仲欧脱碳科技 采访系列|第4集:王宇高级研究员 - 科学委员会成员
建筑与规划系高级研究员,挪威科技大学。他的研究重点是快速城市化及其对城市居民、遗产保护和城市复原力的影响。他还在校长办公室兼职,负责挪威科技大学与中国的合作。2021年起任研究部副主任。 Wang Yu is senior researcher at department of Architecture and Planning, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). His research is focusing on the fast urbanization and its impacts on urban inhabitants, heritage conservation and urban resilience. He also holds a part-time position at rector’s office for NTNU-China cooperation. Since 2021, he has been …