European Union Carbon Neutrality Targets and Recent Policies
欧盟的目标是到 2050 年实现气候中和,在此过程中,到 2030 年,温室气体排放量应比 1990 年至少减少 55%。
The European Union aims to reach climate neutrality by 2050. In this path, greenhouse gas emissions should be reduced, at least, by 55% by 2030, compared to 1990.
The European Union has recently introduced the “Net-Zero Industry Act,” setting a standard for the production capacity of key net-zero technology products in the manufacturing sector.
- 投资促进关键产品的生产能力,确保欧盟气候中和目标的实现
- 为欧盟的净零排放工业创建一个简单的法律框架
- 到 2030 年,利用国产清洁技术满足欧盟 40% 的国内需求
根据欧盟委员会提供的数据,到 2030 年,全球净零排放技术市场价值约为 6 亿欧元。
The three main objectives of the “Act” are:
⦁ Investments’ promotion in the production capacity of key products that can ensure the EU’s climate neutrality goals
⦁ Creation of a simple legal framework for the EU based net-zero industries
⦁ By 2030, cover 40% of the domestic needs in the EU with domestically produced clean technology
Based on data provided by EU Commission, by 2030 the net-zero global technology market is worthy about 600 million euro.
Opportunities in the European Market
欧盟的碳排放目标引起了许多相关领域国际公司的兴趣。目前,世界上最大的生产基地和一些最好的技术解决方案都来自中国,因此,中国公司是最有兴趣把握这一机遇的潜在参与者之一。欧盟市场是一个巨大而开放的市场,即使在 2030 年之后,它仍将为外部参与者提供高达 60% 的市场份额,并且对于那些将研发和生产工厂设在欧盟境内的公司来说,他们将获得更多的机会和支持。
The EU’s carbon emission targets have captured the attention of numerous international companies operating within relevant sectors. Currently, the world’s largest production base and some of the most advanced technical solutions originate from China, making Chinese companies among the most interested potential actors, and partners, to seize this opportunity. The European market is vast and accessible; even beyond 2030, it will continue to offer up to 60% accessibility to external players. However, there will be even greater opportunities and support for companies that establish their research and development facilities and production plants within the EU.
Companies that seek to gain new ground outside China’s market will inevitably face regulatory challenges outside their own market knowledge. Despite this, the European market still appeals to Chinese renewable energy firms due to its size, growth potential, technology, policy support, and partnership opportunities.
在 “后疫情时代”,中国企业正从并购转向绿地投资。安永中国海外投资业务部全球主管周昭媚表示,在中国经济形势和政府指示的推动下,自2022年以来,中国绿地投资已超过并购,“‘接近消费市场’原则在中企海外布局的过程中已成为主要考量因素之一……未来,欧洲在可再生能源领域的投资与合作机会将继续增加”。
Chinese companies are shifting from M&A to Greenfield investment in the post-COVID era. Chinese greenfield investments have now surpassed M&A since 2022, driven by China’s economic conditions and government directives as stated by Zhou Zhaomei, Global Leader of Ernst & Young’s China Overseas Investment Network “The principle of ‘being close to the consumer market’ has become one of the main considerations in the overseas expansion process of Chinese companies… In the future, Europe’s investment and cooperation opportunities in the field of renewable energy will continue to increase.”
Key market demands
多项技术的应用正以前所未有的速度增长,部分归功于欧盟《净零工业法案》的非弹性需求,该法案提出了到 2030 年要实现的宏伟目标,其中包括:
⦁ 600 千兆瓦太阳能光伏发电和太阳能热发电
⦁ 500 千兆瓦风电场
⦁ 各类电池的采集能力显著提高,锂材料的采集能力提高80%
⦁ 安装总共 600 万台供暖泵
⦁ 氢能应占欧盟能源结构的 2%,到 2050 年,达到 20%(20 年内增加 10 倍)
⦁ 生物甲烷和沼气年产量增加 350 亿立方米
⦁ 二氧化碳捕集与封存 (CCS) 至少达到8000 万吨,到 2040 年,至少应达到 3 亿吨
⦁ 大幅改进电网技术,从而所有相关设备均有巨大需求
The deployment of several technologies is growing at an unprecedented rate partly thanks to inelastic demand from the EU’s Net-Zero Industry Act which has ambitious targets to achieve by 2030 including:
⦁ 600 GW of solar photovoltaic and solar thermal
⦁ 500 GW of wind farms
⦁ Significant improvements in all kind of batteries collection and up to 80% for lithium material
⦁ Totally 6 million units of heating pumps installed
⦁ Hydrogen should reach 2% of the European Union’s energy mix. Then, by 2050, 20% (ten times more in just 20 years’ time).
⦁ Increase biomethane and biogas production by 35 billion cubic meters per year
⦁ CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) at least 80 million tonnes. By 2040 it should become, at least, 300 million tonnes.
⦁ Substantial improvement in the grid technologies, then a large demand for all the related equipment.
Looking at above targets, it is clearly understandable the huge and immediate opportunities this market offers in several sectors related to renewable energies.

来源:欧盟 – 欧盟理事会总秘书处
Source: European Union – Council of the EU General Secretariat
Strategies to achieve sustainable collaborations in Europe
Cross border expansion mainly aims at accessing new markets for diversification and profit maximisation without taking material operational, financial and market risks. Therefore, selecting the right market entry strategy depends on various factors such as your company’s resources, capabilities, market conditions, and priority of objectives. Here are some steps to help to understand the different options.
- Direct Market Entry:
Establishing a production plant or just a subsidiary in a key European market allows for direct engagement with local consumers and stakeholders. This approach provides greater control over operations and facilitates market penetration.
High initial investment and operational overheads may strain resources, while navigating unfamiliar legal frameworks and cultural nuances poses potential hurdles.
要降低这些风险,利用目标地点的专业服务至关重要。这样做不仅能缩短上市时间,还能最大限度地减少代价高昂的错误和错失良机的可能性。对这些服务的投资回报可以通过其促成的当地合作伙伴关系的质量来衡量,从而为您的计划创建一个量身定制的生态系统。这种方法可以降低与合规性和文化障碍相关的风险。此外,建立一支具有跨文化专业知识的多元化领导团队还能提高适应性和响应能力。仲欧脱碳科技(CNEUCN)强烈建议进行认真的市场调研,包括市场机会评估和 B2B 合作,以此作为这一过程第一步的最优选择。
To mitigate these risks, leveraging professional services in the target location is crucial. Doing so not only reduces time-to-market but also minimizes the likelihood of costly errors and missed opportunities. The return on investment in these services can be gauged by the quality of local partnerships that are facilitated, thereby creating a tailored ecosystem for your initiative. This approach mitigates risks associated with regulatory compliance and cultural barriers. Additionally, establishing a diverse leadership team with cross-cultural expertise enhances adaptability and responsiveness. China Europe Carbon Neutral (CNEUCN) strongly recommends conducting diligent market research, including market opportunity assessments and B2B partnering, as the optimal first step in this process.
- 战略合作伙伴关系:
- Strategic Partnerships:
Collaborating with established European companies or industry leaders enables access to existing networks, resources, and market insights. Joint ventures or strategic alliances offer shared risks and rewards, leveraging complementary strengths for mutual benefit.
Operational Risk: One common challenge lies in the initial shortlist of suitable companies. While companies can often conduct this search independently during the preliminary stages, they frequently lack the expertise to perform thorough due diligence and subsequent outreach effectively. This inefficiency in resource utilization can hinder progress.
Strategic Risk: Successful joint ventures necessitate complementary synergies aligned with both parties’ goals and key performance indicators (KPIs). Any misalignment or incompleteness in KPIs may escalate resource requirements to achieve joint success and ensure the sustainability of the venture.
有效利用专业知识和资源至关重要。这就得根据需要利用内部专业知识和外部资源,有效分配资源。在从确定目标到交易后整合的整个交易生命周期中,聘请业务咨询服务和行业专家可以提供宝贵的见解和指导。这些专家会评估财务业绩、关键绩效指标 (KPI),并识别潜在的风险和机遇。利用这一支持可确保以完善的手段执行交易,优化结果并降低过程中的风险。
Efficiently utilizing expertise and resources is paramount. This entails allocating resources effectively by tapping into both internal expertise and external resources as required. Engaging business consulting services and industry specialists can offer invaluable insights and guidance across the entire deal lifecycle, from identifying targets to integrating post-transaction. These experts assess financial performance, key performance indicators (KPIs), and identify potential risks and opportunities. Leveraging such support ensures a comprehensive approach to deal execution, optimizing outcomes and mitigating risks along the way.
- 技术许可或特许经营:
- Technology Licensing or Franchising:
Licensing proprietary technologies or franchising established business models to European partners allows for rapid market entry with lower upfront investment. This approach leverages the expertise and infrastructure of local partners while generating revenue through licensing fees or royalties. European market is also a mature market with well-established policy and rules about intellectual property (IP) control.
This option places significant reliance on the performance of the local partner. Despite the potential for a lower initial investment, the success of the venture is entirely contingent upon the effectiveness of the local partner. Should the partner fail to deliver the expected results, even a modest investment could prove wasteful. Furthermore, time is a crucial factor in a competitive market environment where delays could allow competitors to seize opportunities. Therefore, investing time with an ineffective partner could result in substantial losses. It underscores the paramount importance of choosing a reliable and capable partner to ensure the success of the endeavour.
Conducting comprehensive due diligence on potential partners mitigates risks of misalignment in operational practices and expected results.
Case Study:
宁德时代与宝马的合作伙伴关系:宁德时代与宝马的合作关系就是一个显著的例子。宁德时代为宝马的电动汽车(包括宝马 i3 和 iX3 等车型)提供锂离子电池,这种合作关系可能涉及一项技术许可协议,宁德时代将其电池技术授权给宝马,用于其电动汽车。
CATL & BMW Partnership: One notable example is CATL’s partnership with BMW. CATL supplies lithium-ion batteries to BMW for its electric vehicles, including models such as the BMW i3 and iX3. This partnership likely involves a technology licensing agreement where CATL licenses its battery technology to BMW for use in its electric vehicles.
Expansion in Europe: CATL has been expanding its presence in Europe, including investments in manufacturing facilities in countries like Germany and Hungary. These expansions may involve technology licensing agreements with local partners or customers to facilitate the production and supply of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles and energy storage systems in the European market.

来源:欧盟委员会,爱德曼国际公关公司,Carbon Gap
Source: European Commission, Edelman Global Advisory, Carbon Gap
从本质上讲,欧盟市场是本地和非欧盟公司进军可再生能源领域的重要舞台。欧盟的宏伟目标是到 2030 年,可再生能源在其能源消费总量中所占比例 “至少达到 32%”,并力争提高到 “至少 40%”,因此,在欧盟决心到 2030 年将温室气体排放量减少 “至少 55%”的情况下,机遇是势不可挡的。
In essence, the European market stands as a pivotal arena for local and foreign companies expanding into the renewable energy sector. With the European Union’s ambitious goal of having “at least 32%” of its overall energy consumption supplied by renewables by 2030 and seeking to increase to “at least 40%”, the opportunities are undeniable as the EU is determined to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by “at least 55%” by 2030.
European and foreign companies can forge synergistic partnerships, yielding mutual business advantages, with the objective of meeting the demanding targets for high-tech equipment within a tight timeframe of substantial demand.
The European Union market boasts maturity, stability, and openness, built upon principles of fair competition. With a rich history of delivering top-tier solutions to global markets, it stands as an appealing investment destination, offering the benefits of a direct presence. However, effectively navigating this terrain necessitates a profound grasp of the local business culture and existing regulations, as well as anticipation of forthcoming ones, ensuring proper market access and subsequent successful development.
CNEUCN作为中欧之间的独特桥梁,在两地拥有实体机构以及宝贵的专家和商业伙伴团队,能为确保成功进入和拓展市场提供宝贵的见解和帮助。CNEUCN 拥有良好的业绩记录,对中欧两个市场都有深入的了解,是那些希望在跨境可再生能源市场上取得成功的公司的首选合作伙伴。
CNEUCN, with its unique position bridging China and Europe, by a physical presence in both regions and the valuable group of experts and business partners, offers invaluable insights and assistance to ensure successful market entry and expansion. With a proven track record and a deep understanding of both markets, CNEUCN is the partner of choice for companies looking to thrive cross border renewable energy market.
请邮件联系[email protected],让我们直接进行1对1讨论。在接下来的文章中,我们将提供更多关于 “何处、如何、何时 “进入欧洲市场的基本信息。
Please contact us for a 1 to 1 direct discussion by sending email to [email protected]. In the upcoming newsletters we will provide further basic information about “where, how, when” approach to the European market.
仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China and Europe path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.