

Massimo Bagnasco - CEO

With previous professional experience in several European and Central American countries, he has been based in China since 2004, with a permanent resident permit, operating in the field of integrated and sustainable urban development.

He was the European expert, in charge of urbanization topic, in the Taskforce appointed by EU Commission DG-RTD and Chinese MoST, to provide advisory about EU-China Innovation Cooperation Dialogue framework conditions & cooperation mechanisms.

Member of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC) Executive Committee since 2014.
Vice President of EUCCC since 2017. Chairman of EUCCC South West China chapter since 2021.

Knighthood of the Order of the Star by appointment of President of the Italian Republic.

Shareholder Partner of Progetto CMR (Beijing) Architectural Design Consultants.

He supported the Italian Embassy in China for the drafting, implementation and dissemination of “Urbanization Cooperation Framework.”

In 2023 he was nominated “Professional Affiliate” at IdM Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa

In 2021, he was appointed as a member of the advisory board of Politecnico of Turin University “China Centre.”

In 2019, he was appointed as a member of the advisory committee of the International Centre for Creativity and Sustainable Development Under the Auspices of UNESCO (Category 2).

From 2017 to 2022, he was appointed as visiting professor in the School of Architecture and Design at Beijing Jiaotong University.

He holds a bachelor degree in architecture and a master degree in urban planning.

Among the international cooperation where he was involved in:

• 2017 HORIZON 2020 Innovation Platform on Sustainable Urbanization – URBAN-EU-CHINA Consortium – Expert Advisory Board Member

• 2015 EU-China Innovation Cooperation Task Force – EU Expert member in charge of Urbanization topic

• 2014 – UrbaChina – Stakeholder Committee member – the project funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Program

• 2013 Europe-China Eco-Cities Link (EC-Link) – Coordinator of Consortium partner

• 2013 EU-China Urbanization Leadership Program – Expert, project coordinated by DG Energy Chinese Academy of Governance (CAG)