On 16th December, China Europe Carbon Neutral (CNEUCN) organized the second meeting of its Scientific Committee with the participation of a selected group of industries’ representatives.
The meeting was hold “online” due to the various geographical location of the European and Chinese experts and the persistent travel restriction and difficulties.

The Scientific Committee is a selected group of high-profile experts from institutions, stakeholder network organizations representing industry, research sector and civil society.
仲欧脱碳科技(CNEUCN)总裁兼委员会秘书长 Massimo Bagnasco先生在开幕致辞中强调了该委员会的独特性,这要归功于其代表欧洲和中国脱碳相关领域主要科学学科的成员的多样化和协同背景。
Along his opening remarks, Massimo Bagnasco, CNEUCN CEO and Secretary General of the Committee, underlined the uniqueness of this council thanks to the variegated and synergic background of its members who represent major experts in the scientific disciplines for decarbonization related sectors in Europe and China.
他对 Guido Giacconi 的突然离世表示悲伤,Guido Giacconi 是许多与会者的亲密朋友,也是许多领域估计的专家。他还提议设立一项倡议,每年举办一次,以纪念Guido。
Massimo强调,新冠疫情对公司的运营和发展产生了严重影响,但无论如何,仲欧脱碳科技 (CNEUCN) 的合格合作伙伴数量持续增长,并在2022年签署了重要合作协议。
He reminded the Committee’s mission to operate as a think tank which gives constructive guidelines to policy makers and stakeholders about China’s path towards carbon neutrality target.
He expressed the sadness for the sudden loss of Guido Giacconi, close friends of many of the participants and estimated experts in many sectors. He also proposed to set up an initiative, to be host, on yearly base, in the memory of Guido.
Massimo underlined that COVID has heavily impacted the operation and development, anyhow CNEUCN kept on growing in term of qualified partners as well as important cooperation agreement were signed along 2022.
● 分析城市发展治理
● 汲取历史和传统智慧,让城市更智慧
● 全球跨区域合作,相互学习
Along the discussion, Prof Sigfried WU presented WUPEN Cities report, whereby they have collected the climate changes sample of 13,861 of cities in the world and built spatial units in the world to monitor the city development (Global, Population), Prediction of urban rainfall and water resources, Governance of cities space, CIMAI thermal model intelligence prediction. He summarized the major changes and challenges providing following suggestion about how to face them:
● Analyze city development governance
● Learn from history and traditional wisdom to make cities smarter
● Cooperation across regions over the world and learn from each other

Participants praised the research work done by Prof WU, which will be also very useful as staring point to provide targeted technical solution to cities by CNEUCN industries partners.
Then it was discussed about how to contribute to the matchmaking between the technology requests coming from China and the supply from the European side.
CNEUCN receive a lot of requests and offers then, with the partners support, it will manage the best way to connect both sides.
The group then focused the discussion on recent policy development related to carbon footprint label and European Union Commission certification of carbon removals.
On 30/11 European Commission adopted a proposal for a first EU-wide voluntary framework to reliably certify high-quality carbon removals.
The proposal will boost innovative carbon removal technologies and sustainable carbon farming solutions, and contribute to the EU’s climate, environmental and zero-pollution goals. The proposed regulation will significantly improve the EU’s capacity to quantify, monitor and verify carbon removals. Higher transparency will ensure trust from stakeholders and industry, and prevent greenwashing.
To ensure the transparency and credibility of the certification process, the proposal sets out rules for the independent verification of carbon removals, as well as rules to recognize certification schemes that can be used to demonstrate compliance with the EU framework.
在成员们的分享体验环节,Giuseppe Roma教授介绍了他关于电子商务增长将对增加配送相关碳排放量产生巨大影响的研究。
在发达国家,三分之二的消费者意识到送货对环境的影响,37% 的客户愿意为在整个送货和包装过程中更环保的产品支付更多费用。最后,他提供了市区零碳配送区 (ZCDZ) 战略计划的详细行动清单。
Along the members’ sharing experience time, Prof Giuseppe Roma introduced his research about the E-Commerce growth will have a huge impact increasing the delivery related carbon emission.
Two third of the consumers, in the advanced country, are aware about the environmental impact of the delivery, and 37% of the customers would pay more to have products which are more environmental friendly in their entire delivery and packing process. He closed providing the detailed list of actions for a Zero Carbon Delivery Zone (ZCDZ) strategic plan in the urban area.

The selected participants among the representatives from the industry partners (Saint Gobain/Inspace, Icona Group, Velux), introduced their main corporate plans for operation and development in 2023 and the aims for cooperation with the other group partners.
Massimo Bagnasco 在会议结束时强调:“虽然地缘政治形势非常复杂,但我们可以看到愿意搁置分歧,专注于共同愿景:气候变化挑战、经济发展和贸易。仲欧脱碳科技(CNEUCN)绝对可以充当中欧之间的桥梁。这得益于我们科学委员会和行业伙伴的共同贡献,我们将坚定不移地,继续以全面和包容的方式为中国的双碳目标添砖加瓦。”
To conclude the session, Massimo Bagnasco stressed that: “The geopolitical scenario is very complicated but we can see the willing to put aside the divergences while focus on the joint vision: climate change challenge, economic development and trade. Then CNEUCN can definitely act as a bridge between China and Europe. Thanks to the joint contribution of our Scientific Committee and industry partners, we will steadily contribute to China’s double-carbon goal in a comprehensive and inclusive way.”
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For more information and further details please write to: [email protected]
仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China’s path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.