The EU has adopted Regulation No. 2024/3012 to establish a unified Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF). This framework aims to measure, monitor, and verify carbon removal activities, thereby promoting permanent carbon removal, carbon farming, and carbon storage in products. It complements emission reduction efforts across all EU industries and reduces the risk of greenwashing. The European Parliament emphasizes that robust, reliable, and transparent carbon removal certification can foster the development of the Voluntary Carbon Market, help the EU achieve climate neutrality by 2050, and establish the EU as a global leader in carbon removal.
Backgrounds of CRCF
On November 30, 2022, the Commission proposed a regulation to create a voluntary EU-wide framework (CRCF) as a first step toward integrating carbon removal plans into EU climate policy. The Council adopted the negotiating mandate on November 17, 2023, and the European Parliament reached a position on November 21, 2023. Following three rounds of negotiations, the EU co-legislators agreed on the regulation on February 20, 2024, which was formally approved on November 19. The CRCF will serve as the official standard for carbon removal credits across all EU member states, emphasizing the regional and independent nature of carbon removal projects.
- Coverage Scope
– Permanent Carbon Removal: Capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide or biocarbon for centuries (e.g., bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, direct air capture and storage).
– Carbon Storage Activities: Capturing carbon and storing it in durable products for at least 35 years (e.g., wooden buildings and products).
– Carbon Farming Activities: Enhancing carbon sequestration and storage in forests and soils or reducing greenhouse gas emissions from soils for at least five years (e.g., reforestation, restoration of peatlands or wetlands, improved fertilizer use).
- Certification Standards
– Quantification: Activities must accurately quantify carbon removal and soil emission reduction benefits through scientific methods, transparent data, and precise measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV).
– Additionality: Certified activities must provide additional environmental benefits beyond conventional practices, demonstrating genuine added value.
– Long-term: Certified activities must ensure sustained climate benefits, including long-term carbon storage and adaptability to climate change.
– Sustainability: Activities must avoid significant environmental damage and contribute to sustainable development goals, ensuring positive impacts on biodiversity, water management, soil health, and local communities.
• 覆盖范围
– 永久性碳移除:捕获并储存大气中的二氧化碳或生物质碳数百年(例如,带有碳捕获和储存的生物能源,直接空气捕获和储存)。
– 碳储存活动:捕获碳并将其储存在至少35年的耐用产品中(例如,木制建筑和产品)。
– 碳农业活动:增强森林和土壤中的碳固存和储存,或至少五年减少土壤中的温室气体排放(例如,重新造林,泥炭地或湿地的恢复,改进肥料使用)。
• 认证标准
– 量化:活动必须通过科学方法、透明数据以及精确的测量、报告和验证(MRV)准确量化碳移除和土壤排放减少的效益。
– 额外性:认证的活动必须提供超出常规实践的额外环境效益,展示真正的附加价值。
– 长期性:认证的活动必须确保持续的气候效益,包括长期的碳储存和适应气候变化的能力。
– 可持续性:活动必须避免重大环境损害,并有助于可持续发展目标,确保对生物多样性、水资源管理、土壤健康和当地社区产生积极影响。
Certification Program
Operators must develop certification programs to demonstrate compliance with regulations. These programs will adhere to stringent monitoring, verification, and reporting rules, ensuring trust and environmental integrity while addressing risks of carbon release back into the atmosphere.

- EU Climate Policy
Future policies related to Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) will be linked to CRCF for quality assurance. This includes directives such as the Green Claims Directive (GCD) and the Industrial Carbon Management Strategy (ICMS). The inclusion of CDR in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is expected to be tied to CRCF standards.
- National Climate Policy
EU member states will utilize CRCF in domestic policies to meet net-zero targets, employing tools such as public procurement and contracts for difference.
- Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCM)
CRCF is expected to have an immediate impact on the VCM, aligning buyer behavior with compliance and best practices. The VCM market is projected to reach $200 billion globally by 2050, growing at a rapid rate.
• 欧盟气候政策
• 国家气候政策
• 自愿碳市场(VCM)
Impacts on Companies and Industries
The CRCF creates both opportunities and challenges for businesses across various sectors. For carbon removal industries, it establishes a clear framework that enhances credibility and trust, facilitating greater participation in the voluntary carbon markets. The projected alignment with emissions trading schemes (ETS) also paves the way for new revenue streams for companies innovating in carbon capture and storage technologies.
In the agriculture sector, CRCF incentivizes sustainable practices such as carbon farming and soil management, which could redefine traditional methods and create competitive advantages for early adopters. Meanwhile, construction companies may benefit from the focus on durable carbon storage in materials, fostering innovation in green building technologies. However, meeting stringent certification standards will demand significant investments in R&D, technology, and monitoring systems, presenting challenges for smaller enterprises and those lacking technical expertise.
The CRCF represents a significant development in the EU’s approach to climate action, particularly in the agriculture and carbon-intensive industries. While its focus on carbon offsetting raises concerns about systemic change, it provides an unprecedented opportunity to scale sustainable practices and technologies.
As CRCF takes root, CNEUCN is poised to play a pivotal role. By leveraging its expertise and network, CNEUCN will support companies in aligning their operations with CRCF standards, from providing advisory services on certification processes to facilitating international partnerships.
Additionally, CNEUCN will act as a bridge between the EU and China, fostering collaboration on carbon-neutral initiatives, sharing best practices, and driving innovation across key sectors. With these efforts, CNEUCN aims to contribute meaningfully to global climate governance and the shared goal of a sustainable future.
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