
CNEUCN Interview series | Episode 10: Li Hao – Expert Board Member



Mr. Li Hao is Sustainability Manager of Novozymes (China); Tech. Committee member of EPD China. 

Since joining Novozymes in 2011, Mr. Li has been working on the transition to sustainability in various industries in China, providing independent sustainability-related studies and assessments for companies in various industries. He has also been involved in several sustainability projects, covering topics such as introducing the UN Sustainable Development Goals into the development strategies of Mainland enterprises, climate change, environmental protection, maintaining biodiversity and educating youth on issues related to environmental protection.

Q:  请您根据个人经历,选择一个减排目标密切相关的话题,您会选择哪个?

Should you pick up a topic, among the several which characterize your impressive experience that you feel more closely related to the decarbonization mission, which one you could say?

A: 生物解决方案是一个很有趣的话题,也是与诺维信密切相关的话题,目前诺维信已经是世界领先的工业生物解决方案的提供者。12年前我加入诺维新的时候,最初接触的是对中国经济发展做出重要贡献的纺织工业。作为重要的出口导向和劳动密集型产业,纺织工业在对外出口创汇、对内创造就业方面发挥了重要的作用。在积极推动国民经济增长的同时,也是最早开始并推动可持续发展的行业之一。从采用新型绿色原料和工艺、减少化学品消耗到打造透明绿色可靠的供应链,我见证了纺织行业可持续发展的商业模式对经济、环境和社会产生的显著影响。后来我陆续开始了在家用洗涤剂、淀粉糖、酒精和生物能源、啤酒、食品和烘焙等行业的相关工作。在我看来,低碳绿色发展是中国新时代发展的必需,传统的资源要素投入驱动的商业模式必须要转变为以可持续原料和绿色制造为核心的可持续发展商业模式。推动商业转向可持续发展模式并推动绿色转型是诺维信对中国的承诺,也是我的工作目标。

Bio-innovation/Solution is definitly an intresting topic for me, especially when Novozymes is already the world leader in this field. When I joined Novozymes 12 years ago, the first industry I was working at was the textile industry which has made an important contribution to China’s economic development since 1978. As an important export-oriented and labor-intensive industry, the textile industry has played an important role in earning foreign exchange and creating employment. It is also one of first-mover industries to drive sustainable development domestically and globally. It covers adopting new green ingredients and updating treatment processes, reducing chemical consumption and building a transparent, reliable and green supply chain. I have witnessed the significant impacts of enabling sustainability business models in the textile industry on the economy, social and environment. Later I started working on sustainability in other industries, like household detergents. Starch, alcohol and biofuel, beer, food and baking etc. In my opinion, low carbon and green development is a necessity for China’s new era development. The conventional business model driven by natural resource input must be transformed into a sustainable business model in which renewable and green as core. Driving business growth in a sustainable way and enabling green transition is our purpose to China and the world, it is also the goal of my work.

Q: 根据您的学术和专业背景,您认为对全球减少温室气体排放的紧迫性做出的主要贡献是什么?

Based on your academic and professional background, what is the main contribution you feel to provide to the worldwide urgency to reduce greenhouse gasses emission? 

A: 师从大自然,是一个行之有效的解决方案灵感来源。从大自然中最微小的微生物中发现解决当下世界所面临的可持续发展挑战的生物解决方案,并将之应用于工业品和消费品制造。在这个过程中,生物解决方案帮助不断减少化石原料(如化石能源)的使用并降低对环境的排放(如废水和温室气体)。诺维信的生物解决方案帮助客户降低成本、提高得率、保证良好的生产和使用条件,消费者可以得到更多优质、多功能的绿色低碳产品选择。

We learn from nature. We found most powerful biological solutions from the tiniest micro-organisms in nature and apply to industrial and consumer products manufacturing to tackle with the global sustainable challenges. In this process, our biological solutions help to reduce the consumption of fossil-based materials (such as fossil energy) and reduce pollutants (such as waste water and GHG) emission to the environment. It can also help to reduce costs, increase yields and profits, ensure good production conditions and safe use conditions. Finally consumers can get more options for higher quality, multi-functional, green and low carbon products.


Besides, we share our sustainability purpose and best practices with our partners to inspire rethink the sustainability value to business. In China, we have seen many exciting progress, such as hot discussion on ESG, green finance and responsible investment in business world. We look forward to working with our business partners to explore more green opportunities, unleash business vitality, and continuously create the positive impact of sustainable business models

Q:  根据您的经验,中国要实现 “双碳目标”,必须面对哪些主要挑战?

According to your experience which one are the main challenges China has to face to reach its “dual carbon goal”?

A: 实现巴黎协定和国际共同的气候变化目标,需要设定科学的气候变化目标并发起实质性的行动。为此,诺维信制定并公开承诺了对气候变化的目标:在追求商业增长的同时,到2025年,将来自自身运营的温室气体排放减少65%(以2018年排放为基准线)并实现100%绿色电力;到2030年,将来自自身运营的温室气体排放减少75%,来自供应链的温室气体排放减少35%;最终致力于到2050年前实现净零排放。我们的气候变化目标也通过了SBTi的核证和认可。

Setting science-based target for climate and initiating substantive actions are key to achieve the common goal for climate change. Novozymes has set and publicly committed to climate goals: to reduce 65% absolute GHG emission from opertions and achieve 100% green electricity by 2025, to reduce 75% and 35% absolute GHG emission from operations and supply chain respectively by 2030, hence to achieve net-zero by 2050. Our climate targets had been verified by SBTi.


In order to achieve dual carbon target, more and more Chinese companies will set up climate-related targets and commitments, those targets must be realistic and feasible. We look forward to our biological solutions and sustainability practices can play a critical role in helping customers and partners to contribute to the achievement of China’s dual carbon goals.”

Q: 中国和欧洲在气候变化和环境保护问题上有着长期密切而富有成效的合作。在去碳化的道路上,中国和欧洲有哪些比较特殊的优势?

China and Europe have a long history of close and fruitful cooperation about climate change and environmental protection issues. Which are the more peculiar strengths of China and Europe in the path towards decarbonization?

A: 欧盟比中国更早开始在低碳发展和可持续发展领域的探索。这不仅反映在公众对气候变化问题的重视程度,在实现气候中性目标上也是如此。诺维信的碳达峰目标在2018年即已实现,之后,我们响应巴黎协议的呼吁,力争在2050年前实现碳中和。

The EU began to explore low-carbon development and sustainable development earlier than China. This could be reflected in the public awarenss on climate issues in public as well as the climate pledges. It also applies for Novozymes. We reached the carbon peak in 2018 and since then we strived to achieve net-zero by 2050 in responding to the call of the Paris Agreement and EU Green Deal.


The challenges China is facing are  more comlicated than ever. However China’s dual carbon commitment is solemn and serious. It will create opprotunities in many aspects. Industrial green transition requires green innovations, fulfilling the growing consumer needs also require more breakthrough  in green technologies and products.


Novozymes brings the successful bio-solutions to China. We are the first one to apply enzymatic-processing to China Starch industry to replace unsustainable chemical processing method, we applied the combined-treatment process to textile dyeing and finishing process to compact 3 steps into 1 step to save more water and energy. We look forward a future when our bio-innovatin are applied to more industries, from cellulosic ethanol to bio-diesel, from bio-detergent to probiotics, more possibility towards sustainability can be created in China and EU.

Q: 更具体地说,在你工作的领域,有哪些能够促进中欧双方合作的协同机制,以便能更好的达成碳中和的目标?

More specifically, in your sector of competence, which mechanisms and actions could be implemented to create virtuous synergies between China and Europe to reach carbon neutrality? 

A: 生命周期评估(Life Cycle Assessment)作为学术界广受推崇的定量环境评估方法,近年来也得到政府的不断重视。欧盟2013年发起的PEF (Product Environmental Footprint)项目旨在将采用统一的绿色产品评价方法(基于生命周期评估方法学)建立一个统一的绿色产品(欧盟)市场。中国科技部2015年发起的生态设计示范项目中也鼓励生命周期评估方法学在评价绿色产品上的应用。未来,生命周期评估方法学将会在中国实现双碳目标发挥更重要的作用。

As a widely used methodology in academic and business world, Life cycle assessment (LCA) has also received attention from policy makers in recent years. The EU launched the PEF (Product Environmental Footprint) program based on LCA methodology in 2013 aiming to establish a unified green product standard for all EU countries and markets. The Ministry of Industrial and Information Technology of China launched the Eco-design pilot program in 2015 in which LCA has been required as the standard tool for green product assessment. I believe that the LCA methodology will play more critical role in shaping and enabling a carbon neutral future.


Novozymes started to conduct LCA research in 2004. We made LCA research on our own products and the applications of our products in customer side. Based on these knowledge and expertise, we formed the understanding and awareness of sustainability in a lot of industries. As a multi-national company, Novozymes operates both in EU and China. We expect our understanding and insights on these 2 major markets can also help our Chinese partners to reach consensus on green transition and promote the collaboration of climate neutral and sustainable development.

Q: 碳中和是一个需要所有利益相关者共同协作努力的目标。它不仅要解决技术问题,而且要解决新的经济发展模式和由此带来的社会问题。仲欧碳中和倡议的科学委员会和专家咨询委员会旨在成为一个集合相关专业知识并分享潜在解决方案的平台。您对该倡议的发展和运作有哪些建议和意见?

Carbon neutrality is a target which required holistic approach and integrated actions by all the stakeholders. It should tackle not only technical matters, but also new economic development model and social aspects. China Europe Carbon Neutral initiative by its Scientific Committee & Expert Advisory Board aims to be a platform to gather these expertise then share potential solution. Which advices and proposal you feel to share for its development and operation?

A: 非常高兴能够加入仲欧碳中和企划并成为专家技术委员会的成员之一,于我而言,这是一个分享与学习的双向机会。我们希望能从仲欧碳中和倡议伙伴身上学到可持续发展的前沿实践和技术创新,我们也希望在这个过程中与伙伴们分享我们在这方面的一些经验和案例。诺维信是最早将联合国可持续发展目标融入企业战略的企业,通过对可持续发展目标(2030议程)的整体分析,我们筛选出与我们紧密相关的15个领域,设置业务和运营目标,发起项目以支持实现目标。2022年后,我们将对可持续发展的期待变成我们对健康地球的庄严承诺,即加速建设气候中性社会、变革粮食和食品系统、赋能健康生活。我们愿意与仲欧伙伴一起探索中国的可持续发展解决之道。

I am honored to join the CNEUCN Initiative and work with other Experts’ Committee. It is a two-way opportunity for me to learn and share. I expect to learn from CNEUCN partners on cuttine-edge practices and technology innovation in sustainability, and share our expertise and insights with the network. Novozymes is one of first pioneer companies to integrate the UN SDGs into our corporate strategy and long-term targets. We analyzed the 17 global goals and 169 targets in a holistic way and finally identified 15 categories which are most relevant to us. We build an assessment framework to accelerate those innovations with high potential SDG impacts and set up targets and KPIs for our own operations and buinsess. Since 2022, our sustaianbility strategy evolved into the commitments to a healthy planet – to accelerate climate-neutral society, to transform the food system and to enable healthier lifestyle. I am willing to work with CNEUCN partners and Mr. Massimo (CNEUCN CEO) to explore sustaiable solutions for China.

如想了解更多信息和更多详情,请联系:  [email protected]

For more information and further details please write to: [email protected]



仲欧脱碳科技 有限公司该平台将发挥积极和创新的作用,为实现碳中和所需的构想、塑造、设计和实现转型提供服务。

China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China’s path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.

China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.