


New Frontiers: The Implication of the Revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive in the Energy-Efficient Building Market and Renewable Energy Market

4月12日,欧盟理事会正式批准了关于建筑能效的更新指令。目前,建筑物占欧盟温室气体排放的三分之一以上,其中85%是在2000年之前建造的,而这些建筑中有75%的能源效率不足。改善建筑能效对于节约能源、实现2050年碳中和建筑库存至关重要。根据欧盟统计局的能源平衡数据和欧洲环境署的《2023年温室气体清单》显示,欧盟约 40% 的能源消耗发生在建筑物中,而欧盟三分之一以上与能源相关的温室气体排放来自建筑物,其中欧盟住宅约 80% 的能源消耗用于供暖、制冷和热水。

On April 12th, the European Union Council formally ratified an updated directive concerning the energy performance of buildings. Presently, buildings are responsible for more than a third of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions, with 85% constructed prior to 2000, and 75% of those exhibiting inadequate energy efficiency. Addressing energy efficiency in buildings is imperative for conserving energy and realizing a carbon-neutral building stock by 2050. Eurostat energy balances and the EEA Greenhouse Gas Inventory of 2023 reveal that approximately 40% of energy consumption in the EU occurs in buildings, while over a third of the EU’s energy-related greenhouse gas emissions originate from buildings, with around 80% of energy consumed in EU residences allocated to heating, cooling, and hot water.

欧盟委员会于2021年12月15日作为“55套案”计划的一部分,向欧洲议会和欧盟理事会提出了修订建筑能效指令的提案,旨在实现2050年碳中和建筑库存。 根据更新的法规,所有新建筑必须在2030年前实现碳中和,而整个欧盟的建筑存量必须在2050年前实现碳中和。对于非住宅建筑,修订后的指令规定了最低能源性能标准,以限制每年每平方米的一次或最终能源使用量上限。

The EU Commission proposed a revision of the directive on energy performance of buildings to the European Parliament and the EU Council on December 15, 2021, as part of the ‘Fit for 55’ package, aimed at achieving a carbon-neutral building stock by 2050. Under the updated regulations, all new buildings must be carbon-neutral by 2030, and the entire EU building stock must achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. For non-residential buildings, the revised directive establishes minimum energy performance standards to limit the maximum amount of primary or final energy use per square meter annually.

根据新规定,到 2030 年,所有非住宅建筑的能效水平将超过能效水平最低的16%,到 2033 年将超过能效水平最低的26%,从而逐步淘汰能效水平较低的非住宅建筑。成员国可以选择对某些建筑,如历史或宗教建筑或军方所有的建筑,免于适用这些规定。

此外,欧盟成员国必须确保到2030年将住宅建筑的平均一次能源消耗量减少16%,到 2035 年减少20%-22%。至少有55%的减排应通过翻新最不节能的居民建筑实现,重点是通过技术和财政支持措施帮助弱势家庭。

According to the new provisions, by 2030, all non-residential buildings will surpass the energy performance of the bottom 16%, and by 2033, the bottom 26%, leading to the gradual phasing out of poorly performing non-residential buildings. Member states have the option to exempt certain buildings, such as historical or religious structures, or those owned by the military, from these regulations.

Additionally, EU member states must ensure that the average primary energy consumption of residential buildings is reduced by 16% by 2030 and by 20-22% by 2035. At least 55% of this reduction must be achieved through renovating the least energy-efficient residential buildings, with a focus on assisting vulnerable households through technical and financial support measures.


Opportunities for Energy-Efficient Building Market and Renewable Energy Market under the New Directive



To decarbonize the building sector, national renovation plans must include a roadmap to phase out fossil fuel boilers by 2040. The updated rules also mandate the installation of suitable solar energy systems in new buildings, public buildings, and existing non-residential buildings undergoing renovation, alongside provisions for sustainable mobility infrastructure, including electric vehicle charging stations, pre-cabling for future infrastructure, and bicycle parking.

The revised directive has limited the consumption of non-renewable primary energy and has implemented a tightening minimum energy efficiency requirement. Thus, the revised directive focuses on energy efficiency and renewable energy to achieve zero-emission buildings. To be successful, it is critical to implement higher energy class ratings that align with Energy Performance of Building Directives standards to reduce energy demand and use renewable energy (e.g. photovoltaic, solar thermal and wind energy) to supply the remaining demand. 



Renovating buildings to improve energy performance not only saves energy and reduces bills, thereby alleviating energy poverty and enhancing energy independence but also enhances the health and well-being of occupants. Moreover, investments in energy efficiency stimulate economic growth and create green jobs, benefiting the EU’s construction industry, which accounts for around 9.6% of the EU’s value added and employs nearly 25 million people across 5.3 million companies, with SMEs being the primary beneficiaries. 

The EU Commission plans to review the directive by 2028 to assess progress and gained experience during its implementation.

1. 节能建筑市场

1. Energy-Efficient Building Market


The revised directive prioritizes energy efficiency by introducing stricter energy performance standards and building requirements, creating a clear regulatory framework for enterprises to innovate products to meet its standards. The development of the energy-efficient building market is driven by international organizations, governments, and regulatory agencies for energy efficiency. For example, energy efficiency standards, building codes, and certifications like LEED and ENERGY START are some policies that facilitate technological advancement in the energy-efficient building market. Under government support, these stringent standards present an opportunity for businesses specializing in energy-efficient building solutions to develop products and services that meet or exceed the new requirements in the EU.


Innovation and technological advancements have played a crucial role in foreign enterprises offering innovative solutions and addressing market demand for the EU market to achieve energy efficiency. Innovations in construction technologies, energy-efficient applications, and building materials have made designing, constructing, and retrofitting energy-efficient buildings easier. Meanwhile, cutting-edge technologies in the energy-efficient building market, such as energy-efficient applications, air conditioning (heating, ventilation and cooling) systems, intelligent building systems, and renewable energy integration, have showcased considerable potential for worldwide enterprises to offer solutions that align with EU requirements. For example, LEDs are much more efficient than incandescent bulbs, converting 95% of their energy into light, while the latter wastes 90% of their energy as heat. By offering innovative products for the EU market to achieve energy efficiency, foreign enterprises can address the increasing demand for energy-efficient building market. 

Source: (Zagame, 2023)


Case Study:



Xeca Turbo (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in Beijing in 2011 by Dr. Zhang Xuefeng. After 12 years of entrepreneurial and outstanding development, it has developed into a domestic high-performance turbine machinery core technology development service and innovation R&D and industrialization brand.

Environmental control compressors are air-suspended oil-free centrifugal refrigeration/heat pump compressors used in artificial environments such as refrigeration, air conditioning, heating, and high and low temperature chambers.

The environmental control compressor adopts unique technologies such as dynamic pressure air bearings, high-efficiency pneumatic design, high-efficiency permanent magnet motors, and intelligent control. The ECC series products not only have the advantages of energy saving and environmental protection, but also are oil-free, highly reliable, maintenance-free, and low vibration, noise and other outstanding features.

2. 可再生能源市场

2. Renewable Energy Market 


The European policies strong emphasis on energy efficiency and sustainability led to a higher demand for renewable sources such as wind and solar to meet the stringent standards. Over the past two decades, renewable energy production and consumption have rapidly increased across the EU in response to dedicated policies and measures. However, to meet the target of zero-emission buildings by 2030 requires higher renewables development rates and a profound transformation of the European energy system. Therefore, it creates an opportunity for foreign enterprises specializing in renewable technologies to enter the European market and offer solutions that satisfy energy-efficient building practices. 


With the revised directive placing a strong emphasis on energy efficiency in the building sector, foreign enterprises have the opportunity to demonstrate their cutting-edge renewable technologies in the EU market. Amid widespread government support, the solar PV manufacturing sector has experienced remarkable growth, with the technology gaining momentum on a global scale. This surge is particularly evident in key markets such as China, the United States, and India. For example, solar PV generated a record of nearly 1,300 terawatt-hours in 2022, up 26% from 2021 and logging the most considerable absolute generation growth of all renewable technologies in 2022. By offering cutting-edge renewable energy generation technology, foreign enterprises can address the evolving needs of the European market and establish themselves as key players in the renewable energy sector.  




The revised directive on building energy performance aims to achieve zero-emission buildings by 2030 and transform the EU’s building stock into a zero-emission building stock by 2050. The revised directive addresses energy efficiency by implementing higher class ratings for energy products and using renewable energy to achieve zero-emission buildings. 


The revised directive policy presents unprecedented opportunities for energy efficient-building and renewable energy players with advanced, efficient and affordable solutions.


At CNEUCN, we specialize in facilitating seamless entry into the European market for Chinese companies by providing invaluable insights and comprehensive assistance. With a dedicated scientific committee and long-term partners focused on decarbonization, we offer tailored market insights, facilitate strategic partnerships, and ensure alignment with European sustainability standards. From market entry strategies to regulatory compliance and branding, our holistic support empowers businesses to thrive in Europe. 



  1. Cover Picture: The Sign by Progetto CMR. Available at:
  2. The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (2023) Deloitte Malta. Available at:
  3. Johnson Controls acquires hybrid energy to enhance industrial heat pump portfolio (2024) Johnson Controls Inc. Available at:
  4. Overview (2024) First Solar. Available at: 
  5. Rapid progress of key clean energy technologies shows the new energy economy is emerging faster than many think – news (2023) International Energy Agency. Available at:
  6. Renewable energy (2023) European Environment Agency. Available at:
  7. Towards Zero-emission buildings by 2050: Council adopts rules to improve energy performance – Concilium (2024) European Council of the European Union. Available at:
  8. Zagame, K. (2023) Energy-efficient homes 2023: Top 33 energy facts and statistics, EcoWatch. Available at:

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仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。

China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China and Europe path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.

China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.