
CNEUCN采访系列|第2集:吴志强教授 - 科学委员会联合主席


Expert on special government allowance of the State Council, academician of the German Academy of Engineering, academician of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering, chief planner of China’s 2010 Shanghai World Expo Park, and chief planner of the comprehensive urban design scheme of Beijing Sub Center. The first convener of the urban and rural planning discipline evaluation group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, once served as former director of the National Urban and Rural Planning Committee, Chairman of the Asian Federation of Planning Institutions, and the first Co-Chairman of the World Federation of Planning Institutions. Co-Chairman of CNEUCN Scientific Committee

Q: 请您根据个人经历,选择一个减排目标密切相关的话题,您会选择哪个?

Should you pick up a topic, among the several which characterize your impressive experience that you feel more closely related to the decarbonization mission, which one you could say?





近年,我在我的团队中专门成立了碳中和研究小组,建立城市碳中和大数据库,每天跟踪全球所有城市的碳排、碳汇数据,评估城市碳中和能力,我们也将在今年面向全球发布城市碳中和指数前沿报告(City CQ)。

“Carbon neutrality” is an important issue related to the sustainable development of cities, and the sustainable development of cities is a topic that I have been paying attention to and studying in depth. The master’s and doctoral students I trained also pay a lot of attention to cutting-edge research issues in the field of urban energy conservation and ecological green.

In 2009, I published the book “Cities Beyond Oil”, which expounds the exploration of teachers and students in today’s international mainstream planning colleges and universities on sustainable design, especially on urban energy-saving design. This book has been highly recognized by UN Habitat, the Royal Swedish Academy of engineering and the Ministry of housing and urban rural development of China.

During the Shanghai World Expo, in 2010, we introduced many internationally leading energy-saving and emission reduction technologies in site design, architectural design and transformation. After the Expo, I launched a large number of green campus and green building related alliances and activities to promote urban energy conservation, emission reduction and sustainable development.

At the same time, in Tongji University, since 2013, I have presided the “Sustainable Intelligent Urbanization” general elective courses for undergraduates. For eight consecutive years, I have popularized the concept of green and sustainable development to students in all the departments of the University. The course was very popular. Later, it was rated as a national “golden course” and was included in the “learning power” platform.

In recent years, I have set up a carbon neutralization research group in my team to establish a large urban carbon neutralization database, track the carbon emissions and carbon sink data of all cities around the world every day, and evaluate the carbon neutralization capacity of cities. We will also release the city carbon neutralization index leading edge report (City CQ) to the world this year.

Q:  基于您的学术和专业背景,您认为对全球减少温室气体排放的紧迫性有哪些主要贡献?

Based on your academic and professional background, what is the main contribution you feel to provide to the worldwide urgency to reduce greenhouse gasses emission? 

A: 我和我的团队20多年来一直致力于收集城市发展的数据,用数据挖掘发现城市发展的一系列规律。我们利用图像识别等人工智能技术,成功识别出世界上所有的建成区,并完整统计了全世界城市的数量达到13861个。以这13861个城市为底板,我们建成了目前世界上最大的城市数据库,并利用这些数据挖掘城市发展的规律,最近我们团队集体攻关的城市碳排与碳汇的规律。可以说,城镇化和碳排放量息息相关,我们团队将城市碳中和分析的精度实现到每平方米、每一棵树、每一栋房屋,据此计算每个城市的碳排和碳汇能力,就在前不久向全世界发布了我们最新的全界700个城市的碳商CQ排行榜,在全球范围内实现了五个突破,第一,分析尺度是从国家到了城市,大部分现在说碳中和的都是说的是国家,我们说的是构成国家的每一个城市。第二,过去世界上都是单个城市进行碳排放测度,准确度只有14%,但是现在我们团队的分析准确度达到了92%。第三,我们对城市每个产业的分类进行了精准的分析,从而可以为每个城市通过不同产业的配置,引导城市实现碳中和。第四,在空间上我们的碳中和诊断精准配置到了每个街坊,进而可以通过城市规划手段对城市碳排、碳汇进行精准控制。第五,我们掌握了城市中每一种自然要素如不同水面、地面和建筑等的碳排放、碳汇规律。

My team and I have been committed to collecting data on urban development for more than 20 years, discover a series of regular pattern of urban development with data mining. We have successfully identified all the community areas in the world by using artificial intelligence technologies such as image recognition, and the number of cities in the world has reached 13861. Taking these 13861 cities as the base, we have built the largest urban database in the world at present, and use these data to mine the laws of urban development and recently, our team has collectively tackled the law of urban carbon emissions and carbon sinks. It can be said that urbanization and carbon emissions are closely related. Our team has achieved the accuracy of urban carbon neutrality analysis to every square meter, every tree and every house, and calculated the carbon emission and carbon sink capacity of each city. Not long ago, our latest CQ ranking of 700 cities in the world was released to the world, achieving five breakthroughs worldwide. First, the analysis scale is from country to city, we are talking about every city that constitutes the country. Second, in the past, carbon emissions were measured by individual cities in the world, with an accuracy of only 14%, but now our team’s analysis accuracy has reached 92%. Third, we have accurately analyzed the classification of each industry in the city, so that we can guide cities to achieve carbon neutrality through the allocation of different industries for each city. Fourth, in terms of space, our carbon neutrality diagnosis is accurately configured to each neighborhood, so that urban carbon emissions and carbon sinks can be accurately controlled through urban planning. Fifth, we have mastered the regular pattern of carbon emission and carbon sink of each natural element in the city, such as different water surfaces, floors and buildings.

Q: 基于您的经历,您认为中国要实现双碳目标,主要挑战有哪些?

According to your experience which one are the main challenges China has to face to reach its “dual carbon goal”? 

A: 碳达峰的过程不是一条直接上涨的直线,而是一条先上升后下降的曲线,而城市是实现双碳目标的重要战场。我国幅员辽阔,每座城市都有自己的特征,比如深圳和沈阳两座城市是完全不一样的,实现双碳目标必须按照中国自己的特色,秉持中华文明的生态理性,遵循永续的智慧设计绿色智慧创新的发展道路,对城市进行精准的分析和发展策略设计。能否设计出这样的城市绿色智慧创新的路径,是接下来城市能否永续发展,我们国家能否更快、更好实现双碳目标的关键。

The process of reaching carbon peak is not a straight line rising directly, but a curve rising first and then falling, and cities are an important battlefield to achieve the dual carbon goal. China has a vast territory, and each city has its own characteristics. For example, Shenzhen and Shenyang are completely different. To achieve the dual carbon goal, we must follow China’s own characteristics, uphold the ecological rationality of Chinese civilization, follow the development path of sustainable smart design, green smart innovation, and carry out accurate analysis and development strategy design for the city. Whether we can design such a path of urban green smart innovation is the key to the sustainable development of the city and whether our country can achieve the dual carbon goal faster and better.

Q: 中欧在气候变化和环境保护方面密切合作,历史悠久,成果丰富。在碳减排方面,中欧分别有哪些优势?

China and Europe have a long history of close and fruitful cooperation about climate change and environmental protection issues. Which are the more peculiar strengths of China and Europe in the path towards decarbonization? 

A: 世博会以后,依托同济大学,我的团队与里昂第三大学联合成立了中欧智能城镇化协同创新中心,我和欧洲团队的德国工程院院士Mueller联合作为项目主任,专门针对城市未来可持续发展的问题进行深入的研究,每年撰写研究报告发布,为中国和欧洲的城市更好地发展凝聚中欧双边的力量。欧洲对地球可持续问题的关切和行动是十分领先的,90年代,我在德国读博士的时候,看到人们住的房屋都是可以实现雨水回收,更加节省、可持续。我想,正是这种落到实处的对人类绿色未来的关切和责任让中国和欧洲能够紧密合作,携手共同创造一个更加绿色、智慧、创新的城市未来。

After the Expo, relying on Tongji University, my team and the Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University jointly established the China EU Collaborative Innovation Center for intelligent urbanization. Mueller, an academician of the German Academy of engineering of the European team and I, as the project director, specially conducted in-depth research on the future sustainable development of cities, wrote and published research reports every year, and condensed the strength of China and Europe for the better development of cities in China and Europe. Europe’s concern and action on the sustainability of the earth are very leading. When I was a doctoral student in Germany in the 1990s, I saw people live in houses that can realize rainwater recycling, which is more economical and sustainable. I think it is this practical concern and responsibility for the green future of mankind that enables China and Europe to work closely together to create a greener, smarter and innovative urban future.

Q:  具体而言,您认为应该采取哪些机制和措施,推动中欧在碳中和合作上形成良性互动?

More specifically, in your sector of competence, which mechanisms and actions could be implemented to create virtuous synergies between China and Europe to reach carbon neutrality?

A: 我们团队持续进行的城市可持续发展的研究,之前做了很多关于碳达峰、碳中和的世界上优秀城市的案例,当时04年的时候,我在沈阳阜新,看到因为煤炭开采造成的土地空洞,心里十分难受,于是促成当地的市委领导 到瑞典合作学习,与瑞典的城市建立姊妹城市的合作关系,为阜新设计了煤炭地质公园和可持续的风能基地,到2013年阜新市全年发电量119亿度,其中34亿度是风电,量上去了,但是对电量的调配和控制是欠缺的,而德国虽然每年的风电发电量比我们少很多,但是可以对并网的电力进行人工智能的精准配置,充分利用好每一度电。

所以说,对人工智能等技术在资源的精准配置方面的应用是我们需要提升的。我的团队一直在攻关这一方面。我特地邀请德国工程院院士,人工智能的国际顶级专家Otthein Herzog院士到我的团队担任首席科学家,与他合作在人工智能精准配置技术上突破。我们的技术现在已经突破到能够运用人工智能技术,精准计算每一棵树、每一个楼栋、每一块街坊的碳排放量,还研发出了城市碳中和智能平台,可以清楚计算城市规划的每一个用地方案和建筑设计产生的碳排,针对性地进行建筑、用地功能的配置,来达到更好的减碳效果。这些突破都离不开我们中欧之间在技术领域的紧密合作。

Our team continues to carry out research on urban sustainable development, and we have previously done many cases about excellent cities in the world that are carbon-peak and carbon-neutral. In 2004, when I was in Fuxin, Shenyang, I was very unhappy to see the empty land caused by coal mining. Therefore, I encouraged the local municipal Party Committee leaders to go and study in Sweden and establish a sister-city cooperative relationship with the Swedish city. so as to design a coal geological park and a sustainable wind energy base for Fuxin. By 2013, Fuxin’s annual power generation was 11.9 billion kwh, of which 3.4 billion kwh was wind power, but the allocation and control of power was insufficient. Although Germany’s annual wind power generation is much less than ours, it can accurately configure the grid connected power with artificial intelligence and make full use of every kilowatt hour of power.

Therefore, we need to improve the application of AI and other technologies in the precise allocation of resources. My team has been tackling this aspect. I specially invite Otthein Herzog, academician of the German Academy of engineering and an international top expert of artificial intelligence, to serve as the chief scientist of my team and cooperate with him to make breakthroughs in the precise configuration technology of artificial intelligence. Our technology has now broken through to the ability to use artificial intelligence technology to accurately calculate the carbon emissions of every tree, building and neighborhood. We have also developed an intelligent platform for urban carbon neutrality, which can clearly calculate the carbon emissions generated by every land use scheme and architectural design in urban planning, and allocate the functions of buildings and land specifically to achieve better carbon reduction results. These breakthroughs would not have been possible without China and Europe close cooperation in the field of technology.

Q: 实现碳中和需要各方协同,综合施策。不仅解决技术问题,还要应对新的经济发展模式和一些社会问题。仲欧脱碳科技倡议基于科学委员会和专家咨询委员会,旨在搭建相关知识和解决方案的共享平台。在中欧碳中和合作发展方面,您有何建议或倡议,能分享下吗?

Carbon neutrality is a target which required holistic approach and integrated actions by all the stakeholders. It should tackle not only technical matters, but also new economic development model and social aspects. China Europe Carbon Neutral initiative by its Scientific Committee & Expert Advisory Board aims to be a platform to gather these expertise then share potential solution. Which advices and proposal you feel to share for its development and operation 

A: 城市的发展到了后面比拼的就是城市之间形成的城市群落的联盟能力,我很乐意看到中国和欧洲能够联盟携手,集结顶尖的专家群体,形成国际化的群落,共同攻关“碳中和”这一关乎人类共同未来的重大议题。智库的集结和讨论一定能够碰撞出创新的成果,这些成果如果能够早日成为现实的实践,必将对碳中和的实现起到至关重要的推进作用。我们团队一直保持对全球碳中和前沿关键技术的跟踪、联络,将这些前沿技术落地应用到我们的城市规划项目实践中,为中国城市的碳中和和可持续发展提供切实的技术支持。


At the back of the development of cities, the competition is the alliance ability of urban communities formed between cities. I am happy to see that China and Europe can work together to gather top expert groups to form an international community to jointly tackle the major issue of “carbon neutrality”, which is related to the common future of mankind. The gathering and discussion of think tanks will surely lead to innovative achievements. If these achievements can be realized as soon as possible, they will play a crucial role in promoting the realization of carbon neutrality. Our team has been tracking and contacting the global carbon neutrality cutting-edge key technologies, applying these cutting-edge technologies to the practice of our urban planning projects, and providing practical technical support for the carbon neutralization and sustainable development of Chinese cities.

At the same time, I sincerely hope that more young people can participate in the action of promoting urban carbon neutrality. China Europe Carbon Neutral’s Scientific Committee and Expert Advisory Board can pay more attention to the carbon neutrality education for our young generation, and cultivate more future leaders to achieve carbon neutrality in our young generation.

Q: 作为一名令人印象深刻的城市规划师,您为创建世界著名的项目和发展做出了贡献。无论如何,现在,由于几个原因(新冠肺炎大流行、2030/60年双碳目标、城市化阶段的成熟),中国应该进入一个不同的发展模式。那么,您可以预见这个新规划系统的关键要素是什么?

Along your impressive carrier as urban planner, you contributed to create worldwide famous project and development. Anyhow now, because of several reasons, (COVID pandemic, 2030/60 dual carbon goal, its urbanization stage maturity) China should get into a different development model. Then what are the key elements of this new planning system that you can foresee?

A: 2020年,已经有60%的人口居住在城市。中国城镇化率按平均每年1%的速度增加。然而,城市中的污染、洪灾非常普遍,城市出现了很多衰败的现象,从2003年的非典到现在的新冠肺炎疫情,城市不仅面临自然灾害,还面临着文明的反思和文化的回归。


“家园(Jia Yuan)”一词具有丰富的内涵,包括一些现代社会缺乏却又至关重要的方面。家园既不是缺乏空间特性的“community”,也不是缺乏“家”的内涵的空间概念“neighborhood ”,而是具有其独特的意义,“家园”除了“community”的内涵外,还有精神功能、组织功能、共同财产功能。

在未来的十几年内,一定要把中国城市和农村的 “community”做好,要把中国变成美丽的家园、幸福的家园。原则上讲,从“private”到“public”之间存在着“collective”这一非常重要的概念。真正要让大家幸福,是在“collective”这个环节。我认为现在的大城市缺少的就是这一中间环节,缺少“家园”这一概念。比如,中国传统祠堂边的家族彼此相互认识、拥有共同财产,这样的状态是非常重要的。



By 2020, 60% of the population will already live in cities. China’s urbanization rate is increasing at an average rate of 1% per year. However, pollution and floods are very common in cities, and cities have seen a lot of decline. From SARS in 2003 to the current COVID-19, cities are facing not only natural disasters, but also the reflection of civilization and the return of culture. 

I put forward the planning concept of “Homeland”, which includes three elements: natural ecology, people’s needs and intellectual empowerment.

The word “Homeland” has rich connotations, including some aspects that are lacking but crucial in modern society. Homeland is neither a community lacking in spatial characteristics, nor is it the spatial concept of neighborhood that lacks the connotation of “home”, but has its unique significance. In addition to the connotation of community, “homeland” also has spiritual functions, organizational functions and common property functions.

In the next ten years, we must do a good job in the “community” of China’s cities and rural areas, and turn China into a beautiful and happy home. In principle, there is a very important concept of “collective” from “private” to “public”. It is in the “collective” link that we really want to make everyone happy. I think what big cities lack now is this intermediate link and the concept of “homeland”. For example, in traditional China, families near ancestral temples know each other and shared common property, which was very important.

In the planning and design of Beijing Sub Center, we put the concept of “homeland” into practice. The first thing we did is to use natural elements. Every “homeland” is based on the traditional Chinese wisdom of camping. It is in the form of turtle back. The middle is high and the four sides are low, so its drainage just flows to the side naturally. We also make full use of the elements of the wind, consider the southeast wind in Beijing in summer, simulate all these elements of the wind, and then carry out space design to form a natural ventilation corridor to cool and save energy for the urban space of the sub center, and help carbon neutralization.

After using natural factors to lay an ecological foundation, we focus on the needs of the people. Our team interviewed a total of 500 people and took videos to ask them what they hope for, what they need most, and what their life is most eager for in the future. This is particularly important for us. Among these 500 people, there are small vendors, future residents and former residents. After sorting out these videos, we sorted out all the people’s needs in the conversation as the core needs of our “home”, including different age groups and different functions, such as travel, education, employment, intelligence, innovation and so on. In this way, we can clearly put everyone’s needs in our minds and directly use them to design. In “homeland”, we designed the family auditorium, held wedding ceremony, adult ceremony, retirement ceremony, and held interest group activities in the evening, such as flower arrangement group, painting group, housework group, etc., to strengthen the communication and interaction between neighbors.

Q: 城市更新在中国也越来越重要,在中国,不仅仅是设计新城市的时间。您也很清楚以前在欧洲经历的再生过程。哪些是欧洲专家和行业可以与中国专家和行业在双边交流中合作和贡献的具体议题。

Urban regeneration is taking more and more importance also in China, where is not more only the time to design new cities. You know very well also the regeneration process which undergone in Europe before. Which are the specific topics where European experts and industries can cooperate and contribute in a bilateral exchange with the Chinese ones. 

A: 城市是生命体,城市更新是城市进行新陈代谢发育的必然过程,在这个过程中,城市自身的基因会不断迭代,并接入新的基因。过去中国的城市成长,经历了大规模的新建,现在面临更多的更新,这是一个城市基因的迭代过程,在这个过程中,城市应当更多地与全球文明中的优秀的基因进行更多嫁接,一方面使城市自己本身的优良基因得以延续壮大,又能面向未来发展出新一代的城市基因,进行新的城市文明的塑造。我此前在德国时做了许多城市更新的设计,其中包括了两德统一公园,将先前因两德分裂而废弃的铁轨沿线改造成舒适宜人,供人们平时休闲活动的绿地。在这个过程中,共同的、不变的诉求,是人们对美好生活的渴望,中欧在城市更新方面的合作也可以围绕全人类更美好明天的设计与建造这一主题。

Cities are living organism, and urban renewal is the inevitable process of metabolic development of cities. In this process, the genes of cities themselves will continue to iterate and new genes will be added. In the past, China’s urban growth has experienced large-scale new construction, and now it is facing more updates. This is an iterative process of urban genes. In this process, cities should be more grafted with the excellent genes in global civilization. On the one hand, cities can continue and expand their own excellent genes, and can face the future to develop a new generation of urban genes and shape a new urban civilization. When I was in Germany, I made many urban renewal designs, including the unification Park of Germany, which transformed the railway tracks previously abandoned due to the division of Germany into comfortable and pleasant green spaces for people’s usual leisure activities. In this process, people’s desire for a better life is a common and constant aspiration. China-EU cooperation in urban renewal can also focus on the design and construction of a better tomorrow for all the mankind. 

Q: 城市规划对城市居民的生活有着巨大的影响。您如何让您的学生充分意识到这一责任,以及你如何引导他们参与这项活动,因为双重碳目标,这项活动现在更具挑战性。

Urban planning has huge influence on the city inhabitants’ life. How do you make your students fully aware about this responsibility and how you lead them into this this activity which is now even more challenging because of the dual carbon target.  

A: 我时常与我的学生们说,作为城市规划师,我们设计的不仅仅是空间,更是为人们创造未来的美好生活,我也时刻叮嘱我的学生,我们过去的城市规划用惯了鸟瞰图,城市发展最根本的是人,应该更多从“人”的视角看问题,以人为本,为人服务,真切地感受人民的需求,为人民做设计。所以我对学生们的研究和实践的要求,必须有第一手的来自人民群众的访谈和调研,才能够真正做出对人民未来生活有益的成果。


I often tell my students that as urban planners, we are not only designing space, but also creating a better life for people in the future. I always tell my students that in the past we used to use “bird’s-eye” view in our urban planning. 

The most fundamental thing of urban development is people. We should look at problems from the perspective of “people”, be people-oriented, serve people, truly feel the needs of the people, and design for the people. Therefore, my requirements for students’ research and practice must have first-hand interviews and research from the people, so as to truly make achievements beneficial to people’s future life.

At present, carbon neutrality is our key topic, which requires the joint efforts of different disciplines. My students come from many different majors. In addition to urban planning, architecture, landscape architecture, industrial design, economic management, news media, etc., they are very concerned about the problems in the field of carbon neutrality. According to the students’ strengths and interests, let the students join our carbon neutrality research group and work hard to promote research and practice every week. The students, together with the urban planners and data analysts of our team, communicate, study and jointly research and tackle key problems around the actual urban practice projects and data. The students’ growth is rapid, and they can make very innovative achievements, leading the world.