Seventeen years ago, China experienced a power shortage that ran throughout the year and spread across the country. Stimulated by this severe power crisis, China’s power investment and construction has entered a period of rapid development. Why is the shortage of large-scale power supply appearing again today, nearly 20 years later?

In fact, in the past ten years, the power grid has to undergo the challenge of “peaking summer” every summer. Facing the continuous growth of electricity load, various regions have successively introduced policies such as orderly electricity consumption, off-peak electricity consumption, and seasonal peak electricity prices. “Power cut off” once again returned to the vision of the whole society.
去年,在中国的几个省份,许多生产工厂的电力供应被切断,给运营或供应链以及工人的安全带来了一些问题。 今年我们面临着类似的,甚至可能更严重的情况。
Last year, in several provinces in China, many production plants were cut off from power, creating problems for operations, supply chains and the safety of workers. This year we are already facing a similar, possibly even more serious, situation.
Under the tide of “carbon neutrality”, the pace of investment and construction of wind power and photovoltaics will undoubtedly be greatly accelerated. However, the adjustment resources of the power system are not enough, the situation of local supply and demand in the power system is still difficult to solve.
Under the “dual carbon” goal, to bid farewell to the structural shortage of electricity completely, it’s necessary to simultaneously satisfy the two conditions of “environmentally friendly energy (i.e. clean energy)” and “stable and secure energy supply”.
Carbon neutrality is a medium-term goal. Improving energy utilization efficiency and reducing consumption is not only a step on the dual-carbon path, but also an urgent and necessary short-term need.

面对当今紧迫的能源需求,仲欧脱碳科技 CNEUCN 在其科学委员会成员(学术专家和学者)及其行业合作伙伴的支持下,制定了一种综合方法来支持:
- 地方政府和工业园区适当制定能源短缺应急计划。
- 企业实体面对紧急事件并通过多层次的行动来解决它。
- 评估
- 设计、施工、改造
- 运营
- 碳抵消
- 认证
In the face of today’s urgent energy needs, CNEUCN, with the support of its Scientific Committee members (academic experts and scholars) and its industry partners’, developed an integrated approach to support:
- Local Governments and Industrial Parks to properly draw energy shortage emergy plans.
- Corporate entities to face the urgent matter and solve it by several level of action.
The proposed apprach is divided into five main activities:
- Assesment
- Design, construction, renovation
- Operation
- Carbon offset
- Certification

1. 通过以下方式提高能源效率:
a) 建筑优化:
– 棕地(建筑围护结构、楼宇自动化系统等)
– 绿地(低碳设计,嵌入式和运营)
b) 实用程序:
c) 整个工业生产线的流程
2. 绘制企业手册,优化节能和碳中和路径的整体工作流程
3. 了解和利用能源和碳市场 (利用不断增长的机会/预期通过电力市场/ETS 和碳配额获取可再生能源的限制
4. 考虑绿色认证
经过认证的建筑比标准建筑节能 25% 到 45%。认证过程提供了一个强大的框架,可以根据其占用模式和能源需求不断优化建筑物的基础设施。
Namely the actions which could be taken will be:
1. Improvements of energy efficiency by:
a) Building optimization of:
– Brownfield (building envelope, building automation system, etc)
– Green field (Low carbon design, both Embedded and Operational)
b) Utilities:
Renewable / Low carbon technologies for utilities supply (i.e. ground source heat pumps, etc) / High efficiency performance operation/Optimization of utilities distribution (storage of power/heat/cool base on needs and pricing)
c) Processes all along the industrial production line.
2. Draw a corporate handbook for optimization of the overall work procedure in the path towards energy saving and carbon neutrality
3. Understand and leverage energy and carbon market (taking advantage of growing opportunity / anticipate constraints to source renewable energy through power market / ETS and carbon quotas)
4. Consider green certification
Certified buildings use between 25% and 45% less energy than standard buildings. A certification process provide s a robust framework to continually optimize the building’s infrastructure in relation to its occupancy patterns and energy demand.
如想了解更多信息和更多详情,请联系[email protected]
For more information and further details please write to: [email protected]
仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China’s path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.