
Join ESTEC 2024, October 2024, Amsterdam 


Global Innovations, Strategic Partnerships, and Market Opportunities in Energy Storage

ESTEC 2024:能源存储创新与合作的全球中心

ESTEC 2024: A Global Hub for Energy Storage Innovation and Collaboration

2024荷兰国际储能暨智慧能源科技展览会(ESTEC)是能源存储行业的首要全球活动。ESTEC 2024 定于 2024  10  15 日至 17 阿姆斯特丹 RAI 举行,为展示能源存储和智能能源技术的最新进展提供了一个绝佳场所。这个一年一度的活动在30000 平方米的广阔展览空间内汇集了 400 多家参展商,为行业领导者、创新者和买家提供了展览、交易、技术交流、高端研讨会和贸易合作的综合平台。

The 2024 Netherlands International Energy Storage & Smart Energy Technology Exhibition and Conference (ESTEC) is the premier global event for the energy storage industry. Scheduled for October 15-17, 2024ESTEC 2024 will be held at the RAI Amsterdam, offering a prime venue for showcasing the latest advancements in energy storage and smart energy technologies. This annual event brings together over 400 exhibitors across a sprawling 30,000 square meters of exhibition space, providing a comprehensive platform for industry leaders, innovators, and buyers for exhibition, trading, technology exchange, high-end seminars, and trade cooperation.

欧洲和外国能源领导者在 ESTEC 2024 上释放全球机遇

Unleashing Global Opportunities for European And Foreign Energy Leaders at ESTEC 2024

ESTEC 2024:能源存储领域的首要全球活动

ESTEC 2024: A Premier Global Event in Energy Storage

以“赋能未来”为主题的 2024 年 ESTEC 深入洞察全球能源行业的未来。以在全球能源转型中处于领先地位的欧洲为基地,ESTEC 旨在打造一个集展览、交流与合作为一体的综合性国际活动,在 30000 平方米的展区内吸引 25000 名专业买家进行采购和洽谈。

The 2024 ESTEC, themed “Energizing the Future,” provides deep insights into the future of the global energy industry. Based in Europe, a leader in global energy transformation, ESTEC aims to build a comprehensive international event that integrates exhibition, communication, and cooperation attracting 25,000 professional buyers for purchasing and negotiations within a 30,000-square-meter exhibition area.


Innovative Exhibition Mode and Global Media Focus

ESTEC 2024 将采用创新的展览模式,将能源领域的产业链组织成团体展览。该活动将通过多维、多媒体和基于场景的方法展示科研、创新和解决方案的最新成果。这种全面的方法,加上同时进行的全球线上和线下广播,突显了 ESTEC 对绿色发展的承诺。

ESTEC 2024 will adopt an innovative exhibition model, organizing the energy field’s industrial chain into group exhibits. The event will showcase the latest achievements in scientific research, innovations, and solutions using multi-dimensional, multimedia, and scenario-based methods. This comprehensive approach, combined with simultaneous global online and offline broadcasting, highlights ESTEC’s commitment to green development.


Exploring Technological Innovations

ESTEC 2024 将举办 20 多场高端论坛和会议,邀请政策制定者、行业领袖、知名学者和媒体代表参加。这些活动将促进对全球储能行业动态、市场趋势和技术创新的深入讨论。这些讨论将推动全球储能产业链的技术突破和产业发展,为行业创造更美好的未来。

ESTEC 2024 will host more than 20 high-end forums and conferences, inviting policymakers, industry leaders, renowned scholars, and media representatives. These events will facilitate in-depth discussions on the dynamics of the global energy storage industry, market trends, and technological innovations. Such discussions are poised to drive technological breakthroughs and industrial development across the global energy storage industry chain, fostering a better future for the industry.

为何参加 ESTEC 及专属福利

Why Join ESTEC & Dedicated Benefits

对于欧洲公司而言,ESTEC 2024 是展示其在储能技术方面的进步和领导地位的绝佳机会。由于欧洲处于全球能源转型的前沿,本次活动使欧洲企业能够展示其创新解决方案并为行业的进步做出贡献。通过参加 ESTEC 2024,欧洲公司可以:

  • 强化市场地位:展示前沿技术并巩固其市场存在。
  • 与行业领导者建立联系:与全球行业领导者、政策制定者和学者互动,交流想法并促进合作。
  • 接触全球买家:与来自世界各地的 25000 名专业买家建立联系,创造潜在的商业机会。
  • 引领趋势:通过高端论坛和会议深入了解行业最新趋势、市场动态和技术创新。

For European companies, ESTEC 2024 is an unparalleled opportunity to showcase their advancements and leadership in energy storage technologies. As Europe is at the forefront of global energy transformation, this event allows European firms to demonstrate their innovative solutions and contribute to the industry’s progress. By participating in ESTEC 2024, European companies can:

  • Strengthen Market Position: showcase cutting-edge technologies and reinforce their market presence.
  • Network with Industry Leaders: engage with global industry leaders, policymakers, and scholars to exchange ideas and foster collaborations.
  • Access to Global Buyers: connect with 25,000 professional buyers from around the world, creating potential business opportunities.
  • Stay Ahead of Trends: gain insights into the latest industry trends, market dynamics, and technological innovations through high-end forums and conferences.

在 ESTEC 2024 上,中国公司有独特的机会探索和打入欧洲储能市场。通过参加这一著名活动,中国企业可以:

  • 市场拓展:利用该平台将其技术和产品引入欧洲市场,增强其国际影响力。
  • 建立战略合作伙伴关系:与欧洲公司建立并加强联系,促进合作伙伴关系和协作。
  • 了解当地市场需求:深入了解欧洲市场的特定需求和法规环境,并相应调整其产品服务。
  • 政策和激励措施意识:受益于荷兰政府支持可再生能源发展和能源转型的支持性政策,为业务增长营造有利环境。

Chinese companies, at ESTEC 2024, have a unique opportunity to explore and penetrate the European energy storage market. By participating in this prestigious event, Chinese firms can:

  • Market Expansion: leverage the platform to introduce their technologies and products to the European market, enhancing their international presence.
  • Build Strategic Partnerships: establish and strengthen connections with European companies, facilitating partnerships and collaborations.
  • Understand Local Market Needs: gain insights into the specific demands and regulatory landscape of the European market, tailoring their offerings accordingly.
  • Policy and Incentive Awareness: benefit from the supportive policies of the Dutch government, which promotes renewable energy development and energy transition, creating a favorable environment for business growth.


Dedicated Benefits

  • 参加 ESTEC 的中国公司可以从中国商务部业务系统统一平台中获得资金。
  • 荷兰公司受益于荷兰企业发展署(RVO)和荷兰国家能源局提供的补贴。
  • 此外,通过仲欧脱碳科技(成都)有限公司(CNEUCN参会的公司可以享受比官方参会费用更低的折扣,从而增加了在2024 年 ESTEC 展览会上拓展国际市场和开展合作的机会。
  • 在经验丰富的合作伙伴的支持下,CNEUCN 还可提供 “一站式 “服务,包括展会综合管理服务、展位设计和搭建。我们还提供现场全面协助,以确保您的参展工作顺利进行,并开展有影响力的在线营销和宣传活动。
  • Chinese companies participating to ESTEC, can access funds from the Chinese Ministry of Commerce’s program to support participation in overseas exhibitions.
  • Dutch companies benefit from subsidies provided by the Dutch Agency for Enterprise Development (RVO) and the Dutch National Energy Agency. 
  • Additionally, companies joining through CNEUCN can receive a discount compared to the official participation fees, enhancing opportunities for international market expansion and collaboration at ESTEC 2024.
  • CNEUCN, with the support of its experienced partner, can also provide “one-stop” service with comprehensive management services for the exhibitions, designing and constructing the booth. We also provide also on-site full assistance to ensure your participation is seamless and impactful and on-line marketing and promotional activities. 


Registration Period 

中国参展商:特装展位截至 2024 年 7 月 31 日 – 标准展位截至 2024 年 8 月 31 日

欧洲参展商:特装展位截至 2024 年 8 月 15 日 – 标准展位截至 2024 年 9 月 15 日

Chinese Exhibitors: Special Booth by 31.7.2024 – Standard Booth by 31.8.2024 

European Exhibitors: Special Booth by 15.8.2024 – Standard Booth by 15.9.2024

Some of The Exhibitors in ESTEC 2024

ESTEC 2024 的部分参展商

ESTEC 2024:推进全球储能和智能能源解决方案

ESTEC 2024: Advancing Global Energy Storage and Smart Energy Solutions

ESTEC 2024 吸引了来自电力、电气、能源、通信、大数据和基础设施等不同领域的专业参观者。这种多元化的参与确保了能源领域丰富的思想和创新交流。会议还将涵盖关键话题,包括能源转型、绿色能源、储能创新、电池法规、欧洲锂电池回收、汽车储能技术、太阳能和氢储能。此外,该活动还将举办供应商和供应链会议以及精选的采购联系会议,促进高效的贸易交流与合作。

ESTEC 2024 attracts professional visitors from diverse fields such as power, electricity, energy, communications, big data, and infrastructure. This diverse participation ensures a rich exchange of ideas and innovations across the energy landscape. The sessions will also cover critical topics, including energy transition, green energy, energy storage innovation, battery regulations, lithium battery recycling in Europe, automotive energy storage technology, solar energy, and hydrogen energy storage. Additionally, the event will host supplier and supply chain conferences and selected sourcing connect sessions, fostering efficient trade exchanges and cooperation.

ESTEC 2024是一个知识共享的平台,也是一个有意义的贸易交流与合作的门户。它旨在与应用端买家搭建全球储能和电池产业链的桥梁,促进有效的供需匹配。本次活动预计将吸引来自发电集团、储能运营商、技术制造商等的专业买家。这种联系确保与会者能够参与激动人心的贸易交流与合作,推动行业的发展与创新。

ESTEC 2024 is a platform for knowledge sharing and a gateway to meaningful trade exchanges and cooperation. It aims to bridge the global energy storage and battery industry chain with application-side buyers, facilitating effective supply-demand matching. The event is expected to attract professional buyers from power generation groups, energy storage operators, technology manufacturers, etc. This connection ensures attendees can engage in exciting trade exchanges and cooperation, driving the industry’s growth and innovation.

ESTEC 2024的展品范围广泛而多样,包括物理储能技术、光伏模块、化学储能技术、氢能行业等。这个全面的范围确保与会者可以探索能源存储和智能能源领域的最新进展和创新。主办方将邀请电力系统、电网改造、输配电和电网系统运营商、通信工程、大数据供应商以及其他储能应用领域的专业观众。这种有针对性的参观者参与策略确保了该活动吸引了重要的利益相关者,他们在推动能源存储和智能能源技术的未来方面发挥了重要作用。

The scope of exhibits at ESTEC 2024 is broad and diverse, encompassing physical energy storage technologies, photovoltaic modules, chemical energy storage technologies, the hydrogen energy industry and others. This comprehensive range ensures attendees can explore the latest advancements and innovations in the energy storage and smart energy sectors. The organizers will invite professional visitors from electric power systems, power grid transformation, transmission and distribution, grid system operators, communication engineering, big data vendors, and other energy storage application sides. This targeted visitor engagement strategy ensures that the event attracts vital stakeholder’s instrumental in driving the future of energy storage and smart energy technologies.


Final Remarks 


CNEUCN offers comprehensive management services for exhibitions, fairs, and conferences. From selecting the most important expos and key events in Europe and China to designing and constructing your booth, we provide on-site assistance to ensure your participation is seamless and impactful. Additionally, our event marketing and management expertise crafts unforgettable experiences that amplify your brand’s message and forge lasting connections. We also offer cutting-edge digital marketing solutions, including SEO, social media campaigns, and content marketing, to elevate your online presence. Our creative design and branding services transform your ideas into visual realities, ensuring your brand stands out in the marketplace. Trust CNEUCN to maximize your visibility and engagement with your target audience.

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Please contact us for a 1 to 1 direct discussion by sending email to [email protected]


仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。

China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China and Europe path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.

China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.