
Design Courier – The Magazine of Critical Thinkers in Architecture and Design


Unveiling Architectural Design with Design Courier


The Design Courier ( stands as a premier magazine dedicated to the world of architecture, design, and art. Contemporary architecture, design and art are traced through critical voices among international critics and industry up and comers. Published projects are selected because of their creativity and experimentation and also presented in by these forms of writing.Design Courier’s focus readers are architecture, design and art enthusiasts, who understand them as expressions of culture and each content is tailored to such an audience. Much like a carefully planned architectural project, the structure of Design Courier is meticulously crafted. It offers a rich tapestry of content that includes plans, drawings, illustrations, and insightful reports that bring to life the various elements of architectural design. Whether focused on residential, hospitality, entertainment, or public spaces, Design Courier guides its readers through the entire process, from foundational concepts to the final touches that define a space. Last but not least, the readers will not get confused by advertising as well as boring pop-up messages. Design Courier is totally advertisement-free and fully focus on providing contents with equal importance given to aesthetic and narration.


A Platform for Knowledge and Innovation


At its core, Design Courier is a vibrant hub for knowledge, research, and discussion within the realms of architecture, design, and art. The magazine prides itself on presenting complex ideas and innovative concepts from across the globe, delivered through authoritative and credible voices. It positions itself as a publication for those who view architecture and design as forms of high culture. The magazine caters to a discerning audience that includes CEOs, executives, investors, architects, designers, artists, and senior researchers—key decision-makers who influence the future of these fields.


The Magazine Structure


The Design Currier is organized in seven main sections. Each one provides contents relevant to the specific topic.    

  • 计划与图纸的画布


  • Canvas of PLANS & DRAWINGS

This section of the magazine is devoted to both recent and historic architectural projects of significance. It provides detailed surveys of historical buildings, their modern-day applications, and highlights cutting-edge contemporary projects.

  • 室内与装饰,但有转折


  • INTERIORS & DÉCOR but With A Twist

This section dedicated to interior design projects and décor collections of relevance. Inside this section you will find spaces of life and memory with a specific attention to their aesthetics and décor.

  • 酒店与餐厅,超越主流


  • HOTELS & RESTAURANTS, Beyond Mainstream.

This section delves into pioneering architectural and interior design projects shaping hotels and restaurants worldwide. Here, we showcase innovative spaces that blend aesthetics, functionality, and cultural significance, setting new standards in the hospitality industry.

  • 艺术笔记


  • NOTES on Art

The definitive hint of every architectural design project, a section dedicated to art could not fail to be included in the pages of Design Courier. Here, art and artists are the core.

  • 大事件


  • Into Big AFFAIRS

The section dedicated to international business topics relevant to the A&D world. Here, unfolding complex themes is the aim.

  • 瞥见



The section Glimpses is a sharp look at tomorrow, with its maybes, fractal questions and infinite possibilities, from new technologies to environmental and social sustainability solutions.

  • 内部人士



The section dedicated to industry insiders – developers, architects, designers, experts, executives and artisans. Here, people are the focus.


Recently released contents


The Sign: Revitalizing Milan’s Urban Landscape (Canvas of Plans and Drawings section)

“标志”是米兰的一个变革性城市更新项目,由 Progetto CMR 牵头,2024 年是其成立 30 周年。这个项目占地超过 40,000 平方米,使该市东南部以前无法进入的一部分恢复活力。从历史上看,该地点曾是 Vedani 铸造厂(一家金属转换公司)的所在地,直到 1997 年。如今,它已成为一个著名的商业区,为怡安、NTT 数据等大公司提供办公场所,预计欧莱雅意大利公司将于 2024 年底入驻。

The Sign is a transformative urban regeneration project in Milan, spearheaded by Progetto CMR, with its 30th anniversary in 2024. This project, covering over 40,000 square meters, rejuvenates a previously inaccessible part of the city, located in its southeast. Historically, the site was home to the Vedani Foundry, a metal conversion company, until 1997. Today, it stands as a prestigious business district, hosting offices for major companies like Aon, NTT Data, and soon L’Oréal Italia, expected by the end of 2024.

The Sign, Milan, Italy, Progetto CMR – Image copyright: @Andrea Martiradonna

战略位置靠近主要大学校园,“标志”不仅仅是一个商业中心;它还是一个充满活力的社区,拥有丰富的文化和娱乐活动。该项目还优先考虑环境可持续性,纳入了提升当地生物多样性的绿色空间。鉴于这些努力,“标志”于 2021 年获得了“生物多样性城市”认证,成为意大利首个获得此项认证的项目。其设计包括专门为蝴蝶和蜂巢开辟的区域,进一步促进了生态多样性。一旦完工,“标志”将容纳约 2800 名日常工作者,以及学生和居民,使其成为创新和可持续城市发展的典范。

Strategically positioned near key university campuses, The Sign is more than just a business hub; it’s a vibrant neighborhood rich with cultural and entertainment activities. The project also prioritizes environmental sustainability, incorporating green spaces that enhance local biodiversity. In recognition of these efforts, The Sign received the BiodiverCity certification in 2021, the first project in Italy to achieve this. The design includes areas dedicated to butterflies and bee nests, further promoting ecological diversity. Once completed, The Sign will accommodate around 2,800 daily workers, alongside students and residents, making it a model of innovative and sustainable urban development.

Read more at: The Sign: A Model of Urban Regeneration and Biodiversity – Design Courier


Navigating Luxury Hospitality in Italy (Into Big AFFAIRS section)

由《设计信使》和 Medelhan 策划的“变革之谈”系列探讨了奢华酒店业不断变化的格局,近期重点关注了威尼斯。作为一个历史和艺术丰富的城市,威尼斯是讨论意大利更广泛的豪华酒店市场的理想起点。2023 年,威尼斯的过夜住宿超过 1300 万人次,使得威尼托地区的抵达人次达到创纪录的 1700 万。这种增长在整个意大利都有体现,预计到 2025 年,五星级酒店的数量将从 682 家增加到 712 家。占意大利 GDP 13%的豪华旅游业预计将比其他任何旅游板块增长得都快,突显了意大利在全球市场中的独特地位。

The “Talks for a Change” series, curated by Design Courier and Medelhan, explores the evolving landscape of luxury hospitality, with a recent focus on Venice. As a city rich in history and art, Venice serves as an ideal starting point to discuss Italy’s broader luxury hotel market. In 2023, Venice saw over 13 million overnight stays, contributing to the Veneto region’s record-breaking 17 million arrivals. This growth is mirrored across Italy, with the number of five-star hotels expected to rise from 682 to 712 by 2025. Luxury tourism, accounting for 13% of Italy’s GDP, is projected to grow faster than any other tourism segment, highlighting Italy’s unique position in the global market.

Marriot International

意大利在众多豪华酒店市场方面与其他欧洲国家不同。与英格兰和法国不同,这两个国家的豪华市场集中在少数几个城市,而意大利拥有约 15 个关键地区,包括米兰、威尼斯、佛罗伦萨、罗马、阿马尔菲海岸和科莫湖。这种广泛的豪华市场吸引了开发商和投资者的极大兴趣,尤其是随着“豪华”的定义已经演变到包括价格比过去高得多的酒店。

Italy stands out from other European countries with its numerous luxury hotel markets. Unlike England and France, where luxury markets are concentrated in a few cities, Italy boasts around fifteen key areas, including Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome, the Amalfi Coast, and Lake Como. This widespread luxury market has attracted significant interest from developers and investors, especially as the definition of ‘luxury’ has evolved to include hotels with significantly higher rates than in the past.

意大利的酒店行业经历了重大变革,尤其是在疫情之后。2022 年之前,许多酒店都已过时且为家庭经营,但旅游业的下滑导致它们被大型豪华集团收购。2022 年开始复苏,旅游热情增加,房价自此超过了疫情前的水平。这使得酒店行业在房地产市场中表现强劲,米兰、罗马、威尼斯和其他关键地区都有显著的增长和投资。

The Italian hotel sector has undergone a major transformation, particularly following the pandemic. Before 2022, many hotels were outdated and family-run, but the decline in tourism led to their acquisition by major luxury groups. The recovery began in 2022, with increased travel enthusiasm and rates that have since surpassed pre-pandemic levels. This has positioned the hotel sector as a strong performer in the real estate market, with Milan, Rome, Venice, and other key areas seeing significant growth and investment.


As Italy’s luxury hotel market continues to expand, occupancy rates have returned to pre-pandemic levels, and revenue per available room (REVPAR) has increased, driven by higher rates. This growth is partly attributed to “revenge spending,” where people, eager to travel after the pandemic, are spending more on luxury experiences. This trend underscores the resilience and ongoing appeal of Italy’s luxury hospitality sector.

Read more at: Luxury Channels: Navigating Prestigious Hotels and New Investments – Design Courier


Kreoo: A Fusion of Marble and Design (INTERIORS & DÉCOR but With A Twist section)

Kreoo 是一家意大利公司,由 Decormarmi 于 2010 年创立,其借鉴了可追溯到数千年前的丰富大理石工艺遗产。“Kreoo”这个名字的灵感来自古典希腊,象征着和谐与永恒之美。该公司与知名设计师合作,创造出高端大理石设计,并在全球范围内销售,从欧洲到美国,再到中东、俄罗斯、印度和大洋洲。

Kreoo, an Italian company founded in 2010 by Decormarmi, draws on a rich heritage of marble craftsmanship that dates back millennia. The name “Kreoo” is inspired by classical Greece, symbolizing harmony and timeless beauty. The company collaborates with renowned designers to create high-end marble designs that are distributed globally, from Europe to the United States, and across the Middle East, Russia, India, and Oceania.

Kreoo 专注于创造多功能的大理石产品,将材料情感与创新设计相融合。通过将大理石与玻璃、木材或金属相结合,该公司发展出一种既古老又现代的独特美学语言。这种语言体现在各种产品中,包括浴室装置、墙砖、家具和装饰品。Kreoo 的系列以突破大理石潜力的极限而著称,形成了模仿织物或其他触感表面的雕塑形状和纹理。Kreoo的产品包括标准和定制选项,迎合豪华住宅空间,五星级酒店和其他着名的环境。

Kreoo specializes in creating versatile marble products that merge material emotions with innovative design. By combining marble with glass, wood, or metals, the company develops a unique aesthetic language that is both ancient and contemporary. This language is expressed in various products, including bathroom fixtures, wall tiles, furniture, and decorative items. Kreoo’s collections are notable for pushing the limits of marble’s potential, resulting in sculptural shapes and textures that mimic fabrics or other tactile surfaces. Kreoo’s offerings include both standard and custom-made options, catering to luxury residential spaces, five-star hotels, and other prestigious environments.


In line with our recently signed partnership with Medelhan, CNEUCN will help disseminate the Design Currier among Chinese and Asian designers, suppliers, and stakeholders. If you’re interested in sharing your projects and products content with this global community, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.