A team of Chinese scientists has created an energy generator that harnesses plant transpiration to generate electricity, a solution that could transform nearly all the leaves on Earth into a sustainable and continuous energy source.
The team stated that their leaf transpiration generator, which they demonstrated using a lotus leaf, was able to power small electronic devices and could be used to create plant-powered electrical grids. This discovery marks a significant advancement in green energy technology, revealing a previously unexplored source of renewable energy.
The study not only reveals the unprecedented hydrovoltaic effect of leaf transpiration but also provides a new perspective for advancing green energy technologies.
Hydrovoltaic electricity relies on the movement and interaction of water with solid surfaces. Current devices often require a constant water supply, creating geographical limitations as they must be near water sources, such as rivers or dams.
However, the natural transpiration of plant leaves, the largest water flow on land that accumulates immense latent energy, has rarely been directly harnessed. In this case the researchers have pioneered the development of a living lotus leaf transpiration generator (LTG) prototype to demonstrate feasible electricity generation through leaf transpiration.
Transpiration and the Potential for Large-Scale Energy Generation
Transpiration is the process of water moving through a plant’s roots to the tip and evaporating through its leaves or flowers.
Transpiration is the process by which water moves from the roots of a plant to its leaves and evaporates into the atmosphere. The team behind this groundbreaking technology recognized that this natural flow of water could be harnessed to generate electricity by creating a water potential gradient between the stomata (tiny openings on the leaf surface) and the plant’s roots. This gradient drives the movement of water upward through capillary action, creating an electrical potential between strategically placed electrodes—one in the leaf and one in the stem.
The researchers estimated that electricity generation from plant transpiration worldwide could produce 67.5 terawatt-hours of electricity annually. This represents a tremendous opportunity to tap into an abundant natural process that has, until now, remained underutilized. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), 67.5 TWh is comparable to the total annual electricity consumption of countries like Ireland or New Zealand. These countries have populations of about 5-10 million people, meaning that 67.5 TWh could potentially power an entire small-to-medium-sized nation for a year.
Instead, if you consider electric vehicles, an average EV like a Tesla Model 3 consumes about 15 kWh per 100 kilometers. With 67.5 TWh, could be powered around 4.5 billion kilometers of travel in electric vehicles. This is equivalent to driving around the earth’s equator more than 112,000 times. In summary, 67.5 TWh is a considerable amount of energy, capable of powering millions of homes, vehicles, or entire countries.
The electricity generation from plant transpiration could be used then to form distributed power networks. This electricity could power small devices and sensors, particularly in rural or agricultural areas where traditional electricity infrastructure may not be feasible. It’s a smart solution that leverages the natural energy cycles of plants to create a sustainable power source.

Challenges and Future Developments
While the potential is vast, the scientists acknowledged that the current output of a single leaf is relatively small. To overcome this, their research focuses on connecting multiple plants and leaves, forming a distributed power network that could increase overall energy production. The team is also working on improving the efficiency of each leaf, optimizing energy storage systems, and expanding the technology’s potential applications.
To achieve widespread commercial use, there are several challenges to overcome. These include increasing the power generation efficiency of individual leaves and improving the plant-electrode interface to ensure optimal energy transfer. Furthermore, as the technology advances, the goal is to combine plant-generated electricity with other renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, to create a multi-source energy system that can meet the growing global demand for green energy.
Enhancing the Impact of Plant-Based Energy
The broader implications of plant-based energy extend beyond just electricity generation. As plants undergo photosynthesis, they not only produce energy but also absorb carbon dioxide, thus helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This dual benefit makes the technology especially appealing in the fight against climate change
Further developments could lead to integrating this technology with urban planning and architecture. Buildings could be designed with green roofs or walls where plants not only provide insulation and improve air quality but also generate electricity.
The potential to combine agri-voltaic farming—where plants share space with solar panels—with plant-generated energy could also revolutionize sustainable agriculture.
The research team also sees potential in integrating this technology with the Internet of Things (IoT), where networks of smart devices could be powered by plants. In remote areas, sensors powered by plant-generated electricity could monitor environmental conditions, crop health, and other data, providing real-time insights without the need for batteries or a constant external power source.

Previous Research and Inspirations
The concept of harnessing energy from plants is not entirely new, though its practical application on this scale is. For years, researchers have experimented with ways to capture the energy produced during photosynthesis. One notable project, Plant-e, developed a technology to capture electrons released during photosynthesis to power small devices, such as sensors and lighting.
In a separate study, electrodes were attached to water hyacinths and lucky bamboo, revealing cyclic electricity generation that coincided with the plant’s inherent daily rhythm.
These earlier experiments laid the groundwork for the LTG by proving that plants could indeed be used to generate electricity.
While the LTG’s performance is still in the experimental phase, the results so far are promising. Scientists believe that further optimization and technological refinements will enable this green energy solution to scale up and become a viable alternative in the global push towards renewable energy.
In summary, the leaf transpiration generator has the potential to become a key player in future energy grids, providing a low-cost, eco-friendly, and sustainable energy source. This technology could not only power remote or rural areas but also contribute to reducing carbon emissions and enhancing the efficiency of renewable energy systems worldwide.
By harnessing the natural water movement in plants, the LTG offers a glimpse into the future of green energy technology and its possible integration into our daily lives.
此外,如果考虑电动汽车,一辆普通的电动汽车(如特斯拉Model 3)每百公里消耗约15千瓦时电力。67.5太瓦时的电量可以为电动汽车提供约45亿公里的行驶里程,相当于绕地球赤道行驶11.2万次。总而言之,67.5太瓦时是一个可观的能源量,足以为数百万家庭、车辆或整个国家提供电力。