
Innovative Curtain Walls Solutions – CELLIA® Facade System


A Leap Toward Energy Efficiency, Sustainability, Valuable Investment

建筑行业中幕墙外立面的发展标志着建筑设计和技术的重大变革。幕墙于 20 世纪初引入,用非结构性、轻质的外部覆层系统取代了传统的承重墙。这些系统通常由玻璃、铝和其他材料制成,能够建造出外观时尚、通透的现代高层建筑。随着时间的推移,材料和工程方面的进步提高了幕墙的性能,改善了其隔热、能源效率以及抵御天气和地震活动的能力。如今,它们对于可持续建筑实践不可或缺,碳中和建筑对幕墙外立面系统的需求日益增加。正在进行的研发重点是新型模块,这些模块可以降低能耗,加强与机械和电气系统的集成,优化安装过程和时间安排,甚至适用于现有建筑。

The development of curtain wall facades in the construction industry marks a significant evolution in building design and technology. Introduced in the early 20th century, curtain walls replaced traditional load-bearing walls with non-structural, lightweight exterior cladding systems. These systems, typically made of glass, aluminium, and other materials, allowed for the creation of modern, high-rise buildings with sleek, transparent exteriors. Over time, advances in materials and engineering have enhanced the performance of curtain walls, improving their thermal insulation, energy efficiency, and resistance to weather and seismic activity. Today, they are integral to sustainable building practices, with carbon-neutral construction increasingly requiring curtain wall facade systems. Ongoing research and development focus on new modules that reduce energy consumption, enhance integration with mechanical and electrical systems, and optimize installation processes and timing, even for existing buildings.


Energy Efficiency 



Advanced Thermal Insulation

Curtain walls can be designed to include layers of thermal insulation that significantly reduce heat loss. This helps maintain a stable internal temperature, reducing the energy demand for heating and cooling.



Reduction of Thermal Bridges

Due to their continuous and uninterrupted construction, these facades minimize thermal bridges, which are areas where heat can easily pass through the building envelope, leading to energy losses.



Integration of Passive Solar Systems

Curtain walls can be designed to maximize solar gain in winter, thus reducing the need for artificial heating. In summer, they can include shading elements to minimize solar heat gain.



Natural Ventilation Systems

They can facilitate natural ventilation through operable elements that improve air exchange without resorting to mechanical ventilation systems, thereby reducing energy consumption.



Integrated Energy Efficiency

It is possible to integrate technologies such as low-emissivity glass and insulating glass units, which contribute to improved energy efficiency by reducing thermal losses and solar heat gain.


Reduction of Carbon Emissions



Reduction in Energy Consumption

The improved energy efficiency of curtain walls results in a significant reduction in energy consumption for heating and cooling, which directly translates into lower CO₂ emissions, especially if the energy comes from non-renewable sources.



Use of Low-Carbon Emission Materials

The materials used for curtain walls, such as high-efficiency glass and aluminium structures, can be chosen to have a lower environmental impact during production and a longer life cycle, contributing to the overall reduction of carbon emissions.



Integration with Renewable Energy

Curtain walls can incorporate photovoltaic panels and other renewable energy systems, contributing to the production of clean energy on-site and reducing reliance on fossil energy sources.


与传统外墙相比,幕墙经久耐用,维护需求较低,有助于在建筑的整个生命周期内减少碳排放。Reduction in Life Cycle Emissions

Due to their durability and lower maintenance needs compared to traditional facades, curtain walls help reduce carbon emissions throughout the building’s life cycle.


幕墙可以设计为有助于建筑物的可持续认证(如 LEED 或 BREEAM),这些认证在碳减排和能源效率方面要求高标准。

Support for Sustainable Building Systems

Curtain walls can be designed to contribute to the building’s sustainability certification (such as LEED or BREEAM), which requires high standards in terms of carbon emission reduction and energy efficiency.



Aesthetics and Versatility

Curtain walls offer a modern design and can be adapted to various architectural shapes and structures, enhancing the building’s aesthetics.



Reduced Maintenance

Their advanced construction reduces the need for frequent maintenance, which further decreases the environmental impact.


Costs of Curtain Walls vs. Traditional Facades


When comparing the costs of curtain walls and traditional facades, it is important to consider not only the initial installation cost but also the long-term operational and maintenance costs. 


  • 材料和技术


  • 设计和施工


  • 定制化


Initial Installation Cost

  • Materials and Technology

Curtain walls use advanced materials such as insulating glass, aluminum, and steel, which are generally more expensive than those used in traditional facades.

  • Design and Construction

The design and installation of curtain walls require more sophisticated technologies and specialized skills, which increase labour and design costs.

  • Customization

Curtain walls offer greater flexibility in terms of design and customization, but this can lead to additional costs for adapting the facade to specific aesthetic and functional requirements.


  • 能源效率


  • 维护减少


  • 耐久性


Operational and Maintenance Costs

  • Energy Efficiency

Although the initial cost is higher, curtain walls offer significant energy savings in the long run due to better thermal performance and insulation.

  • Reduced Maintenance

They are generally more durable and require less maintenance compared to traditional facades, reducing maintenance and repair costs over time.

  • Durability

Curtain walls have higher durability, reducing the frequency of repair or replacement interventions.



Total Life Cycle Costs

Although the initial investment is higher, the total life cycle cost (including energy savings and reduced maintenance costs) can be lower than that of traditional facades. This is especially true for buildings with a long useful life and for projects that prioritize sustainability and energy efficiency.

CELLIA® 创新型预制外立面单元

CELLIA® the Innovative Prefabricated Façade Unit

CELLIA® 是一种用于建筑外墙的新型反应/敏感模块,由波捷特建筑设计顾问有限公司设计,与 Focchi 集团合作开发并获得专利。该模块完全集成,技术含量高,在饰面、尺寸和性能水平方面完全可定制。

CELLIA® is a new reactive/sensitive module for building façades conceived by Progetto CMR and developed & patented in synergy with the Focchi Group. It is fully integrated and features a high level of technological content, as well as being completely customizable in terms of finishes, dimensions and levels of performance.

CELLIA® 是一个将建筑围护结构和暖通空调系统集成在一个单元中的系统,还可以具备广泛的其他功能,例如:通过光伏模块进行布线和能源生产,配有遮阳板和电动百叶窗的遮阳系统,以及内部和外部照明。

CELLIA® is a system that integrates the building envelope and the HVAC system in a single unit, which can be provided of a wide range of further functions such as: wiring and energy production through photovoltaic modules, sun shading systems with brise-soleil and motorized blinds, internal and external lighting.

图片来源:CELLIA® 网站

Source: CELLIA® website 

最近,CELLIA® 外墙模块荣获 2024 年金圆规材料和技术系统设计奖。金圆规奖是源自意大利的最负盛名的国际设计奖之一。该奖项由建筑师兼设计师吉奥·蓬蒂于 1954 年创立,后由工业设计协会管理,旨在表彰卓越的工业设计。

Recently CELLIA® façade module was awarded of the 2024 ADI Compasso d’Oro Award in the materials and technological systems design category. The ADI Compasso d’Oro (Golden Compass Award) is one of the most prestigious international design awards, originating in Italy. Established in 1954 by architect and designer Gio Ponti and later managed by the Associazione per il Disegno Industriale (ADI), it recognizes excellence in industrial design. 

CELLIA® 幕墙系统以其创新和适应性强的特点脱颖而出,旨在提高建筑性能和美观度。

1. 模块化和灵活设计



2. 动态遮阳



3. 先进材料


4. 美观灵活性



5. 技术整合



6. 环境效益


7. 应用多样性



8. 性能改善



CELLIA® facade system stands out for its innovative and adaptive features aimed at enhancing building performance and aesthetics. 

1.Modular and Flexible Design

Grid Structure: The system uses a grid-like framework that allows for the integration of various shading components, making it highly adaptable to different architectural needs.

Customizable Modules: Modules can be tailored to specific design and functional requirements, enabling a wide range of facade configurations.

2. Dynamic Shading

Adaptive Elements: Shading elements can be dynamically adjusted in response to changes in sunlight, reducing glare and improving indoor comfort.

Energy Efficiency: By optimizing the balance between natural light and heat gain, the system helps lower energy consumption for heating, cooling, and lighting.

3. Advanced Materials

High-Performance Materials: The facade often incorporates materials with high thermal and reflective properties, contributing to the building’s overall energy performance and durability.

4. Aesthetic Flexibility

Architectural Integration: The Cellia system can be integrated into a variety of architectural styles, offering flexibility in terms of appearance and functionality.

Design Variability: It supports a wide range of colours, textures, and patterns

5. Technological Integration

Automation and Control: The system can be integrated with building management systems for automated control, allowing for real-time adjustments based on environmental conditions.

Smart Sensors: It can include sensors that monitor light levels, temperature, and other factors to optimize the facade’s performance automatically.

6. Environmental Benefits

Sustainability: The system contributes to reducing a building’s carbon footprint by enhancing energy efficiency, it maximizes the use of natural light, reducing the need for artificial lighting during the day.

7. Application Versatility

New and Retrofit Projects: The Cellia facade system is suitable for both new constructions and retrofitting existing buildings.

Various Building Types: It can be used in a range of building types, including commercial, residential, and public buildings.

8. Performance Improvement

Thermal Comfort: The system helps maintain comfortable indoor temperatures by minimizing unwanted heat gain or loss.

Visual Comfort: By controlling glare and distributing natural light evenly, it enhances the visual comfort for building occupants.

与波捷特建筑设计顾问有限公司和 Focchi 一起,一批公司为 CELLIA 这样一个特殊而高效的项目做出了贡献: 三菱电机、AGC Glass Europe、Alpac Srl Unipersonale、Linea Light Group、R2M Solution、Omnitex Srl Onyx Solar Energy。

Together with Progetto CMR and Focchi, a consistent group of Companies have contributed to make CELLIA such a special and high-performing project: Mitsubishi Electric, AGC Glass Europe, Alpac Srl Unipersonale, Linea Light Group, R2M Solution, Omnitex Srl Onyx Solar Energy.

2024 年金圆规奖颁奖仪式

2024 ADI Compasso d’Oro Award Ceremony 


Final Considerations


The choice between curtain walls and traditional facades depends on various factors, including the initial budget, desired energy efficiency, durability, and aesthetics.

Curtain walls not only significantly improve a building’s energy efficiency but also contribute to reducing carbon emissions and the overall environmental impact, aligning with sustainability and energy-saving goals. Curtain walls represent a higher initial investment but can offer significant savings and benefits over the long term. In this regard, CELLIA® facade system is valued for its ability to combine functional efficiency with aesthetic versatility, making it a preferred choice for sustainable and modern building design in European and Chinese construction market. 

Cellia mock-up made at the Focchi Group plants in Rimini 

在里米尼 Focchi 集团工厂制作的 Cellia 模型