解读:国家发改委《关于印发首批碳达峰试点名单的通知》(发改办环资〔2023〕942号)—— “双碳目标 “战略路线图
In a significant and forward-looking development, the General Office of the National and Development Reform Commission (NDRC), recently issued the “Notice on Issuing the List of the First Batch of Carbon Picking Pilots” (No.942 -2023).
The Notice not only unveiled the initial group of pilot cities and high-tech industrial development parks committed to achieving peak carbon dioxide emissions but also marked a pivotal step towards ushering in a new era of sustainable development. This strategic move reflects the Government’s unwavering commitment to combating climate change and aligning with global efforts to transition towards a greener future.
The meticulously curated list of pilot cities and development zones spans across thirteen provinces and two autonomous regions, comprising a total of twenty-five cities and ten high-tech industrial development parks. The announcement, made official on December 6th, followed the confidential distribution of the list to local governments in the form of a comprehensive notice at the end of November, underscoring the importance of this initiative.

Beyond the mere identification of regions, the pilot list serves as a roadmap, setting out clear and ambitious targets for each locality to pursue in their quest for carbon neutrality. By tailoring objectives and tasks to the specific circumstances of each region, the initiative aims to foster an environment of innovation and experimentation, encouraging pilot cities and parks to explore and implement diverse, sustainable, and low-carbon transformation pathways.
This forward-thinking strategy doesn’t merely stop at the domestic front. With the global landscape evolving in terms of politics and economics, local governments are grappling with the intricacies of the low-carbon transition. The release of this list is a beacon of encouragement, bolstering the confidence of regions committed to low-carbon development. It catalyses a collective shift towards comprehensive transition programs, prompting stakeholders to adapt strategies based on their unique circumstances.
Furthermore, the initiative recognizes the interconnectedness of global efforts to address climate change. By encouraging potential international exchanges and cooperation, this initiative positions China as a proactive participant in the global dialogue on sustainable development. The collaboration, in particular with the European Union, becomes not just a possibility but a tangible pathway towards shared success in mitigating the impacts of climate change and embracing a future defined by sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.
This pilot program seeks to chart the course for future carbon-neutral development by pinpointing key milestones. Its goal is to propel pilot cities and parks towards exploring diverse, green, and low-carbon transformation pathways. The strategy involves determining specific objectives and tasks tailored to local conditions, with the aim of providing the nation with practical, replicable, and scalable experiences and practices.
仲欧脱碳科技(CNEUCN)致力于在中国和欧洲实现碳中和的道路上发挥关键作用。通过促进各方间的交流与合作,仲欧脱碳科技的关系网络能够为实现碳中和所遇到的各类挑战提供解决方案。CNEUCN 合作伙伴所提供的专业服务和技术方案,能够为客户的低碳转型之路保驾护航。
In tandem with these efforts, China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology (CNEUCN) aims to play a crucial role in contributing to China and Europe’s path towards carbon neutrality. By fostering collaboration and inclusivity among stakeholders, this CNEUCN seeks to create solutions for each challenge associated with achieving carbon neutrality. The active and innovative role played by CNEUCN partners includes providing services and technologies to conceive, shape, design, and accomplish the necessary transitions.
此外,CNEUCN 还致力于为中欧间的专业知识与和技术供需牵线搭桥。在环境保护、能源、交通、废物利用、水域处理和综合规划等诸多领域里,加强中欧间的专业交流。我们相信这样的专业交流不仅能有助于实现试点城市与园区实现本地化的碳中和目标,更能够促进可持续发展的新模型实际落地,并有利于更广泛的、更高层面的国际交流对话的开展。
Moreover, CNEUCN is committed to facilitating matchmaking between expertise and technology requests/offering from China and Europe. This spans various domains, including environmental protection at a large (energy, mobility, waste, water, and integrated planning). By aligning with the objectives of the Chinese government’s pilot program, China Europe Carbon Neutral can act as a catalyst, enhancing the exchange of knowledge and technologies between the two regions. This collaboration will contribute not only to the localized goals of the pilot cities but also fosters a broader international dialogue on sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.

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仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China and Europe path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.