提升效率·增进福祉 Driving Efficiency and Well-being
2024 年 11 月 5 日,仲欧脱碳科技公司与仲量联行和著名的意大利建筑设计公司 Progetto CMR 合作举办了“提升效率·增进福祉:ESG与脱碳创新驱动房地产未来”研讨会这场独家闭门会议旨在就 ESG 和脱碳创新在塑造房地产未来中的关键作用进行深入讨论。
仲欧脱碳科技(CNEUCN) 首席执行官马晓利先生、仲量联行西华区董事总经理周懿女士出席会议并致开幕词。世界知名建筑师、波捷特公司创始合伙人兼首席执行官马大力先生发表了题为“建筑设计中的ESG:欧洲案例研究和对可持续发展未来的洞察”的演讲,仲量联行成都项目开发服务项目经理敖洋(Albert Ao)分享了房地产行业ESG的最佳实践,以及大自然保护协会(美国)北京办事处企业事务执行主任康伟先生发表了题为“基于自然的解决方案促进企业可持续发展”的演讲。
CNEUCN首席执行官马晓利先生宣布会议开幕,他表示很高兴与众多专家讨论可持续发展的未来实践。中国房地产行业目前正在经历转型,面临挑战。转型总是伴随着痛苦,但也带来了巨大的机会,尤其是在房地产这样一个重要的领域。仲量联行华西区董事总经理周懿女士在开幕致辞中强调,随着中国进入 ESG 披露元年,所有行业对 ESG 的关注度不断提高,管理水平不断提高。
On November 5, 2024, China Europe Carbon Neutral in cooperation with JLL and the renowned ltalian architectural design firm, Progetto CMR, hosted the seminar: “Driving Efficiency and Well-being: The Impact of ESG and Decarbonization In Real Estate”
The exclusive closed-door conference aimed to bring together in-depth discussions on the critical role of ESG and decarbonization innovation in shaping the future of real estate.
Mr. Massimo Bagnasco, CEO of China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology (CNEUCN), Ms. Zhou Yi (Nina), Managing Director of JLL West China, attended the meeting and delivered the opening remarks.
Mr. Massimo Roj, a world-renowned architect and founding partner and CEO of Progetto CMR, delivered a speech on “ESG in Architectural Design: European Case Studies and Insights into the Future of Sustainable Development”, Ao Yang (Albert), Project Manager of JLL Chengdu Project Development Services, shared best practices in ESG in the real estate sector, and Wei Kang, Executive Director of Corporate Affairs of The Nature Conservancy (USA) Beijing Office, delivered a speech on “Nature-based Solutions for Corporate Sustainability”.
Mr. Massimo Bagnasco, CNEUCN CEO, opened the conference, expressing his pleasure to discuss the future practices of sustainable development with many experts. The real estate industry in China is currently undergoing a transformation and facing challenges. Transformation always comes with pain, but also presents huge opportunities especially in an important sector as the real estate one. Ms. Nina Zhou, Managing Director of JLL West China, in her opening remarks, emphasized the increased attention and improved management level of ESG in all the industries as China enters its first year of ESG disclosure.
随后,波捷特公司全球首席执行官兼创始人马大力先生发表了主题演讲。马大力先生引用了意大利著名建筑师 Bruno Zevi 的一句话以及他对建筑的看法作为他的演讲:“绘画作用于两个维度,尽管它可能暗示三个或四个维度。雕塑作用于三个维度,但人类仍然在外部,被分离;另一方面,建筑就像一个大型雕塑,人们可以进入并穿过它。马大力强调,建筑是一直围绕着我们的东西,它是一个有生命的生物,塑造着我们的环境,而我们反过来又无休止地塑造着它。建筑和人不是两个独立的实体,而是在相互交流中相互联系在一起。建筑师肩负着重大责任,要创造的设计不仅使他们的客户受益,而且使更广泛的社区受益。
最近,人们越来越关注可持续性、社会包容性和城市公平,从而产生了一种称为环境、社会和治理(ESG)指标的整体方法。虽然这通常与金融投资有关,但在设计中,ESG 涉及的合作伙伴关系不仅优先考虑金钱回报,还优先考虑空间的体验质量。这包括环保拆除、创造舒适的户外区域、让社区参与发展以及在建筑工地维护劳工标准,所有这些都表明了 ESG 原则对设计行业的影响。
ESG 中的“E”代表环境,强调了对可持续性的迫切需求。当我们面对气候变化的紧迫现实时,我们的设计必须反映出对减少碳足迹的承诺。可持续实践不再是可有可无的,它们是势在必行的。通过采用可再生材料、节能系统和创新设计,我们可以创造出不仅满足当今需求,而且为子孙后代保护地球的建筑。
Afterwards, Mr. Massimo Roj, Global CEO and founder of Progetto CMR, delivered a key note speech. Roj opened his presentation with a quote by a famous Italian architect, Bruno Zevi, and his vision of what architecture is: “Painting acts on two dimensions, although it may suggest three or four. Sculpture acts on three dimensions, but the Human Being remains on the outside, separated. Architecture, on the other hand, is like a large sculpture that people can go into and walk through.”
Roj underlined that architecture is something that surrounds us constantly, it is a living creature that shapes our environments and that we, in turn, shape endlessly. Architecture and people are not two separated entities, but instead are tied to each other in a mutual exchange.Architects bear significant responsibility for creating designs that benefit not only their clients but also the wider community. Recently, there has been a growing focus on sustainability, social inclusion, and urban equity, leading to a holistic approach known as Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics. While often associated with financial investments, in design, ESG involves partnerships that prioritize not just monetary returns but also the experiential quality of spaces. This includes eco-friendly demolition, creating amenable/comfortable outdoor areas, engaging communities in development and upholding labor standards on construction sites, all of which demonstrate the influence of ESG principles on the design industry.
The “E” for environment in ESG highlights the critical need for sustainability. As we confront the pressing realities of climate change, our designs must reflect a commitment to reducing carbon footprints. Sustainable practices are no longer optional; they are imperative. By incorporating renewable materials, energy-efficient systems, and innovative designs, we can create buildings that not only meet the needs of today but also preserve our planet for future generations.
Moving to the “S,” architect Roj explained that, we must consider the social impact of our work. Our designs should promote health, safety, and inclusivity. Understanding the socio-economic dynamics of the communities we serve allows us to create spaces that uplift and empower. We must actively engage with local stakeholders, ensuring that our projects do not displace marginalized groups but rather foster a sense of belonging and community. By prioritizing affordable housing and equitable access to resources, we can help create vibrant, thriving neighborhoods.

随后,敖洋先生在演讲中强调,与建筑相关的碳排放量占全球 33%,在全球环境实践中发挥着重要作用。同时,他分享了一个房地产领域的 ESG 实践案例:空客成都飞机全生命周期服务项目。项目以可持续发展理念为引领,致力于为有机老化飞机提供全生命周期管理解决方案,推动航空业向绿色循环经济转型。在能源使用方面,该项目引入了最新的能源管理技术,以减少能源消耗。该项目还充分考虑了水的循环利用,通过收集雨水和其他废水,对其进行处理和再利用,以减少水资源的浪费。
康伟先生在演讲中强调,根据 CDP 披露的数据,人们对气候变化非常关注,气候行动政策和市场力量正在迅速改变房地产行业。在圆桌讨论中,嘉宾们分享了他们对房地产行业 ESG 实践的见解和经验,表明中国可以积极学习其他国家在建筑节能环保方面的管理经验。
Finally, the “G” reminds us of the importance of governance in our practice. Transparency and ethical decision-making are crucial in navigating the complexities of architectural projects. By establishing clear lines of communication with stakeholders and maintaining integrity in our practices, we protect not only our rights but also the rights of those impacted by our designs.
“In my vision, buildings are living organisms, because they are used and inhabited by human beings. They give vital fluid through their movements but when people move out the buildings lose their life” Roj said concluding his speech.
Afterwards, Mr. Ao Yang, opened his speech emphasizing that building-related carbon emissions account for 33% globally and play an important role in environmental practices worldwide. At the same time, he shared an ESG practice case in the real estate sector: the Airbus Chengdu Aircraft Full Life Cycle Service Project. Led by the concept of sustainable development, the project is committed to providing solutions for the whole life cycle management of organically aged aircraft and promoting the transformation of the aviation industry to a green circular economy. In terms of energy use, the project has introduced the latest energy management technology to reduce energy consumption. The project also takes full consideration in water recycling, and reduces the waste of water resources by collecting rainwater and other waste water, treating and reusing it.
Mr. Kang Wei, along his speech, stressed that according to data disclosed by CDP, there is a lot of concern about climate change, and climate action policies and market forces are rapidly changing the real estate industry. During the roundtable discussion, the guests shared their insights and experiences on ESG practices in the real estate sector, showing that China can actively learn from the management experience of other countries in building energy conservation and environmental protection.
仲欧脱碳科技致力于继续积极贡献和支持中欧在碳中和、环境保护、能源、交通、废物、水和综合规划领域的专业知识、技术需求和双边报价之间的对接。CNEUCN作为中欧之间的独特桥梁,在两地拥有实体机构以及宝贵的专家和商业伙伴团队,能为确保成功进入和拓展市场提供宝贵的见解和帮助。CNEUCN 拥有良好的业绩记录,对中欧两个市场都有深入的了解,是那些希望在跨境可再生能源市场上取得成功的公司的首选合作伙伴。联系我们,了解更多关于我们如何支持您的公司理解CBAM,获取稳定的国际发展。
China Europe Carbon Neutral is committed to continue to actively contribute and support the matchmaking between the expertise, technology demands and offers bilaterally coming from China and from Europe in the field of carbon neutrality, environmental protection, energy, mobility, waste, water and integrated planning.
CNEUCN, with its unique position bridging China and Europe, by a physical presence in both regions and the valuable group of experts and business partners, offers invaluable insights and assistance to ensure successful market entry and expansion. With a proven track record and a deep understanding of both markets, CNEUCN is the partner of choice for companies looking to thrive cross border renewable energy market. Contact us to learn more about how we can support your company to interpretate CBAM and have a steady international development.