3月31日,由仲欧脱碳科技与意大利马切拉塔大学中国中心联合举办的《能源危机或能源转型》网络研讨会如期召开;本次网络研讨会是双方围绕能源话题开展的众多活动中的第一步,给未来双方紧密合作打下了坚实的基础。 On March 31st the webinar “Energy Crisis or Energy Transition”, jointly organized by China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology (CNEUCN) and University of Macerata China Center, was held; this webinar was the first of many activities about China – Europe relationship laying a solid foundation for future close cooperation between the two parties. 本次网络研讨会旨在将欧洲工业界与中国企业、地方政府联系到一起,共同在脱碳这一大背景下,优势互补,推动合作,深度参与能源转型变革进程,将中国脱碳之路上遇到的挑战转变为合作机遇。 The …