仲欧脱碳科技 采访系列|第12集:黄涛- 科学委员会成员

Prof. Tao HUANG,获得意大利都灵理工大学电气工程博士学位。他拥有上海交通大学电力系统与自动化硕士学位,以及电力系统与自动化和金融两个本科学位。他目前是都灵理工大学能源转型与安全实验室的终身教授(II fascia),所属于都灵理工大学能源中心和能源系。他还是上海交通大学的副研究员,西华大学的兼职教授,以及河南工业大学的兼职教授。
他目前是都灵理工大学与上海交通大学联合能源转型实验室的协调人,是中国电力学会电力系统继电保护与控制卫星委员会(IEEE PES)的常务理事,电力系统运行与控制分委员会的成员,并担任中国电机工程学会(CSEE)欧洲分会意大利分会的总主任。此外,他还担任中国国家电网公司全球能源互联研究院(欧洲)的外部国际科学顾问,曾是中国国家电网公司智能电网研究院欧洲前身的智能电网研究院的欧洲国际科学顾问,还是中国国家电网公司智能电网研究与发展中心的国际科学顾问。
Prof. Tao HUANG, received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Politecnico di Torino, Italy. He holds a master’s degree in Electric Power Systems and Automation and two bachelor’s degrees in Electric Power Systems and Automation and Finance from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. He is currently a tenured professor (II fascia) at the Energy Transition and Security Lab at Energy Center (Torino) and Department of Energy of Politecnico di Torino. He is also an associate researcher at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, an adjunct chair professor at Xihua University, China, and an adjunct professor at the Polytechnic University of Henan, China.
He is currently the coordinator of the Joint Energy Transition Lab between Politecnico di Torino and Shanghai Jiaotong University, Standing Director of IEEE PES power system Relaying & control Satellite Committee-China, Power system Operation & Control Subcommittee and Director General of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering (CSEE) Italian Section of European Chapter. He also serves as an external International scientific advisor for the Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute (Europe), State Grid Cooperation of China (former Smart Grid Research Institute Europe of State Grid Cooperation of China) and International scientific advisor for the State Energy Smart Grid R&D Center (Shanghai, China).
Q: 如果让你从众多与你印象深刻的经历相关的话题中选择一个,你觉得与脱碳使命更密切相关的是哪一个?
Should you pick up a topic, among the several which characterize your impressive experience that you feel more closely related to the decarbonization mission, which one you could say?
A: 从我个人从业经验来看,我认为与脱碳最密切相关的话题是关于广义的“能源转型”的概念。它包括各个方面,比如如政策、技术、经济、市场、金融等等。由于我的专业是能源,尤其是电气工程,因此我可能在这个问题上有些偏见。但是,我觉得以电力为中心的能源转型是最贴切的回答。之所以给出这个选择,原因在于电力在整个能源中所具有的灵活转变的潜能。作为高效利用新能源和连接其它能源形式的桥梁,电力在实现规模化可再生能源整合方面可以发挥关键作用。它提供了高效利用和在各个领域使用清洁能源的手段,比如如交通、工商业和民用等。此外,绿电也为能源使用的电气化提供了重要途径,从而减少对碳密集型燃料的依赖。通过以电力为中心的能源转型,我认为我们可以在脱碳能源系统方面取得重大进展。这还有助于清洁能源技术、智能电网和能源储存解决方案的开发和实施。同时,它也强调了政策、市场和金融机制的重要性,以有效支持转型。
I believe that the topic most closely related to the mission of decarbonization, and which aligns particularly well with my experience, is the broad concept of “energy transition.” This encompasses a wide array of factors, including policy, technology, economics, markets, and finance, among others. Given my expertise in the field of energy, particularly in electrical engineering, my inclination may be somewhat biased. However, I am particularly drawn to the idea of an electricity-centered energy transition.
The reason for this preference lies in the transformative potential of electricity within the broader energy landscape. As an efficient and versatile medium, electricity plays a pivotal role in enabling the integration of renewable energy sources at scale. It offers the means to harness and distribute clean energy across various sectors, such as transportation, industry, and residential use. Moreover, green electricity provides a pathway to electrify energy consumption, thereby reducing reliance on carbon-intensive fuels.
By focusing on electricity-centered energy transition, I believe we can drive substantial progress in decarbonizing our energy systems. It also contributes to the development and implementation of clean energy technologies, smart grids, and energy storage solutions. It also emphasizes the importance of policy, markets, and financial mechanisms to support the transition effectively.
Q: 根据你的学术和职业背景,你认为你可以为全球急需减少温室气体排放提供的主要贡献是什么?
Based on your academic and professional background, what is the main contribution you feel to provide to the worldwide urgency to reduce greenhouse gasses emission?
A: 我相信减少温室气体排放的首要任务主要在于引导能源系统的转变。根据国际能源署(IEA)的估计,全球超过四分之三的温室气体排放可以归因于能源相关方面。因此,如果我们希望有策略地分配资源来推动全球向脱碳转型,我认为行动的关键领域无疑是能源转型。能源转型的中期目标是将基于化石燃料的能源生产替换为可再生能源。这一转型也必将使得能源基础设施得到大规模升级,以支持可再生能源的整合。电力因其在大规模利用可再生能源方面的高效性而显得至关重要。因此,我们也迫切需要鼓励不同最终用户用能领域的电气化,确保电力成为可持续能源生态系统的骨干。此外,这一变革之路并不仅限于电力。其他能源商品,如氢气、合成气、生物燃料和沼气等,也必须协同发展、共同演进,以在脱碳工作中发挥重要作用。通过能源产品的多样化,我们可以更好地满足不同部门的特定需求,增强能源整体抗风险的能力。能源转型当然是一个跨越技术层面的多学科努力。它需要来自金融、政策和市场的全面支持,以促进其增长和可持续发展。此外,这一转型具有潜力通过创造新产业、创造就业机会和鼓励创新来刺激经济增长。它不仅与减少温室气体排放的任务相符,还与促进可持续发展及更为广泛的全球繁荣的目标一致。
I believe that the primary contribution to the global imperative of reducing greenhouse gas emissions lies in spearheading the reformation of energy systems. As per estimations from the International Energy Agency (IEA), more than three-quarters of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions can be attributed to the energy sector. Therefore, if we seek to strategically allocate our resources to drive the global shift toward decarbonization, the pivotal area for action is undoubtedly the energy transition.
In the medium term, the transition is the replacement of fossil-based energy generation with renewable sources. This transition must be complemented by substantial upgrades to our energy infrastructures to support the integration of renewables seamlessly. Electricity emerges as a vital medium, given its efficiency in harnessing renewable energy sources at a large scale. Consequently, it is imperative to encourage the electrification of various sectors of final consumption, ensuring that electricity becomes the backbone of a sustainable energy ecosystem.
Moreover, this transformative journey extends beyond electricity. Other energy commodities, such as hydrogen, synthetic gas, biofuels, and biogas, must also undergo development and co-evolution to play a significant role in decarbonization efforts. By diversifying our energy portfolio, we can better address the specific needs of different sectors and enhance overall energy resilience.
The energy transition is of course a multidisciplinary endeavor that transcends technical aspects alone. It necessitates comprehensive support from finance, policy, and markets to foster its growth and sustainability. Furthermore, this transition has the potential to stimulate economic growth by creating new industries, generating jobs, and encouraging innovation. It aligns not only with the imperative of reducing greenhouse gas emissions but also with the broader goal of fostering a more sustainable and prosperous global future.
Q: 根据你的经验,中国在实现“双碳目标”方面主要面临哪些挑战?
According to your experience which one are the main challenges China has to face to reach its “dual carbon goal?
A: 在我看来,中国在实现其“双碳目标”时面临的最主要挑战之一是需要在减少碳排放和维持强劲的经济增长之间取得微妙的平衡。这一挑战源自环境保护和经济增长之间的内在紧张关系,需要精心制定政策和实施。此外,中国需要应对各地区的多样性及发展的差距。这些差距体现在各地不同水平的经济发展、教育质量、技术发展、治理有效性等方面。确保减碳措施在考虑到各个地区独特情况的同时,公平地惠及所有地区,对于有效实现双碳目标至关重要。当然,这一挑战不仅仅局限于双碳目标,而是几乎实现所有的中国国家级目标都需要面对的问题。解决这些差距对于确保向低碳经济的可持续性和包容性转型,并保持总体经济增长至关重要。为克服这些挑战,中国需要采取一种整体的方法,将环境可持续性与经济和社会发展相结合。这包括实施鼓励绿色创新的政策,投资可再生能源,促进各个地区间合作以分享最佳实践。通过协同解决这些问题,中国可以朝着双碳目标迈进,同时促进全国各地的平衡和和谐发展。
In my opinion, one of the primary challenges China encounters in achieving its “dual carbon goal” is the delicate balance it must strike between reducing its carbon footprint and sustaining its robust economic growth. This challenge arises from the inherent tension between environmental conservation and economic expansion, which requires careful policy formulation and implementation.
Furthermore, China grapples with the task of addressing disparities in development across its vast and diverse regions. These disparities encompass varying levels of economic development, education quality, technological advancement, governance effectiveness, and more. Ensuring that carbon reduction measures benefit all regions equitably while considering their unique circumstances is pivotal to achieving the dual carbon goal effectively.
This challenge is not exclusive to the dual carbon goal but pervades most national objectives, making it a broader issue that China must confront. Addressing these disparities is essential for ensuring a sustainable and inclusive transition to a low-carbon economy while maintaining overall economic growth.
To overcome these challenges, China needs to adopt a holistic approach that integrates environmental sustainability with economic and social development. This includes implementing policies that encourage green innovation, investing in renewable energy sources, and fostering cooperation among various regions to share best practices. By addressing these issues cohesively, China can advance toward its dual carbon goal while fostering balanced and harmonious development across the nation.

Q: 更具体地来讲,在你的专业领域,可以采取哪些机制和行动来在中欧之间创建有益的协同效应,以实现碳中和?
More specifically, in your sector of competence, which mechanisms and actions could be implemented to create virtuous synergies between China and Europe to reach carbon neutrality?
A: 中欧在实现碳中和方面有许多机制和行动可以相互合作。其中最容易的可能是在教育和研究领域,即能力的培养方面,这可以培养出能够推动两个地区走向碳中和的专业人员。此外,开展合作研究和共同项目也相对容易,尤其是旨在推动清洁能源技术进步的方面。比如可以聚焦于可再生能源发电、能源储存和新能源并网等方面的创新。这些项目可以促进知识交流和技术转移,推动更清洁能源解决方案的采纳。此外,还有其他方面,如通过合资企业、技术转让协议和协作创新中心鼓励清洁能源技术和专业知识的交流。参与国际论坛,如巴黎协定和气候峰会,可以提供中国和欧洲在全球气候目标方面合作的机会。两个地区可以共同努力,影响国际气候政策,加强其在碳中和方面的共同承诺。协调能源和环境政策可以为碳减排工作创造更有利的法规环境。分享在排放交易、碳定价和可再生能源批准方面的最佳实践等可以帮助协调政策框架,鼓励对清洁能源的投资。此外,中国和欧洲还可以合作建立支持可持续能源项目的绿色金融机制。这些机制可以包括绿色债券、投资基金和对清洁能源投资的激励措施等等。通过协调金融激励和法规,两个地区可以吸引资金用于碳中和倡议或双碳目标。正如您所见,相互合作实际上可以涵盖许多方面。
There are several mechanisms and actions for synergies between China and EU for carbon neutrality. The easiest ones may be in education and research, i.e. capability building, which can create a skilled workforce capable of driving the transition towards carbon neutrality in both regions. Also, it is easy to do collaborative research and projects, especially aimed at advancing clean energy technologies. Joint initiatives can focus on innovations in renewable energy generation, energy storage, and grid integration. These projects can facilitate knowledge exchange and technology transfer, promoting the adoption of cleaner energy solutions. Besides, there are also other aspects, such as encouraging the exchange of clean energy technologies and expertise through joint ventures, technology transfer agreements, and collaborative innovation hubs. Engaging in international forums, such as the Paris Agreement and climate summits, can provide opportunities for China and Europe to collaborate on global climate objectives. Both regions can work together to influence international climate policy and enhance their collective commitment to carbon neutrality. Coordinating energy and environmental policies can create a more conducive regulatory environment for decarbonization efforts. Sharing best practices in areas like emissions trading, carbon pricing, and renewable energy mandates can help align the policy landscape and encourage investments in clean energy. Also, China and Europe can collaborate to establish green finance mechanisms that support sustainable energy projects. These mechanisms may include green bonds, investment funds, and incentives for clean energy investments. By aligning financial incentives and regulations, both regions can attract capital for carbon-neutral initiatives. As you can see, synergies can really cover many aspects.
Q: 碳中和是一个需要全面方法和所有利益相关者的综合行动的目标。它不仅应处理技术问题,还应关注新的经济发展模式和社会方面的问题。中国欧洲碳中和倡议通过其科学委员会和专家咨询委员会旨在成为一个平台,汇集这些专业知识,然后分享潜在的解决方案。你有哪些建议和提案希望为其发展和运营分享?
Carbon neutrality is a target which required holistic approach and integrated actions by all the stakeholders. It should tackle not only technical matters, but also new economic development model and social aspects. China Europe Carbon Neutral initiative by its Scientific Committee & Expert Advisory Board aims to be a platform to gather these expertise then share potential solution. Which advices and proposal you feel to share for its development and operation?
A: 我认为China Europe Carbon Neutral Initiative可以成为分享专业知识、促进合作以及推动实质性行动朝向碳中和的重要平台。为了维持其发展和运作,我觉得在碳中和的漫漫长路中,可以选取一些更实际的方面入手。正如我在之前的回答中提到的,其中最简单的可能在教育领域,即技能培训。这不仅可以在碳中和领域建立专业知识,还可以通过研讨会、认证课程和在线资源等,提高知名度。最终,它也会吸引其他利益相关者来为研究和创新提供资金支持,创造新产品和商业机会等。这也有助于被社会各个层面所包容,增加碳中和的意识,以及吸引与各类企业、非政府组织和各级政府的合作伙伴关系。建立一个协作网络可以增强倡议的影响力,促进碳中和的统一方法。
I believe the China Europe Carbon Neutral Initiative can become a vital platform for sharing expertise, fostering collaboration, and driving meaningful action towards carbon neutrality. To sustain its own development and operation, I would recommend some more practical options in the short time along the long journey towards carbon neutrality. As I mentioned in the previous answer, the easiest one may be on education, say capacity building, this would not only build expertise in the field of carbon neutrality, but also, through workshops, seminars, certified courses, and online resources, increase the visibility of the China Europe Carbon Neutral Initiative. It would eventually attract other stakeholders for financing research and innovations, creating new products and commercial opportunities, etc. This could also benefit for the social inclusion of all segments of the society to increase their awareness as well as attracting partnerships with businesses, non-governmental organizations, and governments at all levels. Building a network of collaborators can amplify the impact of the initiative and promote a unified approach to carbon neutrality.
Q: 全球变暖对自然环境、生态系统和经济带来了灾难性的影响。鉴于这一问题,中国的“双碳目标”如何影响规划新的能源系统发展方式?
Global warming brought disastrous effects to the natural environment, ecosystems, and economy. Due to this issue, how China’s “Dual Carbon Target” influence the way to plan a new development of energy system?
A: 中国的“双碳目标”代表了一项重大而雄心勃勃的倡议,旨在在2030年实现碳排放峰值,并在2060年实现碳中和。它也是中国推动能源系统变革以应对全球变暖的关键之一。谈到对能源系统的影响时,我认为首要的是,这一目标需要摆脱对煤炭、天然气和石油等化石燃料的依赖。现在,中国正在优先考虑更清洁的能源,特别是风能、太阳能和水电等可再生能源。这种向低碳能源发电的过渡也是减少温室气体排放、抑制全球变暖对环境的影响以及促进可持续经济增长的关键一步。中国还在可再生能源基础设施方面进行了大规模投资。这包括兴建大型风电和太阳能发电场,以及升级电力系统,以便更好地消纳间歇性可再生能源。这种对可再生能源的关注与中国实现碳中和的承诺一致。提高能源效率的努力也是另一个重要组成部分。现代化现有的发电厂、采用先进技术以及实施需求管理措施都是国家战略的一部分,以减少能源浪费和降低排放,对抗全球变暖做出贡献。此外,电网现代化是一个重要的优先事项。有灵活性的和智能的电网对于高效消纳可再生能源和平衡供需关系至关重要。这是建设更可持续和低碳能源基础设施的重要元素。此外,为了激励减排,中国还在电力部门引入碳定价机制和减排目标。这鼓励企业和公用事业公司投资更清洁的技术,并采取有意义的措施来减少碳排放。中国还积极推动能源领域的研究和创新。这涉及开发先进的能源储存解决方案、碳捕获和利用技术,以及能够适应可再生能源变化性质的智能电网管理系统。当然,分散式能源系统也越来越重要,比如微电网和可再生能源社区项目等。它们在面对环境挑战时更具弹性,进一步促进了中国的减排。
China’s “Dual Carbon Target” represents a significant and ambitious initiative, with the goal of reaching peak carbon emissions by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060, is driving key changes in the energy sector to combat global warming. When talking about the influence on the energy systems, I think, first and foremost, the target necessitates a shift away from fossil fuels like coal, gas and oil. Now China is prioritizing cleaner energy sources, notably renewables such as wind, solar, and hydropower. This transition to low-carbon energy generation is a pivotal step in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, curbing global warming’s impact on the environment, and promoting sustainable economic growth. China is also making substantial investments in renewable energy infrastructure. This includes the construction of large-scale wind and solar farms, as well as the modernization of its grid systems to facilitate the integration of intermittent renewable energy sources. This focus on renewables aligns with the nation’s commitment to achieving carbon neutrality.
Efforts to improve energy efficiency are another essential component. Modernizing existing power plants, adopting advanced technologies, and implementing demand-side management measures are all part of China’s strategy to minimize energy waste and reduce emissions, contributing to the global fight against global warming. Furthermore, grid modernization is a key priority. A flexible and smart grid is essential for the efficient integration of renewables and the balancing of power supply and demand. It’s a crucial element in building a more sustainable and low-carbon energy infrastructure. To incentivize emission reductions, China is also introducing carbon pricing mechanisms and emission reduction targets in the power sector. This motivates companies and utilities to invest in cleaner technologies and take meaningful steps to reduce their carbon emissions. China is also actively promoting research and innovation in the energy sector. This involves developing advanced energy storage solutions, carbon capture and utilization techniques, and smart grid management systems that can accommodate the variable nature of renewable energy sources. Finally, decentralized energy systems, including microgrids and community-based renewable energy projects, are gaining importance. They offer more resilience in the face of environmental challenges and further contribute to China’s emissions reduction efforts.
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For more information and further details please write to: [email protected]
仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China and Europe path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.