
CNEUCN Interview series | Episode 5: Professor Ali Cheshmehzangi – Scientific Committee Member

Ali Cheshmehzangi 博士是建筑学和城市设计的正式教授,拥有建筑学和城市设计博士学位、高等教育研究生证书(PGCHE)、城市设计硕士学位、建筑学专业研究生证书和建筑学学士学位。他是一位城市学家和城市设计师。

Ali Cheshmehzangi 博士主要研究方向是城市以及城市转型、可持续城市化和综合城市设计战略。他同时也是是中国宁波诺丁汉大学(UNNC)建筑与建筑环境系主任和城市创新实验室主任。四年来,他一直担任中国第一座零碳建筑——可持续能源技术中心(2017-21)的主任。并且他还是日本广岛大学和平与可持续性教育与研究网络(NERPS)的特聘教授。

Dr. Ali Cheshmehzangi is a Full Professor of Architecture and Urban Design with a Ph.D. Degree in Architecture and Urban Design, a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCHE), a Master’s Degree in Urban Design, a Graduate Certificate in Professional Studies in Architecture, and a Bachelor Degree in Architecture. He is an urbanist and urban designer by profession and by heart. 

Dr. Ali Cheshmehzangi studies cities and city transitions, sustainable urbanism, and integrated urban design strategies. He is Head of the Department of Architecture and Built Environment and Director of Urban Innovation Lab at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC). For four years, he was the Director of the Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies (2017-21), the first zero-carbon building in China. He is also a Specially-Appointed Professor at Network for Education and Research on Peace and Sustainability (NERPS), Hiroshima University (HU), Japan.

Q: 请您根据个人经历,选择一个减排目标密切相关的话题,您会选择哪个?

Should you pick up a topic, among the several which characterize your impressive experience that you feel more closely related to the decarbonization mission, which one you could say?

A: 从我的观点和经验来看,“转型”是实现脱碳使命最全面的研究。由于这一过程是长期的,因此存在多个层面和跨部门的过渡。例如,在我们即将于 2023 年初出版的《碳中和竞赛中的中国城市群发展》一书中,我们明确讨论了区域发展和过渡在实现碳达峰和碳中和目标过程中的重要性。此外,我们强调能源结构转型、产业结构调整和多层次发展规划的重要性。所有这些都只能通过每个步骤都得到相关立法、基准、标准等支持的过渡来实现。我们即将出版的工作是我们在 2021 年出版的早期著作《中国的可持续发展转型》的延续。因此,由于脱碳过程可能是一个漫长的过程,因此需要通过多个阶段、跨越多个空间层面和多个部门进行精确规划。

From my point of view and experience, ‘transitions’ are the most comprehensive studies in regard to achieving the decarbonization mission. Since such a process is long-term, there are transitions at multiple levels and across various sectors. For instance, in our forthcoming book, which is due to be published in early 2023, titled “China’s City Cluster Development in the Race to Carbon Neutrality”, we explicitly discuss the importance of regional development and transitions in the route to carbon peak and carbon neutrality targets. Also, we highlight the importance of transitions for energy mix, industrial restructuring, and multi-level development plans. All these could only occur through transitions where each step is supported with relevant legislation, benchmarks, standards, etc. Our forthcoming work is a continuation of the earlier book we published in 2021, which is titled “China’s Sustainability Transitions”. Thus, as decarbonization process could be a long process, it requires precise planning through multiple phases, across multiple spatial levels, and through multiple sectors.

Q: 根据您的学术和专业背景,您认为对全球减少温室气体排放的紧迫性做出的主要贡献是什么?

Based on your academic and professional background, what is the main contribution you feel to provide to the worldwide urgency to reduce greenhouse gasses emission? 

A: 学术界和学者可以支持对脱碳过程和温室气体减排的理论和方法论贡献。然而,学术界、实践和政府之间的联系是必不可少的,没有它,仅靠学术界就无法做出所需的贡献。在我们的工作中,我们探索案例研究示例,并着眼于实验机会、KPI 和评估过程,以及其他具有丰富文献和学术知识的重要因素。例如,我们为中国和国际的低碳和零碳项目制定了多个 KPI。通过这些案例研究,我们开发并提出了旨在帮助地方政府通过政策制定和实践采取进一步行动的发展模式。因此,我们的重点可能是政策和实践及其发展,这对脱碳过程和实现碳中和目标的机会很重要。另一个事实是,我们在学术界拥有适合数据分析的技能和知识。通过与其他利益相关者合作,我们可以成为可以提出、培育和创新实验项目的知识共享平台。

Academia and academics could support theoretical and methodological contributions to decarbonization process and greenhouse gas emission reduction. However, the nexus between academia, practice, and government is essential, and without it, academia alone cannot contribute as much as needed. In our work, we explore case study examples and look at experimental opportunities, KPIs and assessment processes, and other important factors that have rich literature and academic knowledge. For instance, we have developed several KPIs for low-carbon and zero-carbon projects in China and internationally. Through those case study examples, we developed and suggested development models intending to help the local governments take further action through policy development and practice. Hence, our focus could be on policies and practices and their development, which matter for decarbonization processes and opportunities to reach the carbon neutrality goal. Another fact is that we have suitable skills and knowledge for data analysis in academia. By working with other stakeholders, we can become knowledge share platforms where experimental projects can be proposed, nurtured, and innovated.

Q: 根据您的经验,中国要实现“双碳目标”,主要面临哪些挑战?

According to your experience which one are the main challenges China has to face to reach its “dual carbon goal”? 

A: 2030 年和 2060 年目标的挑战截然不同,但 2030 年目标的失败可能会影响到 2060 年的最终目标。对于 2030 年的碳达峰,主要挑战是找到平衡城市化、工业化和产业结构调整的方法。我们预计中国将达到城市化高峰;因此,能源需求将继续增加。这种增长将意味着更高的消费和生产水平,这对中国来说将是非常具有挑战性的。我们认识到以下步骤,特别是在 2030 年之前,对于快速推进可能实现 2060 年碳中和计划的健康和可持续转型至关重要。这十年是下一步的基础。因此,2060 年的挑战可能与扩大项目规模、达到城市化高峰后的未来工业发展、减少消费和生产需求以及继续稳定的经济增长和发展有关。建筑环境改造、能源结构和产业发展等问题将是后续步骤中的关键挑战。在 2030 年至 2060 年的这三个十年中,我们预计新技术的进步、新技术的投资以及将它们整合到脱碳计划的所有运营中。中国不断增加的二氧化碳排放量和对高碳化石能源的过度依赖,在这十年乃至到2060 年仍将是共同挑战。我们预计将在以下步骤中看到范式转变和政策修订。

Challenges for 2030 and 2060 goals are pretty different, but the failures of 2030 targets could affect the ultimate 2060 goal. For the 2030 carbon peak, the main challenge is finding a way to balance urbanization, industrialization, and industrial restructuring. We expect China to reach its urbanization peak; thus, the energy demand will continue to increase. This increase would mean higher consumption and production levels, which will be very challenging for China. We recognize the following steps, particularly until 2030, will be critical to fast-forward a healthy and sustainable transition that could reach the carbon neutrality plan of 2060. This decade is the foundation for the next steps. Thus, 2060 challenges could be related to scaling up projects, future industrial development after reaching the urbanization peak, reducing demand in consumption and production, and continuing with steady economic growth and development. Issues such as the built environment renovation, energy mix, and industrial development will be key challenges in the following steps. In the three decades between 2030 and 2060, we expect more advancement in new technologies, investment in new technologies, and integration of them in all operations for decarbonization plans. China’s increasing CO2 emissions and over-reliance on high-carbon fossil energy will remain common challenges in this decade and until 2060. We anticipate seeing paradigm shifts and revisions in policies in the following steps.

Q: 中欧在气候变化和环境保护问题上的密切合作历史悠久,富有成果。中欧在脱碳道路上更具有哪些独特优势?

China and Europe have a long history of close and fruitful cooperation about climate change and environmental protection issues. Which are the more peculiar strengths of China and Europe in the path towards decarbonization? 

A: 中欧之间的持续关系过去非常重要,对于未来在脱碳道路上的合作仍然至关重要。双方应创造和培育更多知识交流机会,如联合机构、项目和多边平台。欧洲可以从其多样化的经验和实验计划中提供很多东西。特别是在环保问题上,中国可以与欧洲开展更多合作。在中国,制度建设是一个重要的优势。此外,欧洲在规划框架、区域发展和去工业化进程方面也有实力。另一方面,中国在长期规划、资金支持和营销方面具有实力。

The continuous relationship between China and Europe has been very important before and will remain vital for future cooperation in the path towards decarbonization. The two sides should create and nurture more knowledge exchange opportunities, such as joint institutes, programmes, and multi-lateral platforms. Europe could offer a lot from its diverse experience and experimental programmes. In particular, on environmental protection issues, China could cooperate more with Europe. In China, institutional development is a significant strength. Also, Europe has strength in planning frameworks, regional development, and deindustrialization processes. On the other hand, China has strength in long-term plans, financial support, and marketing.

Q: 更具体地说,在您的主管部门,可以实施哪些机制和行动来在中国和欧洲之间建立良性协同效应以实现碳中和?

More specifically, in your sector of competence, which mechanisms and actions could be implemented to create virtuous synergies between China and Europe to reach carbon neutrality? 

A:  我相信知识共享平台和合作研究、基于实践和政策制定可以受益于中国和欧洲的相互促进。一方面,我们看到了有关可持续性转型的经验和丰富的知识;另一方面,我们看到了试验和扩大项目的绝佳机会。技术和创新也将在加强中欧合作方面发挥重要作用。基础设施发展、可再生能源和工业发展的机会可以在双方之间产生协同效应。更重要的是,我们希望通过中欧的机构、大学、公司和项目,看到渐进式的发展。双边和多边机制都有助于增加中欧之间的双向合作机会。更重要的是,我相信双方可以在技术开发、利用和整合方面开展更多合作。

I trust knowledge-share platforms and cooperative research, practice-based, and policy development could benefit from a mutual boost from China and Europe. On one side, we see experience and rich knowledge about sustainability transitions; on the other, we see excellent opportunities for experimentation and scaling-up projects. Technologies and innovation would also play a major part in increasing cooperation between China and Europe. Opportunities for infrastructural development, renewable energies, and industrial development could create synergies between the two sides. More importantly, we hope to see progressive development via Sino-European institutes, universities, companies, and programmes. Both bilateral and multi-lateral mechanisms could help boost two-way cooperation opportunities between China and Europe. More importantly, I believe both sides could cooperate more on technological development, utilization, and integration.

Q: 碳中和是一个需要所有利益相关者采取整体方法和综合行动的目标。它不仅要解决技术问题,还要解决新的经济发展模式和社会问题。由仲欧脱碳科技科学委员会和专家顾问委员会发起的中欧碳中和倡议旨在成为收集这些专业知识并分享潜在解决方案的平台。您觉得对仲欧脱碳科技的发展和运营有哪些建议?

Carbon neutrality is a target which required holistic approach and integrated actions by all the stakeholders. It should tackle not only technical matters, but also new economic development model and social aspects. China Europe Carbon Neutral initiative by its Scientific Committee & Expert Advisory Board aims to be a platform to gather these expertise then share potential solution. Which advices and proposal you feel to share for its development and operation?

A: 事实上,碳中和是一个综合目标。必须考虑所有因素,包括社会、文化、经济、制度、物理、技术和环境方面。我们希望仲欧脱碳科技的倡议能够为两端各利益相关方创造更多机会。我们打算与各级政府、本地和国际行业和企业、机构和社区密切合作,我们希望通过这些合作,为中国和欧洲创造合资企业、知识交流机会和采取行动的计划。我相信我们还没有挖掘出双方的共同点,我们越了解我们的共同点,就越能健康、合作地进步。

Indeed, carbon neutrality is a comprehensive goal. All factors must be considered, including social, cultural, economic, institutional, physical, technological, and environmental aspects. We hope the CNEUCN initiative could create more opportunities for various stakeholders at both ends. We intend to work closely with governments at multiple levels, local and international industries and businesses, institutes, and communities, through which we hope to create joint ventures, knowledge exchange opportunities, and programmes for taking action for both China and Europe. I believe we have not yet exploited the common grounds between the two sides, and the more we understand our commonalities, the more we can progress healthily and collaboratively. 

Q: 中国城市化现象的特点是快速和数量化的发展,这也造成了相当大的房地产投机活动。


Chinese urbanization phenomenon was characterized by a fast and quantitative oriented development, which created also a considerable real estate speculation.

Based on your European background and the deep knowledge you have about China, how urban regeneration initiative can help to solve, or at least mitigate, those matters?

A: 中国已经进入高质量城镇化进程的新时代。这意味着接下来的步骤应该更加全面、以人为本和反思。我们可以从欧洲学到很多关于城市更新倡议的经验。意大利、西班牙、英国等国家多年来制定了新的再生战略,以在发展和经济增长之间找到平衡。我们可以从改造策略、基础设施升级、棕地再利用和自下而上的可持续城市发展计划中学习。我们可以建造、拆除和重建的数量总是有限的。我相信中国的大城市已经达到了城市更新和改造已经成为普遍做法的水平。我们可能无法扭转一些早期的发展趋势,但我们可以致力于在新的和现有的建筑环境中实现和谐发展。从以房地产为导向的发展转向和谐发展,需要时间、精力和政治意愿。2014年以来,中国逐步从快速城镇化向健康城镇化、高质量城镇化迈进。我们期待着稳定经济增长的方向,解决诸如人口老龄化、旧城肌理振兴等问题,并创造一种可以和谐和以人为本的有机再生。

China has already stepped into the new era of a high-quality urbanization process. It means the next steps should be more holistic, human-centric, and reflective. We could learn many lessons from Europe on urban regeneration initiatives. Countries like Italy, Spain, the UK, etc., have for years developed novel regeneration strategies to find a balance between development and economic growth. We could learn from renovation strategies, infrastructural upgrading, brownfield reuse, and bottom-up sustainable urban development programmes. There is always a limit to how much we can build, demolish, and rebuild. I believe larger cities in China have already reached the level where urban regeneration and renovation have become common practices. We may not be able to reverse some of the earlier development trends, but we can aim to achieve harmonious development in new and existing built environments. Shifting away from a real-estate-oriented development to a harmonious development would require time, effort, and political will. Since 2014, China has gradually moved away from rapid urbanization to healthy urbanization and high-quality urbanization. We expect directions towards stabilized economic growth, dealing with issues such as the aging population, old urban fabric revitalization, and creating a sort of organic regeneration that could be harmonious and human-centric.

Q: 城市正在制定长期战略,将更广泛地使用可再生资源、减少碳排放和更平衡的社会发展等目标结合起来。中欧如何借鉴各自的经验,在这个问题上并肩工作?

Cities are developing long-term strategies that integrate the goals of broader use of renewable resources, reduced carbon emissions and more balanced social development. How China and Europe can learn from the respective experiences and work side by side on this matter?

A: 我认为中国和欧洲都可以分享经验教训。中国有优秀的成功案例,如植树造林、发展可再生能源产能、智能电网系统和低碳试点项目。在欧洲,成功案例与城市更新、社会发展、环境恢复和生态保护项目有关。如前所述,双方必须找到共同点。需要考虑文化、社会和经济差异。因此,我们希望通过比较研究,更重要的是,通过合作项目、倡议和技术发展,获得针对具体情况的解决方案。特别是在社会发展方面,我们希望看到更多自下而上的项目机会,让人们参与未来的可持续发展。可能会有规划框架发展、工业发展、贸易和商业审计、能源结构整合等方面的机会。中国和欧洲可以在开发新的规划范式、更高级别的标准、可持续性评估工具等方面发挥关键作用。我相信中国和欧洲之间的挑战和机遇截然不同,但我也相信我们可以在更大范围和更长期的合作上投入更多资金。我们需要共同规划城市和社区如何变得更健康、更有弹性和更人性化。

I think there are lessons to be shared from both China and Europe. There are excellent success stories in China, such as forestation, the development of renewable energy capacity, smart grid systems, and low-carbon experimental projects. In Europe, successful stories are related to urban regeneration, social development, environmental restoration, and ecological preservation projects. The two sides, as mentioned earlier, must find common ground between them. There are cultural, social, and economic differences that need to be taken into consideration. Thus, we hope to have context-specific solutions through comparative studies and, more importantly, collaborative projects, initiatives, and technological development. On social development, in particular, we hope to see more opportunities for bottom-up projects so that people can participate in future sustainable development. There could be opportunities for planning framework development, industrial development, trade, and business audits, energy mix integration, etc. China and Europe could play a key role in developing new planning paradigms, higher-level standards, sustainability assessment tools, etc. I believe challenges and opportunities are quite different between China and Europe, but I also believe we can invest more in collaboration on a larger scale and longer-term initiatives. We need to plan jointly how cities and communities could become healthier, more resilient, and more humane. 


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仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。

China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China’s path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.

China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.