茵态是一家在环境、经济和社会领域跨学科的咨询及研究公司,公司总部位于瑞士苏黎世。公司成立于1979年,在过去的40多年里,茵态在可持续发展领域为私营企业和公共机构提供咨询和研究服务。公司员工分别位于瑞士、德国、中国和美国, 基于灵活而跨地域的团队合作方式开展跨专业的工作。 得益于公司灵活的组织架构,茵态可以迅速地获取必要的资源,并搭建跨地域、跨专业的专家团队,到现场为客户提供国际化的专业咨询服务。
Intep is an interdisciplinary consulting and research company operating in the fields of environment, economy, and society. The company is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland. Founded in 1979, intep has been providing consulting and research services to private companies and public institutions in the field of sustainable development for over 40 years. The employees are located in Switzerland, Germany, China, and the United States, and intep conducts cross-disciplinary work based on flexible and cross-regional teamwork. Thanks to the company’s flexible organizational structure, intep can quickly access the necessary resources and assemble expert teams across regions and disciplines to provide international professional consulting services on-site for our clients.

⦁ 在“中德城镇节能示范项目”框架下, 茵态正在协助江苏金坛经济技术开发区 (ETDZ) 制定顶层能源规划。在此基础上,为经开区内的两个示范区域(启动区)制定综合能源方案,致力于为工业园区制定相应的高能效和碳减排解决措施,实现地方能源的可持续供应和消费等。
⦁ 由瑞士发展合作署(SDC)发起并资助的中瑞零碳建筑项目中,瑞士茵态和Skat公司领导的多机构联合专家团队作为瑞方执行机构,旨在通过引入瑞士的经验和技术,支持中国制定零碳建筑技术标准和建筑行业中长期碳减排路线图,并在不同气候区建设零碳建筑示范工程,同时开展多种形式的能力建设活动,最终推动中国建筑行业的碳中和发展。
Intep provides integrated consulting and applied research services in the social, environmental and economic fields, including: net-zero and energy-efficient buildings and communities, sustainability labelling and certification, full life-cycle assessment of products and services, strategic decision-making solutions for energy regions and energy cities, sustainable development planning for cities and communities, and participation in the process of coordinating and organizing public engagement. In China, intep has participated in and assisted in a number of demonstration projects to help achieving the carbon neutrality target, for example:
⦁ Within the framework of the “Sino-German Demonstration Project on Energy Efficiency in Cities”, intep is assisting in the development of a top-level energy plan for the Economic and Technological Development Zone (ETDZ) of Jintan, Jiangsu. On this basis, intep has developed an integrated energy program for two demonstration zones (start-up zones) within the ETDZ and worked on the development of corresponding high energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction solutions for the industrial parks, in order to achieve sustainable supply and consumption of local energy.
⦁ In the Sino-Swiss Zero-Carbon Building Project initiated and funded by the Swiss Development Cooperation Agency (SDC), the multi-institutional joint expert team led by the Swiss company intep and Skat serves as the Swiss executive agency, aiming to introduce Swiss experience and technology to support China formulates technical standards for zero-carbon buildings and a medium- and long-term carbon emission reduction roadmap for the construction industry, and builds demonstration projects for zero-carbon buildings in different climate zones. At the same time, it carries out various forms of capacity-building activities, and ultimately promotes the carbon-neutral development of China’s construction industry.

在过去的十年里,茵态一直致力于在亚洲市场积极拓展,并不断扩大其的工作网络。茵态与住房和城乡建设部(MoHURD)、瑞士发展与合作署(SDC)等政府机构建立了牢固的合作伙伴关系。此外,还与中国建筑科学研究院 (CABR)、深圳市建筑科学研究院 (SACBR) 和建学建筑工程设计所有限公司 (JAEDI) 等企业合作。 intep与国际组织、商会和大学(清华大学、同济大学、浙江大学等)保持密切联系。
Over the past decade, intep has been committed to actively expanding in the Asian market and expanding the network of work. Intep have established strong partnerships with governmental agencies such as the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MoHURD), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Also, with corporations such as the China Academy of Building Research (CABR), the Shenzhen Academy of Building Research (SACBR) and the Jianxue Architecture and Engineering Design Institute (JAEDI). Intep stays close contact with international organizations, chambers of commerce and universities , (Tsinghua University, Tongji University, Zhejiang University, etc.).
In alignment with the strategy to further expand its operation, intep joined CNEUCN business partners’ group, setting up also a presence in Chengdu.
In order to bring their respective advantages into play and improve work efficiency, CNEUCN and its partners will synergize with intep to develop new projects by their comprehensive know-how and technologies, achieve a win-win cooperation with their clients.
如想了解更多信息和更多详情,请联系:[email protected]
For more information and further details please write to: [email protected]
仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China’s path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.