Alberto Di Minin博士是比萨圣安娜高等研究大学的管理学教授,教授创新管理和创新政策课程。他也是伯克利国际经济圆桌会议(BRIE)的研究员。他于2021年被任命为经合组织(OECD)创新和技术政策工作组的意大利代表。Di Minin教授还是《研发管理》杂志的联合主编,以及《加州管理评论》的国际顾问委员会成员。
说到中国,Di Minin教授是比萨孔子学院联席意方院长,重庆大学伽利略意大利中心主任。这两个项目都是圣安娜高等教育学院和重庆大学的合作成果。
Dr. Alberto Di Minin is a Full Professor of Management at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies of Pisa. He teaches innovation management and innovation policy. He is also a Research Fellow with the Berkeley Round table on the International Economy (BRIE), University of California – Berkeley. He was appointed in 2021 as the Italian Delegate with the OECD – Working Party on Innovation and Technology Policy. Professor Di Minin is also Co-Editor in Chief of the R&D Management Journal, and on the International Advisory Board of “California Management Review”.
When it comes to China, Professor Di Minin is the Co-Director of the Confucius Institute of Pisa, and the Director of the Galileo Galilei Italian Institute in Chongqing University. Both projects are the result of the cooperation agreement between Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies and Chongqing University.
Galilei Institute represents the longest continuative cooperation presence in China (Galilei’s headquarters are located inside the main campus of Chongqing University) of an Italian academic Institution.

Q: 请您根据个人经历,选择一个减排目标密切相关的话题,您会选择哪个?
Should you pick up a topic, among the several which characterize your impressive experience that you feel more closely related to the decarbonization mission, which one you could say?
A: 自2014年以来,我很高兴也很荣幸担任重庆伽利略意大利中心主任和比萨孔子学院的联合院长。我们讨论了很多主题,但创新才是我主要的研究兴趣。我非常有兴趣调查创新在脱碳任务中扮演的角色,致力于在欧洲和中国之间架起学术合作和知识流通的桥梁。
Since 2014 I have had the pleasure and honor to direct the Galilei Institute in Chongqing and co-direct the Confucius Institute in Pisa. We dealt with many topics but primarily my main interest of research is the one of innovation. I would be very interested in developing activities investigating the role of innovation related to the decarbonization mission trying to build a bridge of academic cooperation and knowledge between Europe and China.
Q: 根据您的学术和专业背景,您认为对全球减少温室气体排放的紧迫性做出的主要贡献是什么?
Based on your academic and professional background, what is the main contribution you feel to provide to the worldwide urgency to reduce greenhouse gasses emission?
A: 我很愿意为Massimo的精彩项目做出贡献,在我的研究团队、中国同事和中国西部的朋友之间建立正确的联系,以发掘对该主题的共同兴趣,并促进各方之间的合作。
I would love to contribute to Massimo’s wonderful project by creating the right connections between my research team, Chinese colleagues and friends in Western China in order to develop a shared interest in the topic and to promote cooperation between the parties.
Q: 根据您的经验,中国要实现“双碳目标”,主要面临哪些挑战?
According to your experience which one are the main challenges China has to face to reach its “dual carbon goal”?
A: 当然,中国的“现代化”需要经济发展实现从数量到质量的转变。该国许多地区已经在为此努力,相关部门都采取了令人印象深刻的创新举措。总的来说,这是中国在未来几年要面临的一个非常大的挑战。在我看来,可以从不同层面着手。
最后,能源资源使用的效率,(同时,正如 Spigarelli 教授之前在仲欧脱碳科技系列采访中强调的),可再生能源和低碳转型的代表产品,将在未来发挥重要作用。这些挑战是历史性的,但我相信中国能够实现自己的目标。
For sure, the “Modernization” of China will need to see a shift from quantity to quality in its economic development. This is already happening in many parts of the country, many sectors, with many stakeholders acting and taking impressive innovative steps forward. In general, this is a very big challenge for the whole country to be faced in the next few years. This can be achieved in my opinion on different levels.
From one side, cities can be at the center of this process, and urban development can play a very important role. The dozens of Chinese megalopolis can represent the core of a process of change in the decades to come, firstly to 2030 and then to 2060.
At the same time, China should possibly look for a more balanced development path, tackling inequality not only at a national level, but also leveling the differences between regions in its territory.
Finally, the efficiency in energy resources use, but also, as underlined previously in the China Europe Carbon Neutral (CNEUCN) interviews series by Professor Spigarelli, the importance of renewables and products representative of the low-carbon transition, will play a fundamental role in the future. The challenges are historical, but I am confident China can reach its goals.

Professor Di Minin in Chongqing celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Galilei Institute.
Connected was the former Rector of Sant’Anna, Domenico Perata, while on the right Professor Di Minin is giving Professor Massimo Bergamasco an award for his brilliant achievements.
Di Minin教授在重庆庆祝伽利略意大利中心成立十周年。
左图连线的是圣安娜前校长 Domenico Perata,图右的Di Minin 教授正在给Massimo Bergamasco教授颁发奖项,以表彰他的杰出成就。
Q: 中欧在气候变化和环境保护问题上的密切合作历史悠久,富有成果。中欧在脱碳道路上更具有哪些独特优势?
China and Europe have a long history of close and fruitful cooperation about climate change and environmental protection issues. Which are the more peculiar strengths of China and Europe in the path towards decarbonization?
A: 我认为,在欧洲,公民对需要实现脱碳目标的认知在过去几年里稳步增长。从首席执行官到政治家,再到家庭主妇,社会各阶层都认为这个问题很重要,需要强有力的应对措施。我认为这是(欧洲在)脱碳过程的一个优势。我看到脱碳使命深入扩散到各个国家和阶层,不仅是在欧盟的某些地区,而是基本上整个欧洲大陆的所有地方。(整个社会已经认识到)我们需要一个更绿色、更智能、更创新的未来。
I think that in Europe, citizens’ awareness of the strong need for decarbonization has grown steadily in the past years. At each level of society, from CEOs to politicians to housewives, the problem is considered important and strong answers are demanded. I see this as a point of strength regarding the decarbonization process. I see how the need for it is well spread all over countries and societies, not only in some parts of the Union, but basically everywhere in the continent. A greener, smarter and innovative future is needed.
From China’s side, I see how innovation in tech and its daily life impact is impressive. When I went to Chongqing for the first time many years ago, the digitalization of many services and daily activities was light years away from the situation I found during my last mission in December 2019. That is impressive, and its speed can also impact the decarbonization plan for sure.
Finally, the most important strength in the path towards decarbonization I think is the willingness to keep a door open for cooperation. There can be many innovations and singular advancements, but a true shared and fruitful improvement is made when strengths and weaknesses are compared with other actors to learn and build on differences and reciprocal advantages.
Q: 更具体地说,在您的专业领域,可以采取哪些机制和行动来创造中国和欧洲之间的良性协同效应,以实现碳中和?
More specifically, in your sector of competence, which mechanisms and actions could be implemented to create virtuous synergies between China and Europe to reach carbon neutrality?
A: 我的研究涉及开放式创新、创新利用和科技政策。同时我还从事技术转让、知识产权和研发管理方面的工作。
- 组织研讨会、会议,共同撰写科学论文
- 在可能的情况下,组织学术代表团进行交流
- 发布报告、书籍
- 中欧需要互相了解,展开知识与经验的交流。彼此间存在差异,却与此同时都乐于合作
My research deals with open Innovation, appropriation of innovation and science and technology policy. I also work on technology transfer, intellectual property and R&D management.
Certainly the academic collaboration between Chinese and European scholars can create a bridge between the two sides. Investing in commonalities between the parties and common interests can then lead to a spillover of knowledge, innovation and collaboration.
In recent years, among the many activities we made in Chongqing with our Galileo Galilei Italian Institute with my research team, we have investigated the role of innovation along the Belt and Road, for example, by combining different skills and intelligence between Italy and China.
At the research level, a lot can be done. These are some ideas:
- Create seminars, conferences, jointly write scientific papers
- Organize, when it will be possible and easier, exchanges of academic delegations.
- Publish reports, books.
- Getting to know each other, talking, exchanging knowledge and experiences of two systems that are so different but also interested in getting to know each other.
Scientific cooperation is in my opinion extremely important and can act as a “people-to-people” cooperation tool. I am very optimistic in this regard and I am doing my best to improve the dialogue with our Chinese friends.
Q: 碳中和是一个需要所有利益相关者采取整体方法和综合行动的目标。它不仅要解决技术问题,还要解决新的经济发展模式和社会问题。由仲欧脱碳科技科学委员会和专家顾问委员会发起的中欧碳中和倡议旨在成为收集这些专业知识并分享潜在解决方案的平台。您觉得对仲欧脱碳科技的发展和运营有哪些建议?
Carbon neutrality is a target which required holistic approach and integrated actions by all the stakeholders. It should tackle not only technical matters, but also new economic development model and social aspects. China Europe Carbon Neutral initiative by its Scientific Committee & Expert Advisory Board aims to be a platform to gather these expertise then share potential solution. Which advices and proposal you feel to share for its development and operation?
A: 在我看来,创建一个聚集专业知识的平台这一想法非常好。在我管理伽利略意大利中心的经历中,我认识到,在中国这样一个复杂且多元的国家,只有合作、团结和具备共同意愿才能取得成功。正如在本系列采访中所提到过的,跨学科的方法有助于应对挑战,而有了一众高水平专业人士和学者的参与,他们的专业知识、关系和在中国的经验可以在提出有效的解决方案、分享创新想法、促进良好转变和高质量提升等方面发挥重要作用。
In my opinion, the idea of creating a platform to gather expertises is excellent. In my experience with the Galilei I have learned that only cooperation, cohesion and common intentions can be successful to deal with such a complex, diverse and faceted country as China. As already stated in this interview series, a transdisciplinary approach can be beneficial to the tacklin of challenges, while the involvement of many high level professionals and scholars in the China Europe Carbon Neutral initiative, their expertise, connections and experience in China can play a significant role in proposing effective solutions, sharing innovative ideas, promoting a good change and high quality improvements.
Q: 在研究和技术发展领域,国际合作与交流发挥着重要作用。与此同时,受新冠肺炎疫情和贸易紧张局势影响,世界正在经历渐进脱钩。您认为欧洲和中国如何才能在创新相关研究的共同道路上回到更深层次的建设性合作?
International cooperation and exchange, in the field of research and technological development, plays a fundamental role. Meanwhile, due to COVID pandemic and trade tensions, the world is experiencing a progressive decoupling. What do you think could be done to get back to a deeper constructive cooperation between Europe and China for a common path for innovation related research?
A: 当然,中国需要再次欢迎教授和学者代表团入境。人文交流和实地直接互动非常重要。我的经历证实了这一点:在疫情爆发前,我基本上每年都会去中国,特别是重庆两、三次。我可以在重庆大学与多年的朋友和同事见面,与专业人士和机构领导进行高质量交流,参观各学院、实验室、公司、孵化器等。在一个关系对于做任何事情都极其重要的国家,建立基于信任的友谊需要时间和付出。我可以继续巩固中意人民之间的关系。在重庆,我们还有意大利领事馆、意大利商会和中国欧盟商会也可以做类似工作。
For sure, delegations of Professors and scholars need to be welcomed again in China. People-to-people exchanges and direct interactions on the ground are very important. My experience confirms it: before the pandemic, I visited China and especially Chongqing, basically two, three times every year. I was able to meet with long-time friends and colleagues in Chongqing University, spend quality time with professionals and institutional cadres, visit departments, laboratories, companies, incubators, and so on. In a country where relationships are extremely important for doing everything, the construction of friendships based on trust takes time and investments. Also, I could keep on cementing the relations between Italians in Chinese. In Chongqing I could count on the Italian Consulate, the Italian and European Chamber of Commerce.
Secondly, the sharing of information between the parts is essential. Innovation can be studied in our respective countries, but when it is “open” the results are more fulfilling and enriching. We need openness, brainstorming activities, meetings, joint research activities, well funded and supported by institutions. The role of academia and of scientific diplomacy is one of the vital parts, in my humble opinion, in the building of effective and mutual relations between Italy, Europe, and China.
Finally, students and scholars exchanges need to be, again, fostered by institutions. Research is still the core of innovation cooperation in my opinion. As Sant’Anna we hosted many Chinese researchers in the past: we helped them in developing their research, writing their thesis, papers, and reports. We also developed a joint DBA programme with the help of Chongqing University and Grenoble University, which was a successful journey.
Q: 自《巴黎协定》签署以来,世界各国制定了减少温室气体排放的政策。中欧科技合作如何为实现具有挑战性的碳中和共同目标做出积极贡献?
Since the Paris Agreement, countries around the world shaped their policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. How does European – China cooperation in Science & Technology positively contribute to the challenging common goal of carbon neutrality?
A: 欧洲和中国是两个研究大国。一方面,欧洲的研究成果和研究人员受到全世界的赞赏。欧洲大学在国际排名中处于最佳位置。另一方面,中国的世界排名正在迅速攀升,其拥有的一流大学及巨大的预算和投资能力都在向世界传递一个信号:中国学术界将在未来成为研究和创新的主角,而其经济发展从数量到质量的转变将引发一场令人叹为观止的地震。我认为这不是威胁,而是机会。只有向新思想、新创新“开放”,我们的科技合作才能进一步提高。中国可以学习欧洲的经验,欧洲也可以学习中国的经验。
Europe and China are two research powerhouses. From one side, the quality of European research and researchers is appreciated worldwide. European Universities are in the best positions of international rankings. From the other, China is rapidly climbing the rankings, with first tier universities with immense budget capabilities and investments that are sending a message to the world: Chinese academia is going to become a protagonist of research and innovation even more in the coming future and the shift from quantity to quality will provoke a earthquake of impressive magnitude. I see it as an opportunity, and not as a threat. Only by “opening up” to new ideas and innovations, our scientific and technological cooperation can improve even further. China can learn from European experience, and Europe can vice versa.
如想了解更多信息和更多详情,请联系 [email protected]
For more information and further details please write to: [email protected]
仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China’s path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.