第十七届欧洽会主题会议 –《向碳中和转型——欧洲企业的贡献》主题分享环节
6月30日,第十七届欧洽会的重要活动之一,主题会议《向碳中和转型——欧洲企业的贡献》在成都的欧洲中心如期举行。该主题会议得到了来自中国国际商会、成都贸促会、成都高新区管委会的大力支持,由仲欧脱碳科技承办,作为本届欧洽会的重点环节之一,邀请来自欧洲顶尖企业的代表进行相关主题分享,与来自各地政府、不同行业的已经或即将面对“碳中和”转型所带来的挑战的观众,进行了面对面的交流。 On June 30th, one of the key events of the 17th EU – CHINA Business & Technology Cooperation Fair, the conference ‘The Transition towards Carbon Neutrality – The European Companies’ Contributions’ was held as scheduled at the European Center in Chengdu. As one of the highlights of this year’s EU – CHINA Fair, representatives from …