
CNEUCN Interview series | Episode 1: Researcher Li Tie


Researcher, doctoral supervisor, special allowance expert of the State Council, former Director, Chairman and Chief economist of China Urban and Small-Town Reform and Development Center, and Chairman of Smart City Development Alliance. He worked in the Rural Policy Research Office of the CPC Central Committee, the National Economic System Reform Commission, the Economic System Reform Office of the State Council, and other units.

Q: 请您根据个人经历,选择一个减排目标密切相关的话题,您会选择哪个?

Should you pick up a topic, among the several which characterize your impressive experience that you feel more closely related to the decarbonization mission, which one you could say?

A: 基于互联网应用和人工智能的 智慧城市与减排之间的关系。

The relationship between smart cities based on Internet applications, artificial intelligence and emission reduction.

Q: 基于您的学术和专业背景,您认为造成全球迫切需要碳减排的主要原因是什么?

Based on your academic and professional background, what do you think is the main reason why the world urgently needs carbon emission reduction?

A:人口过度增长以及工业化进程的加速造成的碳排放,产生的温室效应,将会对人类带来致命的威胁。因此降低碳排放不是某一个国家的事情,是全人类要共同面对的问题。The carbon emissions and greenhouse effect caused by the excessive population growth and the acceleration of industrialization will pose a fatal threat to mankind. Therefore, reducing carbon emissions is not a matter for a country, but a common problem for all mankind.   

Q: 基于您的经历,您认为中国要实现双碳目标,主要挑战有哪些?

According to your experience which one are the main challenges China has to face to reach its “dual carbon goal”? 

A: 中国改革开放四十多年,正处于工业化和城镇化快速发展期。当前重点要解决的问题是如何实现粗放型增长向集约型增长转变的关键时期。特别是在城市人口和产业的高度集聚过程中,推进能源和资源使用效率的增加,既有产业的转型问题,也有观念变革的问题。

After more than 40 years of reform and opening up, China is in a period of rapid industrialization and urbanization. At present, the key problem to be solved is how to realize the critical period of the transformation from extensive growth to intensive growth. Especially in the process of high concentration of urban population and industries, promoting the increase of energy and resource use efficiency has both the problem of industrial transformation and the problem of conceptual change.

Q: 中欧在气候变化和环境保护方面密切合作,历史悠久,成果丰富。在碳减排方面,中欧分别有哪些优势?

China and Europe have a long history of close and fruitful cooperation about climate change and environmental protection issues. Which are the more peculiar strengths of China and Europe in the path towards decarbonization? 

A: 欧洲也曾经经历过粗放增长时期,但是在重视碳排放的过程中最重要的经验是把减排作为一种重要的理念,使其深入人心。而在中国最近一些年以来,借鉴发达国家的经验,也采取了多重措施,促进减排工作。最有特点的是互联网应用带动的城市智慧化发展,例如无现金支付、共享单车和网约车等等,通过减少人们出行的方式,提高了减排的效率。  中国的互联网应用应该是在减排方面的重要创新,中国互联网应用模式的不断创新,形成的智慧城市模式,应该对欧洲有重要的借鉴意义。

Europe has also experienced a period of extensive growth, but the most important lesson focusing on carbon emissions has been to embed the idea of reducing emissions as an important concept and make it deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In recent years, China has also taken multiple measures to promote emission reduction, drawing on the experience of developed countries. The most distinctive feature is the smart city development driven by Internet applications, such as cashless payment, bike sharing and online car hailing, which improves the efficiency of emission reduction by reducing people’s travel. China’s Internet application should be an important innovation in emission reduction. The continuous innovation of China’s Internet application model and the formation of the smart city model should have important significance for Europe.

Q: 具体而言,您认为应该采取哪些机制和措施,推动中欧在碳中和合作上形成良性互动?

More specifically, in your sector of competence, which mechanisms and actions could be implemented to create virtuous synergies between China and Europe to reach carbon neutrality?

A: 中欧已经签订了有关碳中和的合作协议,并开展了多方面多层次的合作。在政府间合作的基础上,更应该加快民间和企业之间的合作。

China and the EU have signed a cooperation agreement on carbon neutrality and carried out multi-faceted and multi-level cooperation. In addition of intergovernmental cooperation, we should speed up the cooperation between society and enterprises.

Q: 实现碳中和需要各方协同,综合施策。不仅解决技术问题,还要应对新的经济发展模式和一些社会问题。仲欧脱碳科技倡议基于科学委员会和专家咨询委员会,旨在搭建相关知识和解决方案的共享平台。在中欧碳中和合作发展方面,您有何建议或倡议,能分享下吗?

Carbon neutrality is a target which required holistic approach and integrated actions by all the stakeholders. It should tackle not only technical matters, but also new economic development model and social aspects. China Europe Carbon Neutral initiative by its Scientific Committee & Expert Advisory Board aims to be a platform to gather these expertise then share potential solution. Which advices and proposal you feel to share for its development and operation 

A:  中欧碳中和的合作发展,应该充分尊重各自的发展阶段和各自的国情。其中包括制度和体制模式,也包括社会治理模式。所有已经形成的经验和成果,虽然都是在各自的治理模式下产生的,但是也应该通过经验和方案的分享相互借鉴。未来的合作应该更多地把城市的减排方式作为重点。毕竟这是未来中国产业和人口集聚的空间。

The cooperation between China and the EU should fully respect each other’s development stage and national conditions.These include institutional and system models, as well as social governance models.  Although all the experience and achievements that have been formed are generated under their own governance models.Europe and China should also learn from each other through the sharing of experience and plans.In future cooperation should focus more on cities’ ways of reducing emissions.  After all, this is where China’s industry and population will agglomeration in the future.

Q: 中国城镇化发展迅速,上亿农民涌入大大小小的城市居住和工作。您认为,这对于双碳目标有何影响?可以采取哪些措施?

China’s urbanization is growing really fast, hundreds of millions of rural people flow into cities and towns for living and employment. From your perspective, what can be the consequences related to the dual carbon target and which actions could be taken?

A: 中国的城镇化只会有利于减排,因为人口和产业的高度集聚会带来集约的效应,大大降低碳排放。针对未来的还将有数亿人口定居在城市,因此在城市的规划领域、建设领域以及城市的管理等方面,如何更好地节约能源和资源,在达到更好的减排效果中,还有更大的释放空间。

China’s urbanization will only be conducive to emission reduction, because the highly concentrated population and industry will bring intensive effects and greatly reduce carbon emissions. In the future, hundreds of millions of people will settle in cities. Therefore, will be more space to save energy and resources in urban planning, construction and management, and achieve better emission reduction effect.

Q: 您认为,在2060年实现碳中和框架下,中国城镇化的下一步是什么?

In your opinion, what’s the further step of urbanization in China under the framework of the carbon neutrality goal by 2060?

A: 中国的城镇化率如果在2035年实现70%,还要落实一系列制度改革问题。例如户籍管理制度改革等等。目前虽然城镇常住人口的城镇化率已经达到了65%左右,但是户籍人口城镇化率仍然不到47%。如何使得已经进城的人口把长期定居和就业更好地稳定在城市,还将面临着巨大的挑战

If China’s urbanization rate reaches 70% by 2035, a series of institutional reforms need to be implemented. For example, the reform of household registration system and so on.  At present, although the urbanization rate of permanent urban population has reached about 65%, the urbanization rate of registered population is still less than 47%. How to make long-term settlement and employment of those who have moved to cities more stable will also be a huge challenge.


如想了解更多信息和更多详情,请联系Simona Yang女士 ,邮件:[email protected]

For more information and further details please contact Ms. Simona Yang, email: [email protected]



China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China’s path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge. 

China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.