On March 31st the webinar “Energy Crisis or Energy Transition”, jointly organized by China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology (CNEUCN) and University of Macerata China Center, was held; this webinar was the first of many activities about China – Europe relationship laying a solid foundation for future close cooperation between the two parties.
The aim of the webinar was to bring together European industry and Chinese companies and local governments, to complement each other’s strengths and to promote cooperation in the context of decarbonization, to participate deeply in the process of energy transformation and to turn the challenges encountered on the road to decarbonization in China into cooperation opportunities.
Professor Spigarelli, Director of Macerata University China Centre, opened the webinar then the four invited speakers shared their observations and understanding of the current energy strategy in China, and provided an opportunity to the participants to discuss about the changes in China’s energy strategy, potential opportunities for cooperation between Chinese and European enterprises, and the new trend of the industry development.

在分享环节中,仲欧脱碳科技公司总裁Massimo Bagnasco先生对比了中国和欧盟的脱碳目标和路径,剖析了中国的脱碳之路上将会遇到的挑战,并根据来自欧洲的经验对潜在的挑战进行进一步的拆解和分析,其中对于“碳排放”的具体定义(即三个范畴的碳排放)中,范畴三:价值链排放 的管控和削减,将会是中国脱碳路上最为崎岖的一段,但也将会是中欧间有着最多潜在合作机遇的部分。
In the sharing session, Mr. Massimo Bagnasco, CNEUCN CEO, compared the decarbonization targets and paths of China and EU. Based on the experience from Europe, he analyzed the challenges that China will encounter on the way to decarbonization, especially the category 3: “control and reduction of value chain emissions”, will be the most difficult part of China’s, and world, decarbonization path, but then also the area with the most potential cooperation opportunities between China and Europe.

深圳英策科技的总裁Gianluca Giorgi博士在分享环节中对中国政府提出的能源新政中关于汽车工业的部分进行了梳理和分析,并从潜在的政策冲击中,提炼出中意企业间潜在的互补合作机遇,尤其是对于氢能源的挖掘和应用,可以成为能源转型过程中的重要推力。
Dr. Gianluca Giorgi, CEO of ES Automation Consulting, explained and analyzed the new energy policy proposed by the Chinese government regarding the automotive industry and pointed out potential cooperation opportunities between Chinese and Italian companies coming from the policy impacts, especially in the sector of hydrogen energy, which can be an important driving force in the energy transition process.

Dr. Jiao Hongzhi, Deputy General Manager of Dongli Economic Development Zone, introduced to the participants the concrete steps forward already done by Dongli District, among them a state of art hydrogen research centre, as well as those to come. He also shared the advanced policy support provided by Dongli District in the frame of new energy related industry then the advantages of Tianjin Dongli Economic Development Zone, including transportation, research, industry, space, ecology, services and several others.

在最后一个分享环节中,国际主动式建筑顾问董事会董事,中国建筑学会主动式建筑学委会副主任委员郭成林先生通过一个项目实例,将主动式建筑的发展历史、技术优势以及其与国家能源新政,新目标的紧密联系进行了阐述,提出了从“人与环境” 到 “人居环境” 的观念转变。
Through a built project example, Mr. Guo Chenglin, Director of the International Active House Advisory Board, explained the background and concept of an active building, its technical advantages and its close connection with the new national energy policy and goals Finally he proposed the concept change from “People | Planet” to “People + Planet”.

在本次网络研讨会临近尾声时,Massimo Bagnasco先生发出了提醒:“…脱碳已是中欧合作的关键议题…实现碳中和这一目标是可行的,但需要尽快开展并迅速协调各方的的行动。具体而言,在当前大背景下,仅仅依靠尖端的技术处理手段,是无法达成脱碳这一目标;为此,需要综合的解决方案,并结合实际情况综合运用技术手段。”
To conclude the webinar Massimo Bagnasco, reminded that: “…Decarbonization is a key topic for deepening EU-China cooperation… Achieving carbon neutrality is feasible but requires rapid, coordinated, and concrete actions. In particular, cutting-edge technologies, processes and solutions must be paired with innovative and highly contextualized approaches: technologies alone will not achieve decarbonization”.
本次网络研讨会的主办方之一,意大利马切拉塔大学是一所位于意大利马切拉塔的文法经济类名校,于1290年由教皇尼格老四世创立,是世界上最古老的大学之一。马切拉塔大学于2011年与北京师范大学结为姊妹院校,并与国家汉办合作开办孔子学院。马切拉塔中国中心是马切拉塔大学跨部门、多学科的研究中心,于 2012 年成立。
The University of Macerata (UMC), one of the organizers of this webinar, was founded by Pope Nigella IV in 1290, and is one of the oldest universities in the world. In 2011, the University of Macerata became a sister institution with Beijing Normal University and cooperated with the Hanban to open the Confucius Institute. The Macerata China Center, an interdepartmental, multidisciplinary research center at UMC, was established in 2012.
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For more information and further details please write to: [email protected]
仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China’s path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.