仲欧脱碳科技 (CNEUCN) 科学委员会第3次会议
On November 8th, CNEUCN organized the 3rd plenary meeting of its Scientific Committee (ScC) and Experts’ Advisory Board (EAB) with “online” participation of 35 delegates.
The ScC is a group of well know scholars and representatives from institutions, stakeholder network organizations while the EAB is a selected team of industries’ representatives in synergic sectors.

在开场白中,委员会秘书长兼CNEUCN首席执行官Massimo Bagnasco汇报了今年进行的活动和取得的成就。2023年是疫情后的开放之年,但受2022年底的模糊局势影响,未能让所有利益相关者做出适当的计划。与此同时,我们以更为坚实的基础展望2024年的未来。
In the opening remarks the Committee Secretary General and CNEUCN CEO, Massimo Bagnasco, reported the activities done and achievements gained along this year. 2023 was the year of opening up, after the pandemic, but influenced by a foggy situation at 2022 end which didn’t’ allow to all the stakeholders to make a proper plan. Meanwhile we look at 2024 with more solid base for the future.
The recent multiple visits of European Union highest level officials, contributed to reestablish the fundamental people to people relationship then set up the base for a constructive dialogue with China. It’s a positive sign then that the China Europe Summit was confirmed and will happen in few weeks.
In alignment with the “capacity building” mission of CNEUCN, Bagnasco introduced the plan for a series of conferences, two at national level plus a number of local level ones, to be hosted in several cities around China. The main theme will be, of course, the path and necessary activities to be done to reach carbon neutrality. Then, in order to have an event targeted to provide solution to cities and opportunities to industries, the specific topics of each local level conference will be tailor made according to the background, needs and opportunity of that specific city,
These initiatives will provide the opportunity to create an effective matchmaking between the cities and the industries.
然后,Bagnasco向新任委员会“欧洲”主席Michele Bonino教授表示祝贺(与“中国”主席Siegfried Wu教授一起),并祝贺在2023年加入的委员会成员,包括:Tao Huang教授(都灵能源中心)、Johnny Browaeys教授(鲁汶天主教大学)、Novozymes、ABB和intep。
Bagnasco then congratulated with Prof. Michele Bonino, the new “Europe” Chair of the Committee (together Prof. Siegfried Wu who is the “China” Chair) and with the members who joined along 2023, namely: Prof. Tao Huang, Energy Center Turin, Prof. Johnny Browaeys, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Novozymes, ABB, intep.

在会议期间,中国国家建设公司,作为CNEUCN商业合作伙伴成员,向其他合作伙伴和会员介绍了中国在“双碳目标”战略下的几个合作机会。随后,Johnny Browaeys先生作为科学委员会成员,分享了“欧盟绿色协议”提出的具有挑战性的目标。与此同时,他还强调了中国(本地和欧洲)的公司可以为欧洲电气化和脱碳进程提供重要贡献,从而促成重要的合作机会。会议还讨论了其他商业合作机会和研究提案。正如欧盟能源总干事Simson在访华期间最近所说:“我们的目标是确保我们的零排放技术制造能力至少达到欧盟年度相应技术部署需求的40%。这意味着至少60%可能来自欧洲以外。例如,我们在2030年之前设定了600吉瓦的太阳能光伏目标,我们预计欧洲生产商最多只能覆盖30吉瓦。更大部分将来自国际市场。众所周知,中国在太阳能光伏领域拥有迄今为止全球最大的制造能力。或者我们来看热泵。去年,欧洲投资了50亿欧元用于热泵制造,我们的部署率达到了创纪录的增长率47%。与此同时,来自中国的进口在2021年较2020年翻了一番,2022年再次翻倍,达到近9亿欧元。”
Along the meeting, China State Construction Corporation, a CNEUCN business partner member, introduced, to the other Partners and Members, several cooperation opportunities in China, under the “Dual Carbon Goal” Strategy.
Afterwards, Mr. Johnny Browaeys, Scientific Committee member, shared about the challenging targets posed by the “EU Green Deal”. Meanwhile he also underlined how it could become a great cooperation opportunity by the substantial contribution which companies based in China (local and European) can bring to European electrification and decarbonization process.
Other business cooperation opportunities and research proposals were discussed along the meeting.
As recently said by EU Commissioner Simson, DG Energy, along her mission to China: “We have a target to ensure that our net-zero technologies manufacturing capacity reaches at least 40% of the Union’s annual deployment needs for corresponding technologies. This means that at least 60% may come from outside Europe. For example, we have a target of 600 GW of solar PV by 2030, and we project that European producers will cover at best 30GW. The much larger part will be provided by international markets. China, we all know, has by far the largest manufacturing capacity in the world on PV. Or let’s take heat pumps. Last year, 5 billion euros were invested in Europe into heat pumps manufacturing. Our deployment rate reached a record plus 47%. At the same time, imports from China doubled in 2021 compared to 2020, and doubled once again in 2022, up to almost 900 million euros”.
Closing the meeting, Bagnasco remarked: “We look forward fully deploy the unique comprehensive and holistic services and technologies supply that our (CNEUCN) group can provide then actively contribute to face climate change crisis and the path towards a carbon free world”.
In the next newsletter release will be shared more details about the above-mentioned topics.
Feel free to contact us to get information about how to join CNEUCN.

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For more information and further details please write to: [email protected]
仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China and Europe path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.