刘畅博士任职于中规院(北京)规划设计有限公司, 国际遗产学学会副秘书长,联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产学术编委会委员,中国-欧盟可持续城镇化项目北京办事处执行负责人。自2014年加入中国城市规划设计研究院,致力于文化遗产保护、城市规划、城市有机更新、碳中和等方面的研究和实践工作。作为课题负责人和执行负责人 (Principal investigator),先后执行了国家自然基金,欧盟委员会“地平线2020”及中国科技部政府间国际合作等项目,积极推动可持续城市创新平台的搭建,探索中国城市的高质量发展路径。
Dr. Liu Chang works in the Chinese Academy of Planning and Design (Beijing) Co., Ltd. At the same time, she is also the deputy secretary-general of the International Society of Heritage, a member of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Academic Editorial Board, and China-EU Sustainable Urbanization Project Beijing Office Executive.
Since joining the China Academy of Urban Planning and Design in 2014, she has devoted herself to the research and practice of cultural heritage protection, urban planning, urban organic renewal, and carbon neutrality. She has participated in the “Horizon 2020” of the European Commission and the intergovernmental international cooperation project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. As the principal investigator of the project, she actively promotes the establishment of a sustainable urban innovation platform and explores the high-quality development path of Chinese cities.
Q: 请您根据个人经历,选择一个减排目标密切相关的话题,您会选择哪个?
Should you pick up a topic, among the several which characterize your impressive experience that you feel more closely related to the decarbonization mission, which one you could say?
A: 我2014年加入中国城市规划设计研究院(下称“中规院”)后,在城市发展为大背景下,做了很多聚焦文化遗产保护和提升的工作,并有幸在这些项目中接触到来自世界各地的优秀团队。在过往的工作中,我明显的意识到城市发展过程中的脱碳与文化遗产保护工作是密不可分的。以有形实体为主的不可移动文物来讲,中国古人在创造古建筑时就已经注入了节能、环保的理念;除了有形遗产,还有许多非物质文化遗产,例如仪式、庆典、节日以及手工技艺等,都蕴含诸多可持续发展的理念。这些遗产不仅关注区域的经济发展,更是注重遗产本身对当地社区的环境以及社会的积极作用,古人称这些理念为“天人合一”。现代社会中,我们所追求的低碳、可持续发展,甚至是时下流行的ESG,事实上我们的祖先已经给我们做了良好的示范了。
After I joined the China Academy of Urban Planning and Design (hereinafter referred to as “CAUPD”) in 2014, I did a lot of work focusing on the protection and promotion of cultural heritage against the background of urban development, and I was lucky to meet people from great teams all over the world. In the past work, I clearly realized that decarbonization in the process of urban development and cultural heritage protection are inseparable. In terms of immovable cultural relics, which are mainly tangible entities, ancient Chinese people have injected the concept of energy saving and environmental protection into the creation of ancient buildings; in addition to tangible heritage, there are also many intangible cultural heritages, such as ceremonies, celebrations, festivals and handicrafts etc., all contain many concepts of sustainable development. These heritages not only pay attention to the economic development of the region, but also pay attention to the positive effect of the heritage itself on the environment and society of the local community. The ancients called these concepts “the unity of man and nature”. In modern society, we are pursuing low-carbon, sustainable development, and even the popular ESG. In fact, our ancestors have already set a good example for us.
Q: 根据您的学术和专业背景,您认为对全球减少温室气体排放的紧迫性做出的主要贡献是什么?
Based on your academic and professional background, what is the main contribution you feel to provide to the worldwide urgency to reduce greenhouse gasses emission?
A: 我国碳达峰碳中和“1+N”顶层设计文件中指出,城乡建设绿色低碳高质量发展将作为未来中国“双碳目标”中至关重要的一部分。然而,现有的政策主要发力点大都集中在能源方面。不可否认,清洁能源的技术突破以及使用推广是实现低碳发展的重点,也是实现双碳目标的关键手段。2017年,我们获得欧盟委员会“地平线2020”基金计划的资助,启动了《中欧可持续城镇化创新平台》项目。此外,我们还获得中国科技部的政府间国际科技创新合作项目机制的支持,于2018年启动了《数字城市规划新技术研发》课题。在这些课题中,数字技术作为主要手段用以解决快速城市化导致的棘手问题。在课题执行的过程中,我们发现低碳发展与文化遗产结合的研究内容少之甚少,尽管我们关注交通碳排放、能源利用、建筑节能等热点话题,但是城乡建设的高质量发展不能忽略城市中的历史文化基因。因此,在我们的研究课题中,课题组搭建了城市规划信息化技术研究,提出利用ICT更好的保护城市中的文化遗产。研究内容包括数字城市规划指标体系,该体系作为研究基础成为数字城市规划技术集成平台的基底。该平台囊括了城市中的一系列重要数据,包括交通数据、行为大数据、资源数据等,平台将支持云计算,实现城市的智慧规划及管理。我们希望,该平台在未来可以添加碳排放检测、核算、监控相关板块,提高城市低碳发展的效率。
China’s carbon peak carbon neutrality “1+N” top-level design document pointed out that green, low-carbon and high-quality development of urban and rural construction will be a crucial part of China’s “dual carbon goals” in the future. However, most of the existing policies focus on energy. It is undeniable that technological breakthroughs and promotion of clean energy are the focus of low-carbon development and the key means to achieve the dual-carbon goals. In 2017, we received funding from the European Commission’s “Horizon 2020” fund program and launched the “China-EU Sustainable Urbanization Innovation Platform” project. In addition, we also received the support of the intergovernmental international scientific and technological innovation cooperation project mechanism of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, and launched the “New Technology Research and Development of Digital Urban Planning” project in 2018. Among these topics, digital technology is used as the main means to solve the thorny problems caused by rapid urbanization. During the implementation of the project, we found that there are very few research contents on the combination of low-carbon development and cultural heritage. Although we pay attention to hot topics such as transportation carbon emissions, energy utilization, and building energy conservation, the high-quality development of urban and rural construction cannot ignore cities. historical cultural genes. Therefore, in our research topic, the research group set up research on urban planning information technology, and proposed to use ICT to better protect the cultural heritage in the city. The research content includes the digital urban planning index system, which as the research basis becomes the base of the digital urban planning technology integration platform. The platform includes a series of important data in the city, including traffic data, behavioral big data, resource data, etc. The platform support cloud computing to realize smart planning and management of the city. We hope that the platform can add carbon emission detection, accounting, and monitoring related sections in the future to improve the efficiency of urban low-carbon development.
This is the contribution brought by modern digital technology. In addition, I would like to talk about it from the perspective of cultural heritage protection and development. As mentioned earlier, the heritage contains countless wisdom of the ancients, such as low-carbon energy-saving technologies in building materials and building structures. Of course, there is also the wisdom of the spatial layout of the city. For example, the ventilation pipes in the gates of Huizhou folk houses in Wuyuan, Jiangxi Province are automatically formed when the doors are opened for ventilation in summer. Another example is the main entrance of the theater in Sanfang Qixiang in Fuzhou City, which is located on the east side. After entering the gate, there is a rockery in the garden. This layout is due to the southeast wind in Fuzhou. Making the above-ground buildings underground and lowering the temperature is the “air-conditioning” in ancient China that does not use electricity. There are many experiences worth learning from.

The low-carbon wisdom contained in the spatial layout of Three Lanes and Seven Alleys
Q: 更具体地说,在您的专业领域,可以采取哪些机制和行动来创造中国和欧洲之间的良性协同效应,以实现碳中和?
More specifically, in your sector of competence, which mechanisms and actions could be implemented to create virtuous synergies between China and Europe to reach carbon neutrality?
A: 我很荣幸在欧盟“地平线2020”基金以及中国科技部的支持下,获得与中国、欧洲的顶级研究团队共同合作的机会,并担任课题的主要研究者(Principal Investigator)一职。当时加入到课题中的欧洲团队包括奥地利科技研究所、意大利系统集成研究所、意大利都灵理工大学、德国德累斯顿工业大学等科研机构与院校。课题的重要参与人Massimo Bagnasco先生,他作为我们所有研究课题的子课题执行人,在课题存续期间为我们中欧双方的合作承担了至关重要的桥梁作用。
I am honored to have the opportunity to work with top research teams in China and Europe with the support of the European Union’s “Horizon 2020” fund and the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, and to serve as the Principal Investigator of the project. The European teams that joined the project at that time included the Austrian Institute of Science and Technology, the Italian Institute of System Integration, the Politecnico di Torino in Italy, and the Technical University of Dresden in Germany and other scientific research institutions and colleges. An important participant of the project, Mr. Massimo Bagnasco, as the sub-project executor of all our research projects, played a vital role as a bridge for our cooperation between China and Europe during the duration of the project. Through project cooperation, China and Europe will conduct research on issues such as digital applications, cultural heritage protection, and sustainable urban development in the context of urban development, and strengthen dialogue, exchanges, scientific research, innovation, and technology exchanges in the field of urbanization between China and Europe building up channels, platforms and mechanisms for cooperation. In the past few years, we have organized seminars, conferences, co-authored scientific papers, and organized academic delegations to Norway, Iceland, Belgium and other countries for exchanges. At the same time, we released a series of reports and papers as the results of the project. Now that these topics have been concluded, I am looking forward to new projects that we will start again in the future around the topic of cultural heritage and carbon neutrality.

Massimo Bagnasco先生出席课题活动 – 与比利时欧盟委员会科研创新总司交流
Mr. Massimo Bagnasco attended the project activities
Communication with Directorate-General for Scientific Research and Innovation of the Belgian European Commission
Q: 实现碳中和目标,需要所有利益相关者采取整体方法,并协同行动。不仅需要解决技术问题,还要解决新的经济发展模式和社会问题。由仲欧脱碳科技科学委员会和专家顾问委员会发起的中欧碳中和倡议旨在成为收集这些专业知识并分享潜在解决方案的平台。您对仲欧脱碳科技的发展和运营有哪些建议?
Carbon neutrality is a target which required holistic approach and integrated actions by all the stakeholders. It should tackle not only technical matters, but also new economic development model and social aspects. China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology (CNEUCN) initiative by its Scientific Committee & Expert Advisory Board aims to be a platform to gather these expertise then share potential solution. Which advices and proposal you feel to share for its development and operation?
A: 碳中和是一条十分漫长的道路,有许多技术、社会、经济等相关的问题需要我们在这个过程中一一解决。仲欧脱碳科技为各界搭建了一个平台,让不同学科背景、不同社会群体的人可以聚集在一起,共同探讨碳中和的解决方法。实现了目标共享的同时,仲欧脱碳科技还将脱碳相关信息传播出去,推动了碳中和知识和理念的有效推广。
Carbon neutrality is a very long road, and there are many technical, social, economic and other related issues that we need to solve one by one in this process. China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology (CNEUCN) has built a platform for all walks of life, so that people from different disciplines and different social groups can gather together to discuss solutions to carbon neutrality. While realizing the sharing of goals, CNEUCN also disseminates information related to decarbonization, which promotes the effective promotion of carbon neutral knowledge and concepts.
Q: 城市更新被认为是城市高质量发展的必然要求。您认为低碳发展如何在这一波城市更新的浪潮中与文化遗产结合起来?
Urban renewal is considered an inevitable requirement for high-quality urban development. How do you think low-carbon development can be combined with cultural heritage in this wave of urban renewal?
A: 过去几十年的飞速城市化忽视了文化在城市中的重要作用。由于建设要求,遗产建筑受到了不同程度上的破坏,甚至被完全拆除的情况也屡见不鲜。同时,越来越多的人涌入城市或新建城区,导致原有的历史村落、街区日益没落,而留在当地的遗产建筑以及传统文化习俗由于人口的流失、活力的缺失日渐凋敝。我们在说到低碳发展的时候很容易将注意力聚焦到碳排放这一点,然而,一味的强调排放数据是不够科学的,我们更应该关注人们的生产生活方式是否已经向着低碳绿色、健康科学的方向转变,且当地社区是否重拾活力并获得文化繁荣。这也就是为什么我在近年来的项目实践中不断强调文化作为杠杆力对于城市更新的有机影响。我们在浙江省湖州市、江西省景德镇等地的城市规划项目中强调了新兴文创产业、低碳经济对于实现低碳发展的重要性,并对土地利用方式及区域空间布局做了重大调整,从源头推动区域的低碳发展。最重要的是,我们研究历史、研究遗产,重新发现了许多古人留下的低碳智慧,在城市更新或是城市高质量建设进程中,我们都应该回看他们的智慧和经验,从遗产中找寻低碳发展的正确道路。
The rapid urbanization of the past few decades has neglected the important role of culture in cities. Due to construction requirements, heritage buildings have been damaged to varying degrees, and it is not uncommon for them to be completely demolished. At the same time, more and more people are pouring into cities or new urban areas, leading to the decline of the original historical villages and blocks, while the local heritage buildings and traditional cultural customs are gradually dying due to the loss of population and lack of vitality. When we talk about low-carbon development, it is easy to focus on carbon emissions. However, it is not scientific enough to blindly emphasize emission data. We should pay more attention to whether people’s production and lifestyle have moved towards low-carbon, green and healthy. The direction of science turns and whether local communities rejuvenate and prosper culturally. This is why I have been emphasizing the organic influence of culture as a lever on urban renewal in my project practice in recent years. In our urban planning projects in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, and Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province, we emphasized the importance of emerging cultural and creative industries and low-carbon economy to achieve low-carbon development, and made major adjustments to land use and regional spatial layout. Promote low-carbon development in the region from the source. The most important thing is that we study history and heritage, and rediscover the low-carbon wisdom left by many ancients. In the process of urban renewal or high-quality urban construction, we should all look back at their wisdom and experience, and learn from heritage Find the right path for low-carbon development.
Q: 各个国家都在低碳领域中大胆探索,到目前为止,大家都已经在先前的研究和实践中收获一定的经验。您认为,未来中欧双方将在哪些议题上进行合作?
All countries are boldly exploring in the field of low carbon, so far, everyone has gained certain experience in previous research and practice. In your opinion, what issues will China and the EU cooperate on in the future?
A: 最重要的当然是技术共享。科技作为第一生产力应该被放在未来合作交流的首位,来自不同领域、不同国家的技术先驱以及意见领袖要积极分享、传播最新的低碳知识和信息。其次,在文化遗产保护方面也要注重低碳发展领域的国际合作交流。我们要认识到,低碳发展是一个需要社会各界共同参与、形成高度共识的长远进程,因此,我们不应该去限制中欧双方可能达成的任何合作。我们应该积极推动来自学界、产业界的团队之间的互动,依托中欧脱碳科技为我们搭建的平台,让中欧双方的低碳资源自由流动。此外,我也想借助仲欧脱碳科技这个平台,尽可能去呼吁、去发声,让更多人可以关注到文化遗产在低碳发展、城市发展过程中的积极作用,让更多认识到遗产保护的重要性和必要性。
The most important of course is technology sharing. Technology, as the primary productive force, should be placed at the top of future cooperation and exchanges. Technology pioneers and opinion leaders from different fields and countries should actively share and disseminate the latest low-carbon knowledge and information. Secondly, in terms of cultural heritage protection, we should also pay attention to international cooperation and exchanges in the field of low-carbon development. We must realize that low-carbon development is a long-term process that requires the participation of all sectors of society and the formation of a high degree of consensus. Therefore, we should not limit any possible cooperation between China and the EU. We should actively promote the interaction between teams from academia and industry, and rely on the platform built by China-Europe decarbonization technology to allow the free flow of low-carbon resources between China and Europe. In addition, I also want to use the platform of CNEUCN to appeal and speak out as much as possible, so that more people can pay attention to the positive role of cultural heritage in the process of low-carbon development and urban development, and let more people know about heritage,the importance and need for conservation.
如想了解更多信息和更多详情,请联系: [email protected]
For more information and further details please write to: [email protected]
仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China’s path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.