

The Global Design Network

Medelhan 是一个备受尊崇的国际网络,致力于在全球范围内促进设计和建筑工作室与供应商及制造商之间的联系。专注于奢侈品领域,Medelhan 弥合了创意专业人士与高端产品市场之间的差距,确保创新的设计理念通过最优质的材料和工艺得以实现。Medelhan 是设计行业领导者的“仅限会员”平台,是为市场主导型设计专业人士打造的专属形式。它提供量身定制的联系,促进共同成长和发展。这是顶级建筑师、设计师、制造商和投资者相聚以拓展业务的平台。业务关系、高度针对性的潜在客户、教育、品牌知名度是表达其使命和目标的关键词。

Medelhan is an esteemed international network dedicated to fostering connections between design and architecture studios with suppliers and manufacturers worldwide. With a focus on the luxury sector, Medelhan bridges the gap between creative professionals and the high-end product market, ensuring that innovative design ideas are brought to life with the finest materials and craftsmanship. Medelhan is a “members-only” platform for design industry leaders, an exclusive format for market-maker design professionals. It produces tailor-made connections and foster mutual growth and development. It’s the platform where the top architects, designers, manufacturers and investors meet to expand their business. Business Relationships, Highly Targeted Leads, Education, Brand Awareness are the key words to express its mission and targets.

1 背景

  1. The Background

这个想法源于市场需求。建筑和设计领域是一个建立在 B2B 会议以及决策者与设计师之间的信任关系基础上的行业。也就是说,这个行业的参与者无法依赖谷歌搜索来为他们的项目投资产品。这促成了 Medelhan(的诞生。Medelhan 是一个从“线下”起步的牵线搭桥在线平台。它与您可能知道的任何其他在线平台完全不同,因为它仍在 B2B 营销框架内。换句话说,Medelhan 作为仅限会员的俱乐部,专为高管人员保留。您可以通过邀请函加入 Medelhan,也可以通过团队仔细评估后提出入会申请。我们的目标是与行业决策者建立联系,培养长期的业务关系,从而产生新的令人惊叹的建筑和设计项目。作为行业专家,Medelhan 团队直接负责研究、选择、分析和联系的全部工作,因为他们是能够找到最佳匹配和建议的 “算法”。最终,Medelhan 与其他任何优秀平台的真正区别就在于此。

The idea started from a market need. The architecture and design field, is a sector built on B2B meetings and relationships of trust between decision makers and the designer. Namely, an industry segment whose players cannot afford to rely on Google research to invest in products for their projects. This led to Medelhan (  Medelhan is a match-making online platform that started as ‘offline’. It is completely unlike any other online platform you may know, as it remains within the B2B marketing framework. In other words, Medelhan works as a members-only club reserved to executive profiles. It is possible to join Medelhan by invitation or, in alternative, through membership requests carefully evaluated by the team. The aim is to connect the industry decision-makers and foster long-lasting business relationships that obviously result in new amazing projects of architecture and design. As industry experts, the whole work of researching, selecting, profiling and connecting is carried out directly by the team of Medelhan because they are the “algorithm” able to find the best match and proposal. And this, at the end, really differentiates Medelhan from any other no-matter-how-great platform.

2. Medelhan 对成员实体的好处

  • Medelhan advantages to members’ entities

2.1. 建筑师和设计师

  • Architects & Designers


Become part of a global elite, enhance your firm and stay informed


  • 成为建筑和设计行业全球精英专业人士的一部分
  • 节省在无尽的名录中搜索所花费的时间。一个专业的专家团队将直接为您与合适的人建立联系
  • 与国内和国际参与者开展合作以建立未来的合作伙伴关系
  • 会见与您业务相关的品牌所有者和决策者
  • 为您的独家定制系列找到制造商或为您自己的设计创作找到生产商


  • Become part of a global elite class of professionals in the architecture and design industry
  • Save time spent searching on endless directories. A team of dedicated experts will connect you directly with the right person
  • Develop collaborations for future partnerships with national and international players
  • Meet the owners and decision-makers of brands relevant to your business
  • Find the manufacturer for your exclusively customized collection or the producer for your own design creations


  • 在超过 10,000 名杰出的行业领导者、开发商、投资者和媒体组成的广泛网络中获得曝光
  • 通过 Medelhan 的会议和专题文章推广并加强公司
  • 获得参加国际展会和行业活动的独家机会


  • Receive exposure within a wide network of more than 10.000 outstanding industry leaders, developers, investors and media
  • Promote and strengthen the firm through Medelhan’s conferences and dedicated articles
  • Obtain exclusive access to international fairs and industry events


  • 发现最优秀的新人才,并率先抓住雇用他们的机会
  • 了解最新的行业趋势和技术

Stay informed

  • Discover the best new talents and seize the opportunity to hire them first
  • Stay up to date on the latest industry’s trends and technologies

2.2. 品牌和制造商

  • Brands & Manufactures


Find new clients, expand their business in the contract industry and save money.


  • 在数字营销、大规模营销活动和差旅方面节省资金
  • 直接接触与品牌目标市场相符的高端客户,包括负责人、高管和决策者
  • 进入连接酒店、住宅、办公室、零售和混合用途行业中最优秀的平台
  • 抓住与正在寻找最适合其项目的品牌和产品的高端专业人士合作的机会
  • 选择潜在客户会面,并在会面之前了解他们
  • 在专门的数字会议室会见国际领先的建筑师和设计师
  • 展示产品和最新系列并抓住商机
  • 通过事先确定花费多少和为谁花费,跟踪所分配的预算


  • Save money on digital marketing, mass marketing operations and travelling
  • Get directly to high-end, profiled leads in line with your brand’s target market, only principals, directors and decision makers
  • Get into the platform that connects the finest in hospitality, residential, office, retail and mixed use industries
  • Catch the opportunity to work with high-end professionals who are looking for the brands and products that best suit their project
  • Select the potential clients to meet and find out about them before the meeting
  • Meet international leading architects and designers in dedicated digital rooms
  • Present products and latest collections and seize business opportunities
  • Keep track of allocated budget by establishing in advance how much to spend and for whom


  • 在超过 10,000 名杰出的行业领导者、开发商、投资者和媒体组成的广泛网络中获得曝光
  • 通过完全专属于每个特定品牌的数字空间获得知名度
  • 通过 Medelhan 的会议和专题文章推广并加强品牌


  • Receive exposure within a wide network of more than 10.000 outstanding industry leaders, developers, investors and media
  • Gain visibility through a digital space entirely dedicated to each specific brand
  • Promote and strengthen the brand through Medelhan’s conferences and dedicated articles


  • 发现最优秀的新人才,并率先抓住雇用他们的机会
  • 了解最新的行业趋势和技术

Stay informed

  • Discover the best new talents and seize the opportunity to hire them first
  • Stay up to date on the latest industry’s trends and technologies

2.3. 投资者和开发商

2.3Investors & Developers


Explore new investment prospects, heighten your global exposure and stay up-to-date


  • 找到使您的投资增值的最佳解决方案
  • 有机会让您的项目由世界知名建筑师实现
  • 会见能够将您的创意转化为现实的设计师


  • Find the best solutions to value your investments
  • Get the opportunity to have your project realized by world-renewed architects
  • Meet the designer who can turn your creative ideas into reality


  • 针对全球的关键意见领袖,为您的房地产或酒店提供国际曝光度
  • 建立企业家和管理者的声誉,在行业内形成影响力


  • Give international exposure to real estate or to your hotel on a target of key opinion-leader from across the globe
  • Build up a reputation as entrepreneur and manager becoming influential in the sector


  • 了解全球最新的行业趋势
  • 了解全球和本地商业实际情况的成功案例历史
  • 发现新的酒店、办公室和家居概念
  • 找到新产品和创新材料

Stay informed

  • Stay up to date on the latest industry’s worldwide trends
  • Learn about successful case histories of global and local business realities
  • Discover new hotel, office and home concepts
  • Find new products and innovative materials
  • 综合采购服务
  • The Comprehensive Procurement Services


An important further step of development will be to develop procurement and full fit out service. Providing a turkey service (design & supply & built) it will have also the unique advantage of direct access to the brands & manufactures head company in Italy with preferential pricing and selling condition. 


The Strategic Cooperation


Along the next weeks, we will share more detailed introductions about Medelhan’s achievements and further synergy plan with CNEUCN and its partners to provide full procurement services (furniture, lighting, interior decoration materials and craftsmanship) with the best value for money solution. Together, Medelhan and CNEUCN are poised to revolutionize the way design studios and suppliers collaborate, offering unmatched benefits and creating new opportunities for growth and innovation in the high-end architecture and luxury interior decoration sector.