海口,2022年6月8日举行首届海南国际设计周“低碳设计 中意同行”论坛。该论坛邀请意大利知名企业、设计师和设计机构,从碳中和与城市发展,绿色设计与制造、绿色智能出行、低碳社区营造等角度探讨如何通过低碳设计实现更加可持续的生活方式。
Haikou, June 8, 2022, the “Carbon Neutral Design – China & Italy Together” Forum of the First Hainan International Design Week was held. The forum invited well-known Italian enterprises, designers and design institutions to discuss how to achieve a more sustainable lifestyle through low-carbon design from the perspectives of carbon neutralization and urban development, green design and manufacturing, green intelligent travel, and low-carbon community building.

嘉宾中有Massimo Bagnasco仲欧脱碳科技有限公司创始人、首席执行官。Bagnasco 先生在讲话中强调了中国在脱碳道路上面临的挑战,例如:缺乏控制工厂和建筑能源强度的综合框架,以及缺乏足够的基础设施,中国对煤炭的高度依赖仍然是对碳中和目标、能源短缺的重大威胁。Bagnasco先生提到需要改善基础设施和建筑的质量,然后是初步的也是最重要的步骤——调整国家的能源结构。
Among the guest, Massimo Bagnasco, Founder and CEO of China Europe Carbon Neutral Technlogy. Along his speech Mr.Bagnasco Underlined the challenges that China is facing toward the decarbonization path such as: lack of a comprehensive framework to control factories and buildings’ energy intensity, as well as a lack of adequate infrastructure ,China’s high dependence on coal remains a substantial threat to the carbon neutrality objectives, energy shortage.
He mention the need to improve the quality of infrastructure and buildings, and then preliminary and most important step – restructuring the country’s energy mix.

During the closing remark, Mr.Bagnasco highlighted that decarbonisation is the key topic for deepening EU-China cooperation,achieving carbon neutrality is feasible but requires rapid and coordinated action, All industrial and service sectors must play a coordinated, proactive role, especially those involved across the energy supply chains. Cutting-edge technologies, processes and solutions must be paired with innovative and highly contextualised approaches: technologies alone will not achieve decarbonization.
Driven by the transformation necessary to achieve China’s decarbonisation goals, immeasurable business opportunities are opening up. The result will be also a new model to attract foreigners’ industries to , which – will be beneficial to reach the Carbon neutrality target.
如想了解更多信息和更多详情,请联系Simona Yang女士 ,邮件:[email protected]
For more information and further details please contact Ms. Simona Yang, email: [email protected]
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology aims to support and substantially contribute to China’s path towards carbon neutrality in a holistic and inclusive way by gathering all the stakeholders and creating solutions for each challenge.
China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.