吴教授与Bagnasco 出席“宁波创新设计周绿色智慧创新设计高峰论坛”
9月3日,2022年宁波创新设计周正式开幕,中国工程院原常务副院长、中国创新设计产业战略联盟理事长潘云鹤院士,中国工程院院士、仲欧脱碳科技科学委员会主席吴志强院士出席开幕式并发表主旨演讲。双院士阵容加持设计周,国家级智库云集,共商智能数字驱动的创新城市未来。 On September 3, the 2022 Ningbo Innovation Design Week officially opened. Academician Pan Yunhe, former executive vice president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Chairman of the China Innovation and design industry strategic alliance, and academician Wu Zhiqiang of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Chairman of China Europe Carbon Neutral (CNEUCN) Scientific …