

The 28th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change will be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from November 30 to December 12.

⦁ 关键气候点:世界正面临危险的气候临界点。2023年已经是有记录以来气候影响最严重、最糟糕和最昂贵的一年。科学家们确定了26个关键点,存在超过其中一些的风险,导致进一步的损害。
⦁ 减排截止期限:全球减排的时间仅剩六年。有50%的机会限制升温在1.5°C,这是科学家避免最严重全球变暖影响的阈值。联合国全球股票检讨报告强调私营部门的领导至关重要,对气候行动至关重要。
⦁ 经济机会:对气候变化的迅速行动和实现零净排放转变可为全球经济增加178万亿美元。可再生能源和电动汽车等技术的快速进展使我们在2030年实现电动汽车占汽车销售的三分之二,太阳能和风能占电力供应的40%的道路上,为2030年实现零净排放铺平了道路。
⦁ 超越政府的参与:COP已扩大了非国家行为者的参与,而COP28旨在进一步增加参与。这场关键的气候辩论奠定了政治和法规发展的基础,影响业务战略并为2024年可能受到审查的部门发出信号。

COP28’s Importance
These contexts are framing the summit’s discussions:
⦁ Critical Climate Points: The world faces dangerous climate thresholds. 2023 is already the hottest, worst, and most expensive year recorded for climate impact. With 26 critical points identified by scientists, there’s a risk of surpassing them, causing further damage.
⦁ Emission Reduction Deadline: Six years remain to halve global emissions. A 50% chance exists to limit warming to 1.5°C—the scientists’ threshold for avoiding the worst global warming effects. The Global Stocktake report emphasizes the private sector’s leadership, crucial for climate action.
⦁ Economic Opportunities: Swift action on climate change and a Net Zero transition could add $178 trillion to the global economy. Rapid technological advancements in renewable energy and electric vehicles put us on track for two-thirds of car sales being electric by 2030 and 40% of electricity from solar and wind, paving the way for net-zero emissions by 2030.
⦁ Engagement Beyond Governments: COPs have expanded participation to non-state actors, and COP28 aims to increase involvement further. This critical climate debate lays foundations for political and regulatory developments, influencing business strategy and signaling sectors likely to face scrutiny in 2024.


  1. 能源影响:
       o  COP28的主题是:去碳化当前能源系统,同时构建未来的能源系统。
       o  雄心壮志:三倍可再生能源,加倍投资于能源效率,减少对化石燃料的依赖,并探讨碳捕获的可行性。
  2. 金融机构的压力和机会:
       o  挑战:动员和重新引导资金用于高碳行业,帮助发展中国家转型并建设气候适应力。
       o  财务规模:到2050年,每年需要约3.5万亿美元,发达经济体需要将当前投资水平加倍,而低收入和中等收入国家则需要将其提高四倍。
  3. 转变食品系统和自然:
       o  关注保护和恢复自然以及转变占全球排放的三分之一的食品系统。
       o  强调到2030年停止砍伐和供应链恶化,恢复失去的生态系统,通过减少浪费、改变饮食习惯以及增强适应能力来转变食品系统。
  4. 企业责任:
       o  COP的重要性为活动家提供了强调气候不作为的平台。COP28的首次全球股票检讨创造了增加企业责任的期望。
       o  企业预计将面临更高层次的审查,并应:
  5. COP过程的未来:
       o  由于行动缓慢和不足,对COP过程进行改革的呼声正在增长。临时全球股票检讨得出的结论是,需要在“所有部门和背景中”进行紧急和系统的转变,随着气候危机的影响加剧,这可能加剧。
    Major COP28 Themes:
    ⦁ Energy Implications:
    ⦁ Main COP28 theme: Decarbonizing the current energy system while building tomorrow’s energy system.
    ⦁ Ambitions: Triple renewable energy, double investments in energy efficiency, reduce fossil fuel dependence, and explore carbon capture feasibility.
    ⦁ Debate on “continuous fossil fuels” emitting unavoidable emissions, with the EU advocating for a “gradual phase-out.”
    ⦁ Financial Institutions’ Pressures and Opportunities:
    ⦁ Challenge: Mobilizing and redirecting capital for high-carbon sectors and helping developing economies transform and build climate resilience.
    ⦁ Financial Scale: Approximately $3.5 trillion annually until 2050 is required, with advanced economies needing to double current investment levels, while low- and middle-income countries need quadruple.
    ⦁ Transforming Food Systems and Nature:
    ⦁ Focus on protecting and restoring nature and transforming food systems, responsible for one-third of global emissions.
    ⦁ Emphasis on halting deforestation and supply chain degradation by 2030, restoring lost ecosystems, transforming food systems by reducing waste, modifying diets, and enhancing resilience.
    ⦁ Corporate Accountability:
    ⦁ COP’s significance offers a platform for activists to highlight climate inaction. The first Global Stocktake at COP28 creates expectations for increased corporate responsibility.
    ⦁ Businesses anticipate heightened scrutiny and should:
    ⦁ Progress from goal setting to implementing transition plans.
    ⦁ Use distinctive skills to contribute to broader industry transition.
    ⦁ Actively support enabling conditions for a successful and faster transition.
    ⦁ Future of COP Process:
    ⦁ Calls for COP process reform grow due to perceived slow and insufficient actions. The provisional Global Stocktake concludes an urgent and systematic transformation is needed “in all sectors and contexts,” likely intensifying as climate crisis effects accelerate.

COP28代表了共同气候行动的关键机会。作为可持续未来转变的重要参与者,仲欧脱碳科 (CNEUCN) 技及其合作伙伴可以为COP28的目标做出重要贡献。类似CNEUCN的实体在实现这些宏伟目标方面至关重要。
充分发挥其专业知识、资源和创新解决方案,CNEUCN 有加速推动可再生能源部署、推动碳捕获技术进步,并在各行业推广可持续实践的潜力。通过积极与政府、企业和金融机构合作,CNEUCN可以在实现COP28提出的目标方面发挥至关重要的作用,促进全球朝着更绿色、更具韧性的未来转变。

COP28 Presidency: The United Arab Emirates’ COP28 presidency, led by Sultan Ahmed Al-Jaber, has elevated the Gulf region’s role in international climate diplomacy. Despite Al-Jaber’s ties to the oil and gas industry, the focus on renewable energy and climate health signals a potential reduction in the oil and gas sector’s prominence in international negotiations.
COP28 represents a pivotal opportunity for collective climate action. As a major player in the transition to a sustainable future, China Europe Carbon Neutral Company (CNEUCN) and its partners can significantly contribute to the COP28 targets. The involvement of entities like the CNEUCN is crucial in achieving these ambitious goals.
Leveraging its expertise, resources, and innovative solutions, CNEUCN has the potential to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy, drive advancements in carbon capture technologies, and promote sustainable practices across industries.
By actively collaborating with governments, businesses, and financial institutions, CNEUCN can play a vital role in realizing the goals set forth at COP28, fostering a global shift towards a greener and more resilient world.