
Premium Procurement Services : Medelhan and CNEUCN Partner for Excellence



Medelhan has joined forces with China Europe Carbon Neutral (CNEUCN) to bring to the market a comprehensive, high-quality procurement service tailored specifically for the design and architecture sectors in China.

This strategic partnership is set to redefine the sourcing way for materials, products, and services, ensuring unparalleled quality, efficiency, and value.


Medelhan 不仅仅是一个平台,还是一个汇聚全球顶级建筑师、设计师、制造商和投资者的精心策划的网络。Medelhan专注于奢侈品设计领域,将有创新精神的专业人士与全球高端供应商和制造商联系起来,确保以最优质的材料和工艺实现客户的愿景。


Medelhan: The Bridge Between Design Innovation and Premium Resources

Medelhan is not just a platform; it’s a curated network where the world’s top architects, designers, manufacturers, and investors converge. Focused on the luxury design sector, Medelhan connects creative professionals with high-end suppliers and manufacturers globally, ensuring that the customer vision is executed with the finest materials and craftsmanship.

Medelhan is a “members-only” platform for design industry leaders, an exclusive format for market-maker design professionals. It produces tailor-made connections and foster mutual growth and development.


自成立以来,Medelhan 通过其一系列专业服务,促成了无数成功的合作项目。

  • 采购服务:为满足高端设计项目的特殊需求,Medelhan的采购服务可直接联系顶级供应商和制造商,以出厂价提供从定制作品到意大利制造的高品质产品。
  • 媒体和推广:Medelhan 通过其独家出版物《设计信使》,重点报道优秀项目和创新设计,提高成员在国际设计界的知名度和声望。该刊物内容丰富,包括项目计划、图纸、插图和深入报告,生动展现了建筑设计的各个元素。无论是住宅、酒店、娱乐设施还是公共空间,《设计信使》都能引导读者了解从基础概念到最终细节的全过程。
  • 交流和活动:Medelhan精心策划的活动将行业领袖汇聚一堂,促进了宝贵的专业联系和合作机会,推动增长和创新。

Medelhan: Main Activities and Achievements

Since its inception, Medelhan has facilitated countless successful collaborations, supported by its suite of specialized services.

  • Procurement Services: Tailored to meet the specific needs of high-end design projects, Medelhan’s procurement services provide direct access to top-tier suppliers and manufacturers, offering everything from bespoke creations to high-quality Made in Italy products at factory prices.
  • Media and Promotion: Through “Design Courier”, its exclusive publication, Medelhan spotlights outstanding projects and innovative designs, amplifying the visibility and prestige of the members within the international design community. It offers a rich tapestry of content that includes plans, drawings, illustrations, and insightful reports that bring to life the various elements of architectural design. Whether focused on residential, hospitality, entertainment, or public spaces, Design Courier guides its readers through the entire process, from foundational concepts to the final touches that define a space.
  • Networking and Events: Medelhan’s carefully curated events bring together industry leaders, fostering invaluable professional connections and collaborative opportunities that drive growth and innovation.


Source: Medelhan website



Medelhan & CNEUCN’s Unmatched Comprehensive Procurement Services

Medelhan & CNEUCN industry team partnership is more than just a collaboration—it’s a synergy that enhances every aspect of the procurement process, tailored to meet the unique demands of the Chinese market. Here’s how we’re making a difference:

  1. 在欧洲和中国开展业务并提供全面协助

借助 Medelhan和CNEUCN的广泛网络联系,客户将享受欧洲和中国的全面支持和资源,确保顺利运营,并能接触到大量供应商和制造商。

  1. Presence and Full Assistance in Europe and China

Leveraging the extensive networks of both Medelhan and CNEUCN, customers will benefit from comprehensive support and resources in both Europe and China, ensuring smooth operations and access to a vast array of suppliers and manufacturers.

2. 最广泛的资源组合


  • 高端产品:获得独家的优质材料和产品,包括豪华家具、先进照明、创新建筑材料和设备。
  • 小众供应商:连接那些知名度较低但高度专业化的制造商,他们提供独特且创新的产品,能为客户的项目带来与众不同的优势。
  • 可持续和碳中和解决方案:正如CNEUCN对可持续发展的承诺,可提供世界顶级品牌(如ABB、SaintGobain、Siemens、FuturaSun、Velux等)的环保材料和碳中和技术解决方案,确保项目达到最高的环保和效率标准。
  • Broadest Resources Portfolio

Through their combined networks, Medelhan and CNEUCN offer an unparalleled selection of resources. Whether you’re sourcing materials for a bespoke interior or seeking cutting-edge technology for a large-scale architectural project, the portfolio includes:

  • High-End Products: Access to exclusive, premium materials and products,

including luxury furniture, state-of-the-art lighting, innovative

construction materials and equipment.

  • Niche Suppliers: Connection with lesser-known, yet highly specialized

manufacturers who offer unique and innovative products that can give customers

project a distinctive edge.

– Sustainable and Carbon-Neutral Solutions: In alignment with CNEUCN’s commitment to sustainability, CNEUCN provides access to eco-friendly materials and carbon-neutral technological solutions by the top worldwide brands (such as ABB, SaintGobain,Siemens,FuturaSun,Velux, etc.), ensuring that the projects meet the highest environmental and efficiency standards.

3. 直接与供应商沟通


  • 清晰高效的沟通:省去了中间环节,从而确保您的要求和规格能直接清楚地传达给供应商,降低了误解和延误的风险。
  • 更牢固的专业关系:与供应商建立直接关系可促进信任与合作,从而提供更加个性化和反应迅速的服务,客户将直接与项目负责人讨论项目需求。
  • 实时解决问题:如果出现任何问题,直接的沟通可以即时解决,使项目按计划和预算进行。
  • Direct Supplier Communication

One of the standout features of the procurement service is the direct line of communication between the customers and the suppliers’ headquarters. This direct access offers several key benefits:

  • Clear and Efficient Communication: By eliminating intermediaries, it’s

ensured that your requirements and specifications are communicated clearly and directly to the suppliers, reducing the risk of misunderstandings and delays.

  • Stronger Professional Relationships: Building a direct relationship with

suppliers foster trust and collaboration, leading to more customized and responsive service. Clients will be able to discuss the project needs directly with the people who are making it happen.

– Real-Time Problem Solving: Should any issues arise, direct communication allows for immediate resolution, keeping the project on track and on budget.


Source: Medelhan website

4. 量身定制的解决方案

在 Medelhan 和 CNEUCN,我们深知每个项目都独一无二。因此,我们提供量身定制的采购解决方案,以满足每位客户的具体需求:

  • 定制采购:无论是寻找稀有材料还是定制设计的产品,团队都会与客户紧密合作,确保项目的美学和功能要求得到满足。
  • 个性化支持:从初步咨询到最终交付,专门的采购专家会陪伴客户的每一步,提供个性化的支持和建议,以确保项目的成功。
  • 灵活的条款:Medelhan 和 CNEUCN 能够提供灵活的采购条款,适应项目的规模和时间表,确保所有东西按时交付且在预算内完成。
  • Tailored Solutions

At Medelhan and CNEUCN, it’s understood that no two projects are the same. That’s why it is offered tailored procurement solutions that cater to the specific needs of each client:

  • Customized Sourcing: Whether the need is a rare material or a custom

designed product, the team works closely with customers to source exactly what is needed, ensuring that the project’s aesthetic and functional requirements are met.

  • Personalized Support: From the initial consultation to final delivery,

the dedicated procurement specialists are with client every step of the way, offering personalized support and advice to ensure the project’s success.

  • Flexible Terms: Medelhan and CNEUCN can offer flexible procurement terms that can be adapted to the scale and timeline of the project, caring that everything will be delivered on time and within budget.

5. 具有竞争力的价格


  • 工厂直供价格:通过直接与制造商和供应商合作,避免了不必要的加价,为客户的大量产品提供工厂直供价格。
  • 批量折扣:对于大型项目,可以根据采购量协商额外的折扣,从而节省更多费用。
  • 透明定价:提供透明的定价结构,无隐藏费用,确保客户在采购过程的每个阶段都清楚知道自己所支付的费用。
  • Competitive Pricing

One of the core advantages of the service is the ability to secure highly competitive pricing without compromising on quality:

  • Factory-Direct Prices: By working directly with manufacturers and

suppliers, unnecessary markups are eliminated, offering to client factory-direct prices on a wide range of products.

  • Volume Discounts: For larger projects, it can be can negotiated additional discounts based on volume, providing even greater savings.
  • Transparent Pricing: It is provided a transparent pricing structures, with no hidden fees, ensuring that Client know exactly what is paying for at every stage of the procurement process.


Source: Medelhan website

6. 全方位的物流和交付


  • 端到端的物流管理:从采购到交付,管理物流过程的每一个环节,确保您的产品在需要时完好无损的抵达现场。
  • 全球航运专业知识:凭借在国际物流方面的丰富经验,精心处理包括清关在内的全球运输的所有环节,确保顺利无忧的交付体验。
  • 可靠的合作伙伴:只与专门处理易碎和高价值货物的可信赖的物流合作伙伴合作,确保所有材料在运输过程中都能得到精心处理和精确运送。
  • Comprehensive Logistics and Delivery

The timely and secure delivery of materials is crucial to the success of any project especially if it is required a long trip shipping. That’s why Medelhan & CNEUCN procurement service includes comprehensive logistics support:

  • End-to-End Logistics Management: From sourcing to delivery, every aspect

of the logistics process is managed, ensuring that your products arrive on site when needed, in perfect condition.

  • Global Shipping Expertise: Leveraging the extensive experience in

international logistics, all aspects of global shipping, including customs clearance, are carefully handled to ensure a smooth and hassle-free delivery experience.

  • Reliable Partners: Working only with trusted logistics partners, who specialize in handling delicate and high-value goods, provides the confidence that all materials to be shipped will be handled with care and precision.


Medelhan和CNEUCN 的合作不仅仅是一项服务,更是一种追求卓越的承诺。双方携手制定新的采购标准,提供无缝、高效、经济的解决方案,帮助设计工作室、建筑师和供应商充分发挥潜力。



Join Us in Redefining Procurement Excellence

The Medelhan and CNEUCN partnership is more than just a service—it’s a commitment to excellence. Together, they are setting new standards in procurement, offering a seamless, efficient, and cost-effective solution that empowers design studios, architects, and suppliers to achieve their full potential.

You are invited to explore the possibilities that the new comprehensive procurement services offer. Discover how the unique combination of resources, expertise, and personalized support can transform your projects and elevate your business.

For more information or to discuss your specific needs, contact us directly.Let’s create something extraordinary together!