

Exploring the Opportunities Amid Rapid Development of Energy Storage and Grid in China

中国在电网升级和能源存储方面的战略投资 China’s Strategic Investment in Grid Upgrades and Energy Storage 中国正在进行重大投资以升级其电网,以支持从煤炭发电向可再生能源的转变。由于当前基础设施的限制,该国计划在未来六年内花费超过 8000 亿美元用于电网改进。仅在今年前四个月,中国在电网项目上投资了 1229 亿元人民币(170 亿美元),同比增长 24.9%。尽管如此,由于电网容量限制,许多地区已经停止了新的小规模太阳能连接,并且一些省份现在要求太阳能运营商使用电池存储来减轻电网压力。像云南和青海这样的地区,尽管可再生能源容量增加,但仍面临着重大的电力供应问题,突显了快速转型的挑战。在各行业电气化和技术进步的推动下,电力需求的增长也超过了 GDP 的增长。电网投资的很大一部分将用于软件改进、超高压线路、本地配电系统和新的输电线路。然而,尽管可再生能源容量显著增加,但快速的新增容量超过了电网升级的速度,导致削减率上升。 China is making significant investments to upgrade its electricity grid to support its shift from coal power to renewable energy. The country plans to spend over $800 billion in the next six years on grid improvements …

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Navigating Financial Complexities in the Net-Zero Transition

需要考虑的五大因素 The Top 5 Factors to Consider 在各组织实现雄心勃勃的净零排放目标时,高层管理人员必须在复杂的环境中游刃有余,在持续的宏观经济风险中,在财务管理和环境责任之间取得微妙的平衡。在整个组织应对脱碳及其影响时,有几个关键因素需要考虑。 As organizations address ambitious net-zero targets, executive level profiles must navigate a complex landscape that demands a delicate balance between financial stewardship and environmental responsibility, amidst constant macroeconomic risks. There are several critical factors to consider when navigating decarbonisation and its impact throughout the organisation. 碳中和未来的战略性财务规划 Strategic …

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Welcome Merck! The Latest CNEUCN Strategic Partner!

默克是一家充满活力的科技公司,专注于生命科学、医药健康和电子科技三大领域,总部位于德国达姆施塔特。如今,默克在全球65个国家有约63,000名员工,2023年销售额达210亿欧元。 Merck is a vibrant science & technology company headquartered in Darmstadt, Germany, focusing on Life Science, Healthcare, and Electronics. Today, Merck has around 63,000 employees in 65 countries and generated sales of €21 billion in 2023. 科学是默克做一切事情的核心。每天,默克都会为数百万人的生活带来积极的影响。永葆好奇心以及专业的态度推动了合作伙伴关系,并将创新变为现实:从先进的基因编辑技术和发现治疗最具挑战性疾病的独特方法,到实现设备的智能化——默克无处不在。  Science is at the heart of everything Merck does, driving discoveries and technological innovations. The company positively …

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Innovative Curtain Walls Solutions – CELLIA® Facade System

向节能、可持续发展和有价值的投资迈进 A Leap Toward Energy Efficiency, Sustainability, Valuable Investment 建筑行业中幕墙外立面的发展标志着建筑设计和技术的重大变革。幕墙于 20 世纪初引入,用非结构性、轻质的外部覆层系统取代了传统的承重墙。这些系统通常由玻璃、铝和其他材料制成,能够建造出外观时尚、通透的现代高层建筑。随着时间的推移,材料和工程方面的进步提高了幕墙的性能,改善了其隔热、能源效率以及抵御天气和地震活动的能力。如今,它们对于可持续建筑实践不可或缺,碳中和建筑对幕墙外立面系统的需求日益增加。正在进行的研发重点是新型模块,这些模块可以降低能耗,加强与机械和电气系统的集成,优化安装过程和时间安排,甚至适用于现有建筑。 The development of curtain wall facades in the construction industry marks a significant evolution in building design and technology. Introduced in the early 20th century, curtain walls replaced traditional load-bearing walls with non-structural, lightweight exterior cladding systems. These systems, typically made of glass, aluminium, and …

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Join ESTEC 2024, October 2024, Amsterdam 

储能领域的全球创新、战略合作和市场机遇 Global Innovations, Strategic Partnerships, and Market Opportunities in Energy Storage ESTEC 2024:能源存储创新与合作的全球中心 ESTEC 2024: A Global Hub for Energy Storage Innovation and Collaboration 2024荷兰国际储能暨智慧能源科技展览会(ESTEC)是能源存储行业的首要全球活动。ESTEC 2024 定于 2024 年 10 月 15 日至 17 日在阿姆斯特丹 RAI 举行,为展示能源存储和智能能源技术的最新进展提供了一个绝佳场所。这个一年一度的活动在30000 平方米的广阔展览空间内汇集了 400 多家参展商,为行业领导者、创新者和买家提供了展览、交易、技术交流、高端研讨会和贸易合作的综合平台。 The 2024 Netherlands International Energy Storage & Smart Energy Technology Exhibition and Conference (ESTEC) is the premier global event for the energy storage industry. Scheduled for October 15-17, 2024, ESTEC 2024 will …

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Unlocking the Opportunities Under the New EU Battery Directive

欧盟新电池指令引入可持续性和安全性综合法规 New EU Battery Directive Introduces Comprehensive Regulations for Sustainability and Safety 2023年7月,欧盟通过了2023/1542号法规,对电池立法进行了重要的更新。这项新法规旨在创建一个统一的框架,以确保电池的可持续性和安全性,同时取代了较旧的电池指令(2006/66/EC)。从2024年2月18日起,新法规将开始生效,初期将保持与当前电池指令的一致性。然而,从2024年8月起,将分阶段引入新的义务。新法规包含六个部分,将对电池价值链中的各个利益相关者产生广泛的影响。 In July 2023, the European Union introduced a significant update to its battery legislation with the approval of Regulation (EU) 2023/1542. This regulation aims to create a harmonized framework for the sustainability and safety of batteries, replacing the older Battery Directive (2006/66/EC). …

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Chengdu and Europe Straighten Their Ties

第十八届欧洽会、欧盟中小型企业访问团、欧盟大使和成员国首脑来访。 The 18th Europe-China Fair, EU SMEs Upcoming Mission, EU Ambassador and HOMS Visit. 第十八届欧洽会:促进投资、贸易和技术领域的信任和互联互通 The 18th Europe-China Fair: Fostering Trust and Connectivity in Investment, Trade, and Technology 过去二十年,中国-欧盟投资贸易科技合作洽谈会(亦称为欧洽会)已然成为投资、贸易及技术创新交流与合作的璀璨舞台。至2023年,逾1.2万家中欧企业汇聚于此,举办了高达2,913场商务配对活动。这一盛会不仅吸引了欧洲国家的广泛参与,更成为中国与欧洲在投资、贸易及技术创新领域的核心交流平台。它深刻体现了成都与欧洲之间开放合作的坚定步伐。 Over the past two decades, the Europe-China Business and Technology Cooperation Fair, in short also known as the Europe-China Fair, has emerged as a premier event …

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Advancing Carbon Footprint Management: Collaborative Opportunities Between China and Europe

关于生物多样性保护和生态保护监督的报告 Report on Biodiversity Conservation and Ecological Conservation Supervision 欧盟和中国在环境方面的合作一直富有成果,特别是在关于“昆明—蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架”和《公海条约》的谈判中。双方都对环境领导力做出了坚定的承诺,特别是通过环境和气候高级别对话的工作,重点关注生物多样性、海洋治理、环境和水等关键对话,以及最近启动的循环经济高级别对话。 The EU and China have been enjoying a very fruitful collaboration on environment, especially during the negotiations on the Montreal-Kunming Global Biodiversity Framework and the High Seas Treaty. Both demonstrated strong commitment to environmental leadership, in particular through the work of the High-Level Environment and …

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中国氢能革命:未来机遇 – China’s Hydrogen Revolution: Opportunities Ahead

氢能源:推动中国绿色未来 Hydrogen Energy: Driving China’s Green Future 中国正在迅速发展氢能行业,利用其在电动汽车领域的领先地位,成为全球氢动力交通的强国。这一转变是中国减少碳排放、加强能源安全和通过创新绿色技术推动经济增长的更广泛战略的一部分。 China is rapidly advancing its hydrogen energy sector, leveraging its established leadership in electric vehicles (EVs) to become a global powerhouse in hydrogen-powered transportation. This transition is part of China’s broader strategy to reduce carbon emissions, enhance energy security, and drive economic growth through innovative green technologies. …

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Cooperation Between the EU and China on Circular Economy: A Look Back and Forward

在过去几年中,欧盟与中国在循环经济领域建立了强有力的合作伙伴关系。这一合作于2018年正式签署了《循环经济谅解备忘录》。这一协议标志着双方在资源管理、废物处理和可持续发展方面合作努力的开始。 Over the past few years, the European Union and China have developed a strong partnership in the field of circular economy. This cooperation was formalized in 2018 by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Circular Economy. This agreement marked the beginning of collaborative efforts to enhance resource management, waste treatment, and sustainable development. …

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