Emily Luo is Senior Strategy Advisor of VELUX China; Board Member of Danish Chamber of Commerce in China; Fellow of Global Climate Innovation & Governance Center; Deputy Secretary General of the MNC Forum for Carbon Neutrality. Emily has a wealth of experience working with Nordic companies and countries, familiar with Nordic industries and cultures. She has served for Innovation Norway at Norwegian Embassy and the Danish Chamber of Commerce in China over the past two decades.
Emily worked for VELUX China since June 2019. As a strategic advisor of the company, she is dedicated to promoting the concepts and practices of sustainable growth in China , ranging from sustainable buildings Active House to carbon neutrality and Danish healthy lifestyle; integrating advantages of Nordic and Danish enterprises into China’s dual carbon goals to help China’s high-quality growth.
Q: 请您根据个人经历,选择一个减排目标密切相关的话题,您会选择哪个?
Should you pick up a topic, among the several which characterize your impressive experience that you feel more closely related to the decarbonization mission, which one you could say?
A: 作为一名普通人,我觉得与减排目标密切相关的话题是低碳的自然生活。目前80亿人口生活在地球上,随着人口的快速增长和工业排放,产生空气污染,水污染以及化学品污染等等,对我们的居住环境造成了严重的负面影响;高消费和高污染的生活方式很快对地球和人类造成巨大伤害,因此我们没有时间再去等待。威卢克斯集团充分理解问题的紧迫性。公司发展的几十年里,我们强调采光和通风对建筑不可缺或的特殊重要作用,让建筑回归自然。这在疫情大规模流行的时候尤为重要。ESG一直存在于作为我们公司的DNA,可持续发展则是我们最为优先的发展战略。
Low carbon of Natural life. 8 billion Habitants live on the earth right now, the fast increase of population and industrial emissions, cause air pollution, water pollution and chemical pollution etc., which very badly impact our living environment; The high-consumption and high pollution model of life style is becoming the killer of the earth and human beings; therefore, we have no time to wait. At VELUX we are fully understand the urgency. For decades, we have highlighted the importance of bringing day light and fresh air into buildings. This has become even more important during the pandemic. That is way sustainability is now a key priority in our new corporate strategy.
Q: 根据您的经验,中国要实现“双碳目标”,主要面临哪些挑战?
According to your experience which one are the main challenges China has to face to reach its “dual carbon goal”?
A: 中国实现双碳目标,最大的挑战是在保障能源安全的同时,推动低碳可持续发展。能源转型是一个循序渐进的进程,既是机遇,也是挑战。在推进能源转型成功,并保持经济社会稳定可持续增长方面,欧洲有很多好的经验可以借鉴。举个例子,在过去几十年的绿色转型中,丹麦的GDP增长了80%多,但是它的能耗却下降了14%,二氧化碳排放和水消耗分别下降了约40%。到2030年,丹麦计划淘汰煤电,实现100% 的可再生能源电力,90%供热系统去化石能源。丹麦是一个小国家,但是对应对气候变化有坚定的承诺,努力推进全球合作,共同应对气候变化的挑战。为此,2021年,丹麦发布了丹麦能源转型倡议,旨在能在世界各国建立更加绿色能源系统道路上助一臂之力。
Energy security is the main challenge. For the long term, I think it is contradiction between Energy transition and economy growth. To succeed in energy transition while keeping GDP growing sustainably, Europe have many good examples that can be shared at this point. For example, in its green transition in the past few decades, Denmark’s GDP has grown by more than 80% but its energy consumption has dropped by 14% and both CO2 emission and water consumption have decreased by around 40%. By 2030, in addition to phasing out coal power generation, Denmark plans to surpass 100% renewable energy for electricity and 90% fossil-free district heating, which is a major energy end use in such a Nordic country. Denmark is a small country but it is fully committed to work together with the global community to raise ambitions and fight climate change. In 2021, Denmark also launched the Danish Energy Transition Initiative, which seeks to help countries across the globe on their path towards greener energy systems.
Q: 更具体地说,在您的专业领域,可以采取哪些机制和行动来创造中国和欧洲之间的良性协同效应,以实现碳中和?
More specifically, in your sector of competence, which mechanisms and actions could be implemented to create virtuous synergies between China and Europe to reach carbon neutrality?
A: 建筑排放约占温室气体排放总量的40%,这意味着建筑的设计,建造,运行和拆除过程中,如何改进方法,是实现巴黎气候协定目标过程中的一个重要环节。中国和欧洲国家之间在建筑领域加强协同合作以及学术交流非常重要。新建建筑必须在其设计、建造及整个生命周期内做到二氧化碳的排放最小化,包括建筑材料的低碳化。欧洲在绿色转型中积累了丰富的宝贵经验。举个例子,最近丹麦的一个建筑奖项授予给一个完全使用旧建筑材料建成的新建筑,值得我们学习。我们只有一个地球,没有之二,相互分享和学习经验教训无疑是我们的必经之路。
Building account for nearly 40% of total greenhouse gas emissions. It makes transforming the way we design, build, operate and dismantle buildings a critical part of achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. Collaboration and academic exchanges in construction sector between China and Europe are very important. New buildings must be designed and built to minimize CO2 emissions over their lifetime, including the carbon embodied in materials. Europe have gained many experiences during the process of green transition. For instance, one of the awards for building in Denmark, was granted to a new building made by entirely of old materials. We only have one earth without “Planet B”, sharing and learning with each other is definite the way to go.
Q: 实现碳中和目标,需要所有利益相关者采取整体方法,并协同行动。不仅需要解决技术问题,还要解决新的经济发展模式和社会问题。由仲欧脱碳科技科学委员会和专家顾问委员会发起的中欧碳中和倡议旨在成为收集这些专业知识并分享潜在解决方案的平台。您觉得对仲欧脱碳科技的发展和运营有哪些建议?
Carbon neutrality is a target which required holistic approach and integrated actions by all the stakeholders. It should tackle not only technical matters, but also new economic development model and social aspects. China Europe Carbon Neutral (CNEUCN) initiative by its Scientific Committee & Expert Advisory Board aims to be a platform to gather these expertise then share potential solution. Which advices and proposal you feel to share for its development and operation?
A: 碳中和是涉及众多领域的问题。仲欧脱碳科技是一个非常好的平台,聚集科学家,企业家和商业,政府等各界利益相关方等一起合作,使得前沿的技术能够在中国得到更好的应用和本土化推广。
Carbon neutrality is very comprehensive, there are many disciplines involved. China Europe Carbon Neutral (CNEUCN) is a good platform to gather scientists, entrepreneurs, government officials, stakeholders, to go into practice, so that the advanced technology can be localized in China.
Q: 威卢克斯作为一家全球领先的绿色建筑科技企业是怎么做的?
As a global leading company on green construction sector, what does VELUX do?
A: 创立至今八十多年来,威卢克斯集团的技术解决方案把日光和新鲜的空气带入建筑中,为全球用户提供更好的室内环境。我们的产品能够让人们在明亮,健康并且节能的空间生活,工作,学习和玩耍。作为一家实施独特的碳中和战略的全球先锋公司,威卢克斯集团已经开始了一个前所未有的旅程,实现100%可再生电力、零塑料包装和历史排放的捕集。
For more than 80 years, the VELUX Group has created better indoor environments by bringing daylight and fresh air into buildings all over the world. Our products help create bright, healthy and energy-efficient places to live, work, learn and play in.
As a global pioneer in implementing a unique strategy of carbon neutrality tracing back to its founding, VELUX Group has embarked on an unprecedented journey towards 100% renewable electricity, zero-plastic packaging and historical emission capture.
VELUX built Demonstration buildings for future housing. Experimenting is in the DNA of the VELUX Group and conclusions from our full-scale building experiments show that it is possible to build sustainable and healthy buildings using the standard materials, methods and technologies that are available today.
By monitoring these buildings and studying the interaction between them and their occupants, we have created a blueprint for future housing that offers solutions to some of the most important societal and environmental issues.
Q: 欧洲有很多关于绿色建筑的标准,为什么要提主动式建筑?
There are some green building standards from Europe, why Active House?
A: 威卢克斯是丹麦主动式建筑“Active House“(AH)的全球倡导者,拥有 独特的可持续和碳中和战略。公司在中国已有30多年的历史,积极将AH的理念和最佳实践带入中国。
AH建筑核心以人为本,注重节能、生产力和环境友好,同时改善建筑居住者的健康和生活福祉。为此,我们成立了隶属于中国建筑学会的主动式建筑学术委员会,作为促进AH解决方案和最佳实践的国家平台。 学委会于2017年正式注册,并于2020年底推出了适合中国国情的中文版。迄今为止已在中国建造了数百栋基于AH标准的建筑;我们还筹备创建AH中国低碳建筑设计研究院;开办了AH成长学院,以倡导健康和积极的灵感来自北欧生活方式。我们相信像主动式建筑这样的可持续建筑,应是建筑领域中保护地球家园的风向标。
Velux is a Denmark-based global leader in “Active House” (AH) with a unique strategy for sustainability and carbon neutrality. The company has been in China for over 30 years now, actively bringing the concepts and best practices of AH into the country.
ACTIVE HOUSE Alliance registered in 2002, it is an NPO in Brussels, includes 50 entities globally, International Architect and many famous firms and representatives in the architectural field worldwide. On 16 of June 2015,invited by European Alliance Committee, AHIA became a member of No.1 Working Group in the General Framework Agreement, on EU Building Environmental Verification Index.
Nowadays people spend on up to 90 per cent of their time indoors. Yet indoor air is five times more polluted than outdoor air. Living in mould and damp buildings can increase the risk of asthma and other health problems. Therefore, buildings that benefit both people and the planet are essential for the sustainable development. It requires relevant stakeholders to join hands and work out a solution from a long-term perspective.
Adhering to a people-oriented approach, AH focuses on energy conservation, productivity and being environmentally friendly while improving the health and well-being of building residents. We have established Active House Academic Committee affiliated with the Architectural Society of China as a national platform to promote solutions and best practices for AH, formally registered in 2017, and launched Chinese version in 2020. So far, it has built hundreds of buildings based on AH standards in China. We have created AH China Research Institute for low carbon building design. We have run AH Growth Academy to advocate healthy and active living with inspiration from Nordics. Indeed, we believe sustainable building like Active House is a future building concept to protect our earth home.
如想了解更多信息和更多详情,请联系: info@cneucn.com
For more information and further details please write to: info@cneucn.com
仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China’s path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.