圣戈班是世界财富500强企业,也是建材行业的全球领导者、设计、制造和分销材料和解决方案,这些材料和解决方案是我们每个人的福祉和所有人的未来的关键因素。它们在我们的生活场所和日常生活中随处可见:在建筑物、交通、基础设施和许多工业应用中。我们每个人的福祉和所有人的未来的关键因素。它们提供舒适性、性能和安全性,同时应对可持续建筑、资源效率和气候变化的挑战。 Saint-Gobain a world’s Fortune 500 companies and a global leader in the building materials industry, designs, manufactures, and distributes materials and solutions which are key ingredients in the wellbeing of each of us and the future of all. They can be found everywhere in our living places and our daily life: in buildings, transportation, …