
天津中新生态城: 2025-35年计划

GBRI 合作开发国家绿色示范区 Cooperation with GBRI in the Development of the National Green Demonstration Zone  

  1. 起源和初步计划


  1. Origin and Initial Plan

The China-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City was launched in 2008 as a collaborative project between the Chinese and Singaporean governments. The goal was to transform a 30-square-kilometer area of barren, salt-flat land in Tianjin into a model city for sustainable urban development. This joint project was rooted in addressing both nations’ shared concerns about sustainable development, energy efficiency, and the environmental impact of rapid urbanization. The city was designed to demonstrate how urbanization can be achieved while minimizing its environmental footprint, and also to serve as a testing ground for low-carbon technologies and innovations

  • 现状


  • Current Status

As of 2024, the Eco-City has successfully grown into a thriving urban centre with over 150,000 residents and approximately 30,000 companies. It is a recognized hub for green industry, research, and innovation. The project boasts advanced infrastructure for green living, including eco-friendly buildings, comprehensive public transportation systems, and highly efficient waste and water management facilities. In recent years, the Tianjin Eco-City has become a showcase for sustainable urban development. The city has continued to evolve, offering a range of smart city features, such as autonomous vehicles and smart public services. The most recent phase of development emphasizes the creation of green industrial clusters, expanded use of renewable energy, and ongoing cooperation between China and Singapore.

  • 公司的机会


  • 绿色技术方面的合作:科技公司可以在碳捕获、绿色能源和减少废物方面发挥关键作用
  • 咨询服务和建议:对希望在生态城投资或设立机构的国际公司来说,中国碳目标的复杂法规框架中的知识非常有价值。
  • 绿色金融合作:CNEUCN在支持绿色金融产品开发方面的经验可以帮助生态城内的公司获得可持续项目所需的资金。
  • Opportunities for Companies

The China-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City provides significant opportunities for companies in the environmental protection sector, including CNEUCN’s business partners. Given the city’s focus on low-carbon industries and green technologies, there is a demand for expertise and solutions in decarbonization, energy efficiency, and green building.

  • Collaboration in Green Technologies: tech companies can play a key role in contributing innovative technologies for carbon capture, green energy, and waste reduction.
  • Advisory Services and Consultation: knowledge in navigating the complex regulatory frameworks of China’s carbon goals can be valuable to international companies looking to invest or establish a presence in the Eco-City
  • Partnerships in Green Finance: CNEUCN’s experience in supporting the development of green financial products can help companies within the Eco-City secure the financing needed for sustainable projects.
  • 进一步发展(2024-2035


  • Further Development (2024-2035)

The latest “Implementation Plan for the Development of the China-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City as a National Green Development Demonstration Zone (2024-2035)” marks a significant expansion in the scope and ambition of the project. The Eco-City is set to become a national model for green development, with key targets for 2035 that include achieving internationally leading standards in green development.

  •  绿色产业集群与创新



  • 促进技术创新:通过建立绿色创新中心,吸引研发机构和绿色科技公司。该市计划争取绿色技术的关键知识产权,并积极参与国际标准的制定。
    • 支持绿色高端制造业:计划推动动力电池、燃料电池和自动驾驶系统等新技术。这些技术将有助于形成支持环保汽车和智能交通的完整产业链。
  • Green Industrial Clusters and Innovation

The Tianjin Eco-City will accelerate the development of green and low-carbon industries, focusing on creating high-value industrial clusters. These include advanced sectors like new energy vehicles, intelligent transportation systems, high-end green building technologies, and renewable energy.

The plan aims to:

  • Foster Technological Innovation: by establishing green innovation hubs, the city will attract R&D institutions and green technology firms. The city plans to secure key intellectual property in green technologies and actively participate in international standards-setting.
    • Support for Green High-End Manufacturing: The plan envisions the promotion of new technologies like power batteries, fuel cells, and autonomous driving systems. These technologies will help foster a complete industrial chain that supports the production of eco-friendly vehicles and intelligent transportation.
  • 能源转型和可持续发展目标


  • 绿色电力:到2030年,50%的城市电力消耗将来自可再生能源,预计到2035年这一比例将接近100%。该计划还强调扩大氢能源的使用,并将分布式光伏发电整合进城市基础设施中。
    • 碳排放减少:生态城计划到2035年,将单位GDP二氧化碳排放量从每万元0.27吨降至0.2吨或更。这一目标与中国到2060年实现碳中和的国家目标相统一。
  • Energy Transformation and Sustainability Goals

The eco-city will be a leader in energy transformation, aiming to significantly reduce carbon emissions and integrate non-fossil energy sources. Specific targets for the 2024-2035 period include:

  • Green Electricity: By 2030, 50% of the city’s electricity consumption will come from renewable sources, with this figure expected to reach nearly 100% by 2035. The plan also emphasizes expanding the use of hydrogen energy and integrating distributed photovoltaic power in urban infrastructure.
    • Carbon Emissions Reduction: The city aims to lower carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP from 0.27 tons per 10,000 yuan to 0.2 tons or lower by 2035. This target aligns with China’s national goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2060.
  • 城市基础设施与绿色生活


  • 可持续建筑:该市将全面实施绿色建筑标准,推广预制建筑和绿色材料,并确保绿色设计贯穿从设计到维护的整个建筑生命周期。
    • 交通与流动性:将建设密集的道路网络和公共交通系统,以优先发展绿色出行。在引入自动驾驶汽车和智能交通管理系统的支持下,生态城计划到 2035 年将绿色出行的比例从 64.8% 提高到 90% 以上。
    • 社区与社会基础设施:计划为居民提供高质量的公共服务,确保所有住宅区在500米步行范围内都有社区设施。
  • Urban Infrastructure and Green Living

Tianjin Eco-City will focus on creating liveable urban spaces, integrating green architecture and smart city technologies. Key initiatives include:

  • Sustainable Buildings: The city will fully implement green building standards across all construction projects. This involves promoting prefabricated buildings and green materials, and ensuring that green designs are incorporated throughout the building life cycle—from design to maintenance.
    • Transportation and Mobility: A dense road network and public transportation systems will be developed to prioritize green mobility. The city aims to increase the proportion of green travel from 64.8% to over 90% by 2035, supported by the introduction of autonomous vehicles and smart traffic management systems.
    • Community and Social Infrastructure: The city plans to provide residents with high-quality public services, ensuring that all residential areas have access to community facilities within a 500-meter walking distance.
  • 生态保护与气候适应能力


  • 湿地保护:到2030年实现100%的湿地保护率,体现了生态城对自然生态系统保护的承诺。
    • 生物多样性和水资源:计划包括提高水体质、建立连接城市绿地的生态走廊等举措,确保自然与城市基础设施的完美融合。
  • Ecological Preservation and Climate Resilience

Ecological sustainability is central to the future of the Eco-City, with efforts aimed at preserving biodiversity and enhancing the city’s resilience to climate change:

  • Wetland Protection: A 100% wetland protection rate is targeted by 2030, reflecting the city’s commitment to preserving natural ecosystems.
    • Biodiversity and Water Resources: The plan includes initiatives to enhance the quality of water bodies and establish ecological corridors that connect urban green spaces, ensuring a seamless blend of nature and urban infrastructure.
  • 智慧城市与数字经济


  • 发展智能电网:整合数字化和智能电网将促进更好的能源管理,实现能源消耗和供应的实时优化。
    • 支持绿色创新园区:生态城将作为智慧城市解决方案的试验场,创建展示绿色技术前沿创新的平台。这些园区还将促进产业、学术界和政府之间的合作。
  • Smart City and Digital Economy

A significant focus is placed on the digital transformation of the city to improve its sustainability and efficiency. The city will:

  • Develop Smart Grids: The integration of a digital and intelligent power grid will facilitate better energy management, allowing for real-time optimization of energy consumption and supply.
    • Support for Green Innovation Parks: The Eco-City will serve as a testing ground for smart city solutions, creating a platform for showcasing cutting-edge innovations in green technology. These parks will also foster collaboration between industry, academia, and government.
  • 天津生态城绿色建筑研究院有限公司(GBRI


在最近一次对天津生态城的实地考察中,CNEUCN首席执行官Massimo Bagnasco访问了GBRI总部,并进行了深入的合作讨论。

  • Tianjin Eco-City Green Building Research Institute Co., Ltd. (GBRI)

Tianjin Eco-city Green Building Research Institute Co., Ltd. (GBRI) was established in 2011, headquartered inside the Sino Singapore Eco-City, Binhai New Area, Tianjin. It is supported by government departments and jointly funded by five enterprises, including central enterprises, state-owned enterprises and private enterprises. It embed a think tank enterprise focusing on urban green low-carbon development and smart city construction.

Along his recent field trip to Tianjin Eco-City, Massimo Bagnasco, CNEUCN CEO, visited GBRI Headquarters and had an in deep discussion about cooperation. 


GBRI Headquarters

  • 企业概况


  • Enterprise Profile

After 11 years of pioneering and enterprising, GBRI has helped the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City to complete the whole process evaluation and technical review of all buildings, and gradually formed various solutions based on green and sustainable urban areas through continuous exploration and attempts. At present, the institute has completed the consultation, evaluation and declaration of more than 20 square kilometers of green ecological urban areas and more than 30 million square meters of green buildings, and has applied for more than 100 green building labels. It has successively won the several honors, among them: “National High-tech Enterprise”, “Postdoctoral Research Workstation”, “Supporting Unit for the Operation of Green Building Base in Northern China”, “National Green Building Pioneer Award”, “National Green Building Innovation Award”.

  • 企业优势
  • 技术团队


  • 公司业绩


  • 专技一站式咨询服务


  • Enterprise strength
  • Technical team

The Green Construction Institute has a high-quality team composed of experts, technicians and managers in professional fields.

  • Company performance

As a city think tank enterprise, the Green Construction Institute has established a trinity service system of city, architecture and technology. After more than ten years of pioneering and enterprising efforts, GBRI has served 17 cities, at home and abroad, providing comprehensive low-carbon solutions for green buildings, smart buildings, healthy buildings, zero-energy buildings and zero-carbon buildings.

  • One-stop consulting service for special technology

GBRI can provide one-stop service of design, construction, product and operation for low-carbon intelligent technology to enterprises which are engaged in technology research and development and product incubation of renewable energy, information platform, information technology and carbon reduction technology.

(1)                                                      (2)                                                      (3)

(1) 城市级能源管理平台 – (2) 城市级太阳能利用设备 – (3) 太阳能利用

(1) City-level energy management platform – (2) City-level solar energy utilization device – (3) Solar energy utilization

  • 企业社会责任与发展愿景


  • CSR and Vision for Development

GBRI and CNEUCN jointly promote corporate and social responsibility (CSR) as a necessary step towards carbon neutrality. 

  • 企业进入国家绿色发展示范区的机遇


  • Opportunities for Companies into the National Green Development Demonstration Zone

The ongoing transformation of the China-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City into a National Green Development Demonstration Zone by 2035 presents a wide array of opportunities for businesses involved in sustainability, decarbonization, green technologies, and urban innovation. This ambitious plan emphasizes green growth, low-carbon technologies, and international cooperation, making it a fertile ground for companies in environmental protection and related sectors.

  • 绿色与低碳技术:创新中心


  • 碳中和解决方案
    • 绿色建筑创新
    • 智能基础设施
  • Green and Low-Carbon Technologies: A Hub for Innovation

The Eco-City’s strong focus on developing green and low-carbon industries opens numerous avenues for CNEUCN business partners and other companies specializing in environmental protection, decarbonization, and sustainable technology. Key opportunities include:

  • Carbon Neutrality Solutions
    • Green Building Innovations
    • Smart Infrastructure
  • 绿色金融服务与投资


  • 绿色债券与金融产品
    • 绿色融资支持
  • Green Financial Services and Investment

Companies with extensive experience in developing green financial products and facilitating investments in sustainable projects. With the Eco-City striving to become a model for green finance, companies providing financial services for green initiatives can expect multiple investment opportunities, such as:

  • Green Bonds and Financial Products
    • Green Financing Support
  • 研究与开发(R&D)及国际合作


  • 研发与创新中心
    • 知识共享与人才培养
  • Research and Development (R&D) and International Collaboration

The Eco-City’s plan emphasizes the establishment of green innovation parks and R&D hubs for international cooperation. Opportunities for companies include:

  • R&D and Innovation Hubs
    • Knowledge Sharing and Talent Development
  • 绿色制造与高端技术


  • 清洁能源系统与设备
    • 低空经济
  • Green Manufacturing and High-End Technologies

The Eco-City places significant emphasis on developing green high-end manufacturing and advanced technologies. CNEUCN’s partners and other companies specializing in manufacturing eco-friendly products or offering green technology solutions can play a pivotal role in this transformation. Key opportunities include:

  • Clean Energy Systems and Equipment
    • Low Altitude Economy
  • 绿色物流、运输与智能交通


  • 自动驾驶与电动汽车
    • 绿色物流与供应链
  •  Green Logistics, Transportation, and Smart Mobility

The Eco-City’s focus on creating a low-carbon transportation network and improving urban mobility through green logistics and smart transportation systems presents opportunities for companies in logistics, transport, and automotive industries. Notable sectors for investment and participation include:

  • Autonomous and Electric Vehicles
    • Green Logistics and Supply Chains
  • 循环经济与废物管理


  • 废物转能源系统
    • 循环生产模式
  • Circular Economy and Waste Management

The Eco-City’s drive to promote a circular economy opens up a wide range of opportunities for companies engaged in waste management, resource recycling, and sustainable production processes. Specific opportunities include:

  • Waste-to-Energy Systems
    • Circular Production Models
  • 结论

天津中新生态城为从事可持续发展、绿色技术和城市创新的公司提供了广泛的商业机会。天津中新生态城生态研究所在生态城中扮演的特殊角色,以及与 CNEUCN 的协同合作,将使所有合作伙伴有更多机会为国家绿色发展示范区做出贡献。

  • Conclusion

The Tianjin China-Singapore Eco-City offers extensive business opportunities for companies engaged in sustainability, green technology, and urban innovation. In alignment with the specific role played by GBRI in the Eco-City, and its synergic cooperation with CNEUCN, all the partners will have broader chances to contribute to the National Green Development Demonstration Zone.