CNEUCN Business Partner |:Futura Sun China Headquarters and R&D production base settled in Wuzhong
10月24日,伏图拉中国总部和研发生产基地项目签约仪式在苏州市吴中区举行。 伏图拉是仲欧脱碳科技业务合作伙伴,是欧洲领先的光伏企业,也是唯一一家位于中国的光伏企业。其在吴中区的新中国总部,必将为吴中区新能源产业的发展注入新动能。 On October 24th, the signing ceremony of Futura Sun China Headquarters and R&D production-based Project was held in Suzhou Wuzhong District. Futura Sun, a China Europe Carbon Neutral cooperation partner, is a leading European photovoltaic enterprise as well as the only one based in China. Its new China Headquarters in Wuzhong district, will definitely …