
CArbon neutrality
and urban development

Carbon neutrality and urban development

Achieving carbon neutrality is not only offsetting energy and electricity consumption with renewable energy, but more importantly, it also means that our current economic, industrial and social development models have to go through a significant change. Urbanized areas are thegathering place of people and industries then the main “energy consumers” so decarbonization actions should focus on them, anyhow, without forgetting about the rural areas too.

Policy makers will face challenging scenarios and unknown perspectives to overcome the traditional development models.

Each local development strategy must be tailor made and tuned taking into account specific geographical conditions, heritages, economic and social roles, for shaping new economic growth models, industrial mechanisms, financial approaches and city governance schemes, with the aim at preserve our planet then people health meanwhile creating new jobs with higher productivity and value added.

  • Switching perspectives from Quantity to Quality targets
  • Increasing energy efficiency, reducing emissions, preserve the environment
  • Carefully managing urbanization processes having people needs at the center
  • Increasing people wealth and overall living conditions
  • Creating new jobs with higher productivity and value added
  • Preserving people’s health

The result will be also a new model to attract foreign industries to invest creating new energy, mobility, waste, water, building solution which will be beneficial to have the necessary infrastructures to reach the Carbon neutrality target as well as a new and sustainable economic development model with new jobs and also tax revenue.