


On April 29th China Europe Carbon Neutral (CNEUCN) organized the first meeting of its Scientific Committee to kick off the activities. 

The meeting was hold “online” due to the various geographical location of the European and Chinese experts. 


The Committee is a selected group of high-profile experts from institutions, stakeholder network organizations representing industry, research and civil society.

Members’ experience represents major the scientific disciplines for decarbonization related sectors in Europe and China. 

仲欧脱碳科技(CNEUCN)首席执行官兼委员会秘书长马晓利 Massimo Bagnasco 先生在开幕致辞中强调了该委员会的独特性,这要归功于其代表欧洲和中国脱碳相关领域主要科学学科的成员的多样化和协同背景。

Along his opening remarks, Massimo Bagnasco, CNEUCN CEO and Secretary General of the Committee, underlined the uniqueness of this council thanks to the variegated and synergic background of its members who represent major the scientific disciplines for decarbonization related sectors in Europe and China. 


He reminded the Committee’s mission to operate as a think tank which gives constructive guidelines to policy makers and stakeholders about China’s path towards carbon neutrality target. It is also responsible for the supervision and advisory of the China Europe Carbon Neutral knowledge-based activities.







Along the vivid discussion, members said that among the aims and actions they proposed to work to:

– Analyze the policy framework to implement medium term activities.

– Make a comparative study research about best practice in Chinese and European cities. 

– Check the complementarity between carbon neutrality strategies in Europe and China, and see where cooperation would be available, therefore breaking down the long-term plan in to short term plan is a necessity and learn to each other.

– Act as think tank to provide advisory to Central level and also local level institutions. 

– Identify a pilot area where, in cooperation with Local Government, implement the methodology and the outcome of the researches. 






-在会议结束时,马晓利 Massimo Bagnasco先生强调:“通过我们(科学委员会)的密切合作,可以提供独特并且量身定制的结果,通过各部门的最佳专业人士和学者的紧密合作,我们有能力在任意地点解决问题,并且提供解决方案。我们采用的方法可能是同一种,但解决方案总是不同的!”

More specifically will be taken concrete action to: 

– Consolidate the links and cooperation between present China – Europe initiatives.

– Facilitate the design and implementation of joint services between institutional and private entities in China and Europe.

– Expand the support offered to government, academia, R&D organizations and industry, in the Chinese market.

– On top of the operation meetings of the Committee, organize a yearly conference to disseminate the work done and enhance the cooperation among the stakeholders. 

To conclude the session, Massimo Bagnasco stressed that: “Closely cooperating together, we (the Scientific Committee), can provide the unique “tailor made” result, done by the best professionals and scholars from each sector, which is needed for each individual location and matter. The method we apply can be one, but the solutions are always different!” 

欲了解更多信息和更多详情,请联系Simona Yang女士 ,邮件:[email protected]

For more information and further details please contact Ms. Simona Yang, email: [email protected] 


仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。

China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China’s path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge. 

China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.