ABB Teams Up with Clients to Forge a New Benchmark of High-Level Cooperation
Along last years, ABB, as a comprehensive solutions provider in the field of Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) services, leverages its deep industry experience and global resources to meet the needs of every stage of EPC projects by offering a wide range of power and automation solutions, jointly mapping out new strategic layouts for domestic and overseas development.
Focus on People’s Wellbeing

来源:ABB发布 Source: ABB Release
基础设施互联互通是习近平主席2013 年提出的 “一带一路 “倡议的优先领域,尤其针对电力、工业、交通等领域发展滞后的国家,这为中外企业合作带来新机遇。作为首批与中国EPC企业共同走出去的跨国企业之一,ABB凭借遍布全球100多个国家的业务网点、丰富的海外经验和产品认证,积极支持中国企业参与海外项目及“一带一路”建设,已与中国多家企业深入合作,提供电力与自动化解决方案。
Infrastructure connectivity is a priority area of the Belt and Road initiative, launched by President Xi Jinping in 2013 especially for countries that are lagging behind in the development of power, industry, transportation and other fields, which brings new opportunities for cooperation between Chinese and foreign enterprises.
As one of the pioneering multinational corporations to venture abroad in partnership with Chinese EPC companies, ABB, with its extensive business network spanning over 100 countries, abundant overseas experience, and product certifications, actively supports Chinese enterprises in their international projects and participating in the Belt and Road Initiative. ABB has already collaborated deeply with numerous Chinese enterprises to provide power and automation solutions.
Win-win cooperation has been a longstanding cornerstone of China’s foreign opening-up strategy with a the tangible outcomes of projects. ABB, by offering localized consultation, design, engineering, manufacturing, and services for Chinese enterprises’ overseas EPC projects, effectively reduces their costs and risks while enhancing their competitiveness. This showcases ABB’s strength and commitment for cooperation with Chinese enterprises.
链接全球化资源与创新技术 助力关键项目顺利落地
Link Global Resources and Innovative Technologies
Facilitate the Smooth Implementation of Key Projects

来源:ABB发布 Source: ABB Release
When it comes to product and service support, ABB offers a range of powerful, easy-to-deploy and customizable packaged solutions that meet the demanding needs of projects across the industry. With its meticulously crafted design software, training materials, configuration tools, and product selection guidance, ABB ensures the smooth resolution of all challenges at each stage of project execution.
Al Dhafra Solar PV Project
The Al Dhafra Solar PV project, located in the United Arab Emirates, is currently the world’s largest single-site solar PV plant. The main facilities of this project include a PV power generation area with an installed capacity of 2,100 megawatts, a 33/400 kilovolt (kV) substation, and supporting switchyards. Once completed, it will help Abu Dhabi reduce carbon emissions by 2.4 million tons annually, contributing significantly to the sustainable development of the UAE’s national energy economy. Throughout the project tracking process, the ABB team deeply understood the project background and the client’s specific requirements, strategically promoting ABB’s advantageous product solutions. This is a significant achievement for ABB’s medium-voltage switchgear in the field of renewable energy.
Oman Copper Smelting Project
The Oman Copper Smelting Project is located in Indonesia with an annual production project of 900,000 tons of copper smelting. The general contractor, China Nonferrous Group, is one of the earliest and most successful enterprises in China’s non-ferrous industry to venture overseas. Throughout the project tracking process, the ABB team actively communicated and exchanged ideas with China Nonferrous Group, adjusting product strategies accurately at key junctures to meet customer requirements while ensuring better economic efficiency without compromising on the reliability and continuity of power distribution.
Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Rail Project
Also located in Indonesia, the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway, the first high-speed railway in Southeast Asia that has been completed and opened to the public, has adopted ABB’s intelligent power distribution solutions to ensure the continuity of power supply and the safe and stable operation of the electrical system along the railway. This decision was made after several rounds of rigorous technical bidding, based on the collaboration between ABB and its partner Wuhan Xigao Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.
In various Belt and Road projects, due to diverse regional needs and regulatory frameworks, ABB leverages its global resources and technical services to assist Chinese enterprises in addressing differences in design standards, industry regulations, and other challenges across different countries and regions. This helps them better manage risks and navigate the complexities of international markets.
顺应绿色算力发展需求 树立数字化合作共赢新标杆
Embrace the Demand for Green Computing Power
Set a New Benchmark for Digitalized Collaborative Success

来源:ABB发布 Source: ABB Release
With the acceleration of the digital revolution, development projects are no longer confined to traditional infrastructure construction but faces new challenges in global computing power competition and the application of artificial intelligence. Data centers, as representatives of computing power infrastructure, have become a new pillar of digital economic development, leading the transformation of high-energy-consuming industries towards refinement and high-quality development.
ABB通过多年的技术积累,推出了一系列创新产品,为绿色数据中心的建设提供了支持,数字化解决方案提升了能源使用效率,推进了智慧运维的实现。例如,ABB创新的的模块化UPS MegaFlex系列,Emax2 Harness解决方案,Smart PQF电能质量设备等,通过技术创新为数据中心提供稳定、可靠的电力系统保障, 携手行业客户打造一个又一个行业标杆项目。
Leveraging years of technical expertise, ABB has introduced a series of innovative products to support the construction of green data centers. Digital solutions enhance energy efficiency and promote the realization of intelligent operation and maintenance.
For instance, ABB’s innovative modular UPS MegaFlex series, Emax2 Harness solution, Smart PQF power quality devices provide stable and reliable power system protection for data centers through technological innovation. ABB collaborates with industry clients to create model projects one after another.
As an innovative technology-oriented company, ABB is committed to being a trusted partner for Chinese enterprises, continuing to leverage its one-stop service capabilities to support Chinese companies in going global. Meanwhile, ABB actively insights into market changes brought about by the energy revolution and the fourth industrial revolution, offering more choices to EPC enterprises with digital solutions. This helps end-users explore new global business development opportunities, thus setting a new benchmark for international project cooperation.
In alignment with the strategy to further expand its operation, ABB joined CNEUCN business partners’ group, setting up also a presence in Chengdu.
In order to bring their respective advantages into play and improve work efficiency, CNEUCN and its partners will synergize with ABB to develop new projects by their comprehensive know-how and technologies, achieve a win-win cooperation with their clients.
如想了解更多碳中和相关内容,请联系: [email protected]
For more information about carbon neutrality, please write to: [email protected]
仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China and Europe path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.