诺维信是生物解决方案领域的全球先导,总部位于丹麦。诺维信在全球拥有约6700名员工,700多种产品遍及全球130多个国家和地区,在30余个工业中均有广泛应用。 通过酶、微生物和新一代蛋白等技术平台,诺维信致力于运用生物技术的独特力量,与合作伙伴一起应对气候变化、粮食危机、健康问题等全球挑战,帮助各行业客户提高农业产出、改善食品品质、减少食品浪费,实现低温洗涤、减少化学品使用,优化能源结构、减少化石能源依赖,推动农业和餐厨废弃物资源化利用,促进人类和动植物健康,实现可持续增长。 Novozymes is a global leader in biological solutions headquartered in Denmark. Novozymes has about 6,700 employees around the world, and more than 700 products are available in more than 130 countries and regions around the world, and are widely used in more than 30 industries. Through technology platforms such as enzymes, microorganisms and …