
China’s Low Carbon City Construction, Yantai

幸福新城总体规划设计及地标性建筑 – Yantai Jiahe River – Xingfu New City


Yantai, located in the eastern Shandong Peninsula of China, is adjacent to the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea, with Japan and South Korea across the sea. The city boasts a landscape where mountains meet the sea, offering stunningly beautiful scenery. It has been awarded the UN-Habitat Scroll of Honor, recognized as one of China’s Outstanding Tourist Cities, and the only International Vine and Wine City in Asia. With a long history and profound cultural heritage, Yantai is known as a “Fairyland on Earth”. The First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty (259BC-210BC) ever visited Yantai three times on his eastern tours. The legend of “Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea” and the wonder of “Sea Mirage” are famous both at home and abroad. As the starting point of the Eastern Maritime Silk Road, Yantai is home to Penglai Pavilion, one of China’s “Four Famous Pavilions”, Changshan Archipelago, often called the “Fairy Islands on the Sea”, and Kunyu Mountain, the birthplace of the Quanzhen School of Taoism, making Yantai a national historical and cultural city.


Yantai boasts a thriving economy and a solid industrial foundation, having cultivated advantageous industrial clusters in sectors such as non-ferrous and precious metals, green petrochemicals, high-end equipment manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, electronic information, food processing, biopharmaceuticals, aerospace, and clean energy. The city is home to 63 publicly listed companies. In 2023, its GDP exceeded 1 trillion yuan, ranking 25th among cities in China. Yantai is open, inclusive, and welcoming. In 1984, it became one of the first 14 coastal cities opening to the world in China. As a “Gold Medal City” for investment environment rated by the World Bank, Yantai has attracted investments from over 100 Fortune 500 companies and established trade relations with more than 200 countries and regions around the world.

烟台夹河·幸福新城规划图(图片版权归中国城市规划设计研究院所有)– Planning Map of Yantai Jiahe River – Xingfu New City Area – Image copyright: China Academy of Urban Planning and Design


Located in the intersection between the Coastal Golden Belt and the Jiahe Ecological Scenic Belt, Jiahe River – Xingfu New City Area is a core area to be developed in the downtown of Yantai. Facing Yellow Sea in the north, leaning against Mountain Zhen in the east, and neighboring Yantai’s mother river – Jiahe, it’s in the core position of the three central urban areas of Zhifu District, Fushan District and Huang-bohai Sea New Area,with a total planning area of 53 square kilometers. In the future, this region will become Yantai’s most economically developed, densely populated, most vibrant, and culturally rich area.


In terms of planning and positioning, under the guidance of the national “dual-carbon” strategy and the development of the pioneer zone of green low-carbon and high-quality development in Shandong Province, Yantai is making every effort to build a green low-carbon and high-quality development pilot zone, and is striving to become the center of the Circum-Bohai Sea Region by 2035. Based on this vision of urban development, Jiahe River – Xingfu New City Area will focus on three major positionings: “the leading area for building Yantai a center city of the Circum-Bohai Sea Region, the demonstration zone for green low-carbon and high-quality development, and a model for modern urban construction”. With all the efforts and high-quality development, it will become a “City of Livability and a City of the Future”.


In terms of spatial layout, it is planned to build an overall structure of “two axes, two centers, multiple corridors and multiple nodes”. Among them, the two axes include the east-west urban service axis, which connects Huang-bohai Sea New Area, Sea World, and Zhifu Downtown, playing the role of comprehensive service functions; and the north-south scientific innovation axis, which extends along Binglun Road towards the hinterland, providing productive functions. Two centers refer to as a new city service center with composite functions, as well as a scientific innovation service center assisting industrial upgrading and transformation. Multiple corridors will leverage the city’s rich natural resources to form several ecological and scenic corridors. Multiple nodes are aimed at creating innovation points with redevelopment opportunities.


In terms of functional zoning, Jiahe River – Xingfu New City Area focuses on developing “six major areas and one of China’s best leisure waterfronts”. Among them, the Urban Reception Hall will construct municipal public service facilities, citizen service centers, hotel clusters along Xingfu South Road, a smart city experience center, and other distinctive venues, aiming to highlight the charm of the new city area. The innovative economic circle, relying on the original Wanhua Chemical Group, ENN Group and other old industrial plants, will introduce creative cultural industries to create a vibrant space for interaction between industrial innovation and humanistic emotions. Headquarters economic zone plans to settle down the dual-carbon science museum, CEC i-Valley Industrial Park, Wanma (Yantai) Industrial Port and other important projects, forming a core driving force with regional radiation. Scientific innovation square area will focus on green low-carbon innovation projects, introducing research institutes in new energy and carbon asset management, forming high-level “double carbon” innovation platforms. Urban intelligent manufacturing base will focus on developing green low-carbon and future sci-tech industries, creating demonstration models of green buildings, zero-carbon factories and zero-carbon parks. Dagu Jiahe river leisure waterfront will take “one axis, four sections, ten scenic spots” as its overall structure, creating an ecological leisure green corridor with clear water and lush greenery. It will transform the landscape from a bustling cityscape to a tranquil valley, evoking a true “fairyland on earth”.


The New Area headquarters base project is located in the northern part of Jiahe River – Xingfu New City Area, with a total construction area of 63,700 square meters, including an above-ground construction area of 42,200 square meters and a underground construction area of 21,500 square meters.

The project mainly consists of two high-rise buildings connected by the steel structure podium in the middle, with one building being 17 stories and the other 18 stories, both reaching a height of 82.8 meters. The project is adjacent to the coastline. In order to maximize the utilization of coastal landscape facades, the architectural design adopts a modern style, using glass curtain wall facade throughout, striving for the widest possible view. The project is expected to be completed and put into operation in 2024, forming a new ecology of innovative office with industrial and technological innovation, deep integration of industry and city area, and full sharing among communities, and becoming a landmark building of Jiahe River – Xingfu New City Area.



CNEUCN and its business partners can play a pivotal role in Yantai Jiahe New River – Xingfu New City’s economic and carbon-neutral development. Leveraging a strong network of industry leaders, academic institutions, and cutting-edge technology providers, CNEUCN offers comprehensive expertise in sustainable urban planning, decarbonization, and innovative technologies. CNEUCN’s tailored solutions for integrating low-carbon and circular economy models will directly support Yantai’s vision to become a center of green development and a modern urban model in the Circum-Bohai Sea Region.

Additionally, CNEUCN’s strategic partners, will bring advanced energy efficiency technologies, smart infrastructure solutions, and innovative materials that significantly reduce environmental impact. These contributions will help Yantai to accelerate its transformation into a sustainable and vibrant urban center, fostering economic growth, technological innovation, and environmental resilience in alignment with China’s national “dual-carbon” strategy.