
Better Promotion Strategy, Under the Aggies of Dual-Carbon Goal, is Needed


China’s “Dual carbon goal” has become a key focus of the market and public opinion since the central government set the two critical dates: “peak carbon”, by 20230, and “carbon neutrality”, by 2060. Last year, there were nearly 1.5 million reports on “dual carbon” on the Internet, in regular newspapers and magazines in China, with diversified communication platforms, including, but not limited to, all kinds of forums and summits, seminars, exchanges and reports on cooperation between enterprises. Among the above reports, the Internet media accounted for the majority.



According to the content of various “dual-carbon” related reports, most of the reports focus on consumer’s products, with the highest percentage of posts on low-carbon products reaching 33%.  The majority of low-carbon products are new energy vehicles and environmentally friendly materials. The second largest category was low-carbon/green energy, with four subcategories – sustainable energy, wind energy, hydrogen energy, and low-carbon methanol. Posts related to intellectualization, battery innovation, green supply chain, etc., are classified in the low-carbon/green production, which is the third largest category, followed by strategy/goal, low-carbon/green work, carbon offset, and others.



Overall, posts about companies’ contributions to building their low-carbon ecosystem, their efforts, and the positive impact that has been made to society, are much less than posts about consumer products. In order to increase the communication flow and improve the result, when communicating to the public audience, in CNEUCN, we believe that communication should segmented for different topics, products, or services. Then, in order to improve the reach out, the contents should be tuned according to the preferences of the different audiences, whether it is conveyed through data, text, graphics, video, and other visualization methods. Finally, it is necessary to carry out the communication plan according to the current public opinion hotspots, industry key activities, conferences calendar, and enhance the final effectiveness of one’s own publicity through the popularity of hot events themselves. 


At the same time, companies should be aware of the following matters when they are creating promotional content, to avoid “greenwashing”:

  1. 含糊不清,模糊地使用诸如绿色、环保、可持续等概念,而不提供任何事实、数据支撑。

Ambiguity, i.e., the vague use of terms such as “green”, “environmental”, and “sustainable”, etc. without providing facts and figures to back them up.

  • 虚假陈述,为与减碳、双碳目标并不相符的服务或产品冠以相关名头。

Misrepresentation, by labelling services or products that are not in line with carbon reduction or dual carbon targets.

  • 避实就虚,对某一产品或服务,具有环保属性的一面大加宣传,却从不提及不够环保的一面。

Avoiding providing a fair and balance picture by promoting the environmental aspects of a product or service without mentioning the less environmentally friendly aspects.


As government’s regulations become more standardized and the public’s understanding of the concept of carbon neutrality and China’s “dual carbon” goal deepens, any “greenwashing” promotion should be considered as a bomb that will lower the company’s reputation in the future. The trend not only placed new demands on companies’ operations, but also created new challenges for promotion, and the way companies communicate to the public opinion.



China Euro Carbon Neutral (CNEUCN) as the first European entity, in China, able to tackle the carbon neutrality-related activities in a holistic way, has established long-term cooperation also with top level Universities, in Europe and China, as well as with cultural oriented association and platforms, as Slow Food, Wupen, Guangzhou and Haina Design Week. The aim is to promote research, develop innovative solution and promote the dissemination to the widest audience. Since its inception, CNEUCN has successfully launched several campaigns, online and offline seminars, and forums with the participation of worldwide well-known leading companies, institutions, and academies members of its own Scientific Committee and Experts’ Advisory Board. 

Based on long term experience, CNEUCN can assist cities and districts drafting concept for effective and contents-based conferences as well as, individual companies shaping their corporate communication strategy and activities plan. 

如想了解更多信息和更多详情,请联系:  [email protected]

For more information and further details please write to: [email protected]


仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。

China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China’s path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.

China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.