默克是一家充满活力的科技公司,专注于生命科学、医药健康和电子科技三大领域,总部位于德国达姆施塔特。如今,默克在全球65个国家有约63,000名员工,2023年销售额达210亿欧元。 Merck is a vibrant science & technology company headquartered in Darmstadt, Germany, focusing on Life Science, Healthcare, and Electronics. Today, Merck has around 63,000 employees in 65 countries and generated sales of €21 billion in 2023. 科学是默克做一切事情的核心。每天,默克都会为数百万人的生活带来积极的影响。永葆好奇心以及专业的态度推动了合作伙伴关系,并将创新变为现实:从先进的基因编辑技术和发现治疗最具挑战性疾病的独特方法,到实现设备的智能化——默克无处不在。 Science is at the heart of everything Merck does, driving discoveries and technological innovations. The company positively …