

COP 29: Key Findings COP29:关键性发现 A Turning Point for Decarbonization and EU-China Relations低碳转型的转折点与中欧关系

The COP29 Climate Summit in Baku has concluded, leaving behind a significant set of outcomes and commitments that could shape the global decarbonization agenda. In particular it could redefine the relationship between China and the European Union. As the urgency of addressing climate change intensifies, COP29 demonstrated a renewed focus on collaboration, yet also highlighted …

COP 29: Key Findings COP29:关键性发现 A Turning Point for Decarbonization and EU-China Relations低碳转型的转折点与中欧关系 查看全文 »


As sustainability becomes essential in modern supply chains, zero-waste logistics is emerging as a powerful approach to reduce waste and create a circular economy. By focusing on every stage of a product’s lifecycle, from production to disposal, zero-waste logistics transforms supply chains, minimizing waste and keeping resources in circulation. This article explores the importance of …

零废弃物流如何实现可持续发展的闭环 查看全文 »


提升效率·增进福祉 Driving Efficiency and Well-being 2024 年 11 月 5 日,仲欧脱碳科技公司与仲量联行和著名的意大利建筑设计公司 Progetto CMR 合作举办了“提升效率·增进福祉:ESG与脱碳创新驱动房地产未来”研讨会这场独家闭门会议旨在就 ESG 和脱碳创新在塑造房地产未来中的关键作用进行深入讨论。 仲欧脱碳科技(CNEUCN) 首席执行官马晓利先生、仲量联行西华区董事总经理周懿女士出席会议并致开幕词。世界知名建筑师、波捷特公司创始合伙人兼首席执行官马大力先生发表了题为“建筑设计中的ESG:欧洲案例研究和对可持续发展未来的洞察”的演讲,仲量联行成都项目开发服务项目经理敖洋(Albert Ao)分享了房地产行业ESG的最佳实践,以及大自然保护协会(美国)北京办事处企业事务执行主任康伟先生发表了题为“基于自然的解决方案促进企业可持续发展”的演讲。 CNEUCN首席执行官马晓利先生宣布会议开幕,他表示很高兴与众多专家讨论可持续发展的未来实践。中国房地产行业目前正在经历转型,面临挑战。转型总是伴随着痛苦,但也带来了巨大的机会,尤其是在房地产这样一个重要的领域。仲量联行华西区董事总经理周懿女士在开幕致辞中强调,随着中国进入 ESG 披露元年,所有行业对 ESG 的关注度不断提高,管理水平不断提高。     On November 5, 2024, China Europe Carbon Neutral in cooperation with JLL and the renowned ltalian architectural design firm, Progetto CMR, hosted the seminar: “Driving Efficiency and Well-being: The Impact …

ESG与脱碳创新驱动房地产未来 查看全文 »


A Milestone in Sustainable Development 可持续发展的里程碑   China recently issued its first zero-carbon energy consumption certificate, marking a significant step toward promoting market-driven green value for renewable energy, particularly in non-electrical applications like biomass. This certificate, priced at 60 yuan (around 8.40 US$), was facilitated by the Zero Carbon Energy Certification platform and underscores China’s …

中国首张零碳能源消费证书 查看全文 »


Last August, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), together with relevant parties, has revised and formed the draft of “Measures for the Review of Energy Conservation of Fixed Asset Investment Projects (Draft for Soliciting Opinions)” on the basis of in-depth research and extensive consultation.The “measure” aims to establish a new mechanism for the comprehensive …

应对中国能源挑战,与政策保持一致的战略,拥抱可持续性并降低成本。 查看全文 »

主标题:水伏能,来自植物蒸腾作用的能量. 副标题: 无尽绿色能源的新前沿

A team of Chinese scientists has created an energy generator that harnesses plant transpiration to generate electricity, a solution that could transform nearly all the leaves on Earth into a sustainable and continuous energy source. The team stated that their leaf transpiration generator, which they demonstrated using a lotus leaf, was able to power small …

主标题:水伏能,来自植物蒸腾作用的能量. 副标题: 无尽绿色能源的新前沿 查看全文 »

天津中新生态城: 2025-35年计划

与 GBRI 合作开发国家绿色示范区 Cooperation with GBRI in the Development of the National Green Demonstration Zone   中国-新加坡天津生态城项目于2008年启动,是中国和新加坡政府的合作项目,其目标是将天津一片30平方公里的荒地和盐碱地转变为可持续城市发展的示范区。这一合作项目旨在解决两国共同关心的可持续发展、能源效率和快速城市化对环境的影响等问题。生态城的设计在展示如何在实现城市化的同时最大限度地减少对环境的影响,同时也作为低碳技术和创新的试验场。 The China-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City was launched in 2008 as a collaborative project between the Chinese and Singaporean governments. The goal was to transform a 30-square-kilometer area of barren, salt-flat land in Tianjin into a model city for sustainable …

天津中新生态城: 2025-35年计划 查看全文 »


Progetto CMR 30周年庆典 30年稳步发展 2.6亿平方米总体规划4000万平方米建筑面积超过20个国家的4000个项目1500名客户200名建筑师、工程师和设计师78项国际奖项和荣誉全球7个办公室 260 million sqm of MASTERPLAN40 million sqm BUILT AREA4,000 PROJECTS in over20 COUNTRIES1,500 CLIENTS200 ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS, and DESIGNERS78 INTERNATIONAL AWARDS and RECOGNITIONS7 OFFICES WORLDWIDE Progetto CMR是意大利领先的综合设计公司之一,2024年迎来其30周年庆典,期间完成了多个重要项目——例如由Covivio在米兰开发的The Sign商务区——超过150个项目,包括已获得合同的项目和处于不同阶段的开发项目,超过30个正在建设的工地,其中包括乌迪内大学的新医学系,卡拉布里亚Entopan公司的Harmonic创新中心,巴勒莫的RI.MED生物技术与生物医学研究中心,以及位于罗马港的米兰-科尔蒂纳2026年冬季奥运会奥运村,Progetto CMR负责该项目的施工管理。 Progetto CMR, one of the leading integrated design firms in Italy, is celebrating 30 years of activity in 2024, with the completion …

30年稳步发展 查看全文 »

State of the Energy Union Report2024

欧盟发布《能源联盟现状报告2024》欧盟绿色协议的实施 将碳目标变为现实:绿色协议和双碳战略下未来十年的能源转型 The EU Green Deal in Action. Turning Carbon Goals into Reality: The Next Decade of Energy Transition under the Green Deal and Dual Carbon Strategy 2024年9月11日,欧盟委员会发布了《能源联盟现状报告2024》。该报告概述了欧盟在建立更可持续、更安全的能源系统方面的进展,重点强调了欧洲绿色协议的实施。这个雄心勃勃的政策框架旨在到2030年将欧盟的温室气体排放量减少至少55%,并确保到2050年实现碳中和经济的转型。报告强调,能源安全、能源效率、可再生能源的转型以及开发清洁能源技术是欧盟战略的关键要素。 On 11 September the European Commission released the State of the Energy Union Report 2024. It outlines the EU’s progress towards building a more sustainable and secure energy …

State of the Energy Union Report2024 查看全文 »


高质量高效率建设碳中和项目– High-Quality and Efficiency in the Carbon Neutral Projects’ Construction 中建-大成与仲欧脱碳科技(CNEUCN)及其合作伙伴达成战略合作协议,开展碳中和建筑技术合作,开发多个使用创新设备、材料和设计解决方案的示范项目。 中建-大成建筑有限责任公司是中国建筑股份有限公司和日本大成建设株式会社共同投资的中外合资企业,总部位于中国北京。 一直以来,中建-大成始终秉承“优质、协和、诚信、高效”的企业精神,始终坚持“差异化”发展战略,利用中外合资的先天优势,学习大成建设先进的施工管理经验和精细化管理技术,打造成为中外合资建筑企业高质量发展的典范。在公共建筑、住宅、工业、新基建等领域创造的众多优质工程,同时运用大成建设世界级领先技术,在智慧城市建设、绿色环保产业等创新领域也形成了新的突破。 CSCEC-TAISEI reached a Strategic Partnership Agreement withChina Europe Carbon Neutral (CNEUCN) and its partners to carry out carbon neutral building’s technology cooperation, development of sample projects with use of several innovative equipment, materials and design solutions. CSCEC-TAISEI is a Sino-foreign joint venture …

与中建-大成的战略合作协议 查看全文 »