和创新的目的旨在提高这些技术的效率、降低成本,并使其能够在各个行业中更广泛地应用。

Key Highlights of the Energy Union Report

The Energy Union aims to provide reliable, affordable, and environmentally sustainable energy for all EU citizens, grounded in five key dimensions:

  1. Decarbonization: Central to the EU’s goals is achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

The EU’s efforts to transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy have shown significant progress. Solar and wind energy have become the cornerstones of Europe’s energy system, with their share of the energy mix growing annually.

The report stresses that while fossil fuel consumption continues to decline, the EU must remain focused on further increasing renewable energy sources and fostering energy storage solutions to ensure grid stability.

  • Energy Efficiency: Energy efficiency remains a critical component of the EU’s overall strategy. The report highlights the EU’s commitment to reducing energy consumption across all sectors, especially in buildings, transportation, and industry.

Programs like the Energy Efficiency Directive and Renovation Wave have led to measurable improvements, with more energy-efficient homes and infrastructure helping to cut overall emissions.

  • Energy Security: The 2024 report places significant emphasis on energy security, especially in light of recent geopolitical developments and conflicts.

These events have underscored the EU’s dependence on imported fossil fuels, and the urgent need to diversify energy sources. The report outlines strategies to reduce dependency on Russian gas by accelerating renewable energy development, enhancing LNG imports, and increasing interconnectivity among member states. Energy security is intrinsically linked to the EU’s broader efforts to promote renewable energy and diversify its energy supply.

  • Internal Energy Market: The creation of an integrated and competitive energy market remains a top priority.

The EU has made strides in improving cross-border energy flows, thus enhancing energy security and ensuring that the energy market is resilient and able to withstand shocks. The report also emphasizes the importance of price transparency and consumer rights, ensuring that EU citizens have access to affordable and clean energy.

  • Research, Innovation, and Competitiveness: The report stresses that innovation is key to the success of the energy transition.

The EU has increased its investment in clean energy technologies, including hydrogen, battery storage, and carbon capture and storage (CCS). Research and innovation efforts are geared towards improving the efficiency of these technologies, reducing costs, and making them more scalable across sectors.


Source: European Commission



  • 氢能经济


  • 工业脱碳与建筑材料


Impacts on Global Partnerships and Opportunities for Green Energy Firms

The EU’s energy transition presents significant opportunities for collaboration with global partners, which shares many of the EU’s climate goals.

The EU’s shift to clean energy offers vast business prospects for companies involved in the development of renewable energy systems, smart grid and construction materials and technologies with low carbon footprint.

China-Europe Carbon Neutral (CNEUCN), for instance, stands at the forefront of facilitating partnerships between companies that focus on green energy production and environmental technologies.

  • Hydrogen Economy

Hydrogen is another area of focus in the Energy Union Report. The EU sees clean hydrogen as a vital component of its energy transition, particularly for industries that are difficult to decarbonize, such as steel and cement production. The development of green hydrogen—hydrogen produced using renewable energy—presents a unique opportunity for collaboration between China and Europe. China’s growing investment in hydrogen technologies, combined with Europe’s expertise in renewable energy production, creates an ideal environment for joint ventures and technological exchanges in this sector.

  • Decarbonizing Industry and Building Materials

The EU is also focusing on decarbonizing its industrial sector, which remains one of the largest sources of emissions. There is growing interest in the use of advanced materials that are both energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

The Renovation Wave initiative, which seeks to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, is expected to drive demand for green building materials such as high-performance insulation, energy-efficient windows, and sustainable concrete alternatives. Foreign companies specializing in these materials can enter the European market, while European firms can provide design expertise and regulatory compliance support.


Source: European Commission

  • 可再生能源


  • 电池储能与能源存储解决方案


  • Renewable Energy

One of the critical areas where European and foreign firms can collaborate is in the development of renewable energy infrastructure. The EU’s reliance on solar and wind energy is increasing, and companies, which are leaders in the production of green energies technologies, have a prime opportunity to enter the European market. These companies can provide the necessary technologies at competitive prices, while European firms can offer expertise in grid management and energy efficiency.

  • Battery Storage and Energy Storage Solutions

With the expansion of renewable energy sources comes the need for robust energy storage solutions. As renewable energy is often intermittent, energy storage technologies like batteries are essential for ensuring a stable and reliable power supply. The State of the Energy Union Report highlights the need for advanced battery technologies, including large-scale battery storage systems and vehicle-to-grid technologies, to support the growing share of renewables in the EU’s energy mix.






The State of the Energy Union Report 2024 provides a comprehensive overview of the EU’s progress in achieving its climate and energy goals, with a strong focus on renewable energy, energy efficiency, and energy security. The report highlights the significant opportunities for global partnerships in advancing clean energy technologies.

For companies involved in renewable energy production, energy storage, and green building materials, the EU’s transition to a carbon-neutral economy presents significant business prospects.

China Europe Carbon Neutral can play a pivotal role in facilitating these synergies, acting as a bridge for international partnership and synergies in research and development, as well as in concrete implementation. CNEUCN can help facilitate joint ventures, knowledge exchanges, and the co-development of technologies that align with both Europe’s Green Deal and China’s Dual Carbon Strategy.

By leveraging its extensive network and expertise, CNEUCN is willing to help companies capitalize on the transformative potential of sustainability, driving innovation and fostering long-term growth in the global green energy sector.

Through its efforts, CNEUCN aims to contribute to the realization of both Europe’s Green Deal and China’s Dual Carbon Strategy, ensuring a more sustainable future for both regions


Full text of EU Commission official press release here: