
Unlocking the Opportunities Under the New EU Battery Directive


New EU Battery Directive Introduces Comprehensive Regulations for Sustainability and Safety


In July 2023, the European Union introduced a significant update to its battery legislation with the approval of Regulation (EU) 2023/1542. This regulation aims to create a harmonized framework for the sustainability and safety of batteries, replacing the older Battery Directive (2006/66/EC). Starting February 18, 2024, the new regulation began to apply, initially maintaining the status quo of the current battery directive. However, from August 2024, new obligations will be gradually introduced. The regulation consists of six parts that impact various stakeholders in the battery value chain.

1、CE 符合性和电池类别

1, CE Conformity and Battery Categories

最早的变化之一是对所有电池引入 CE 符合性评估和标记要求,自 2024 年 8 月 18 日起生效。这意味着所有电池,无论是在产品中使用还是单独供应,都必须打上 CE 标志,具体流程取决于电池类型。最初,CE 标志不包括碳足迹和可回收成分要求,这些要求将在以后添加。该法规将电池分为五类:便携式电池、轻型运输工具(LMT)电池、启动、照明和点火(SLI)电池、工业电池和电动汽车(EV)电池。便携式电池和较小的工业电池将采用自我认证程序,而较大型电池则需要通知机构进行评估。

One of the earliest changes will be the introduction of CE conformity assessment and marking requirements for all batteries, effective August 18, 2024. This means that all batteries, whether used in products or supplied separately, must be CE marked, with specific processes depending on the battery type. Initially, CE marking will not include carbon footprint and recycled content requirements, which will be added later. The regulation classifies batteries into five categories: portable batteries, light means of transport (LMT) batteries, starting, lighting, and ignition (SLI) batteries, industrial batteries, and electric vehicle (EV) batteries. While portable and smaller industrial batteries will undergo a self-certification process, larger batteries will require assessment by a notified body. 


2, Battery Passport

为提高供应链的透明度和信息交流,该法规引入了电池护照要求。自 2027 年 2 月 18 日起,该电子护照将适用于 2 千瓦时以上的工业电池、电动汽车电池和轻型运输工具电池,提供有关电池制造商、制造地点和规格的详细信息。电池护照可通过电池上的二维码获取。

To enhance transparency and information exchange along the supply chain, the regulation introduces the battery passport requirement. Effective from February 18, 2027, this electronic passport will apply to industrial batteries over 2 kWh, EV batteries, and LMT batteries, providing detailed information about the battery’s manufacturer, manufacturing location, and specifications. The battery passport will be accessible via a QR code on the battery.


3, Supply Chain Due Diligence

从 2025 年 8 月 18 日起,参与生产和进口含有钴、天然石墨、锂或镍等关键材料的电池的公司将需要遵守供应链尽职调查义务。这包括制定尽职调查政策、实施强有力的管理系统、评估风险和接受第三方核查。营业额低于 4000 万欧元的公司将免于遵守这些要求。

From August 18, 2025, companies involved in the production and importation of batteries containing critical materials like cobalt, natural graphite, lithium, or nickel, will need to comply with supply chain due diligence obligations. This includes establishing a due diligence policy, implementing strong management systems, assessing risks, and undergoing third-party verification. Companies with a turnover of less than 40 million EUR will be exempt from these requirements.


4, Extended Producer Responsibility and Registration

该法规延续并更新了生产者延伸责任和注册义务。自 2025 年 8 月 18 日起,生产商必须遵守新的收集和回收目标。将电池引入欧洲市场的公司将负责在其销售的成员国对电池进行报废收集和处理。

The regulation continues and updates the extended producer responsibility and registration obligations. Starting August 18, 2025, producers must adhere to new collection and recycling targets. Companies that introduce batteries to the European market will be responsible for their end-of-life collection and treatment in the Member States where they are sold.


5, Material Recovery

到 2027 年 12 月 31 日,该法规为钴、铜、铅、锂和镍设定了具体的材料回收目标。这些目标旨在确保高效的回收流程,提高电池材料的可持续性,为循环经济做出贡献。

By December 31, 2027, the regulation sets specific material recovery targets for cobalt, copper, lead, lithium, and nickel. These targets aim to ensure efficient recycling processes and enhance the sustainability of battery materials, contributing to a circular economy.


6, Replaceability Requirements

最后,为了方便电池更换和减少浪费,该法规规定,从 2027 年 2 月 18 日起,便携式电池必须可拆卸,并可由最终用户更换,而轻型运输工具电池必须可拆卸,并可由专业人员更换。

Lastly, to facilitate easier battery replacement and reduce waste, the regulation mandates that, from February 18, 2027, portable batteries must be removable and replaceable by the end-user, while LMT batteries must be removable and replaceable by professionals.


The new EU Battery Regulation represents a comprehensive effort to improve the sustainability and safety of batteries within the European Union. It introduces important changes that will affect battery manufacturers, importers, and recyclers, emphasizing transparency, environmental responsibility, and consumer convenience.


The positive impact of the new directive 

新的欧盟电池指令为欧盟企业在地区市场上提供了显著的竞争优势。通过遵守严格的 CE 符合性评估和其他监管要求,欧盟企业可以在安全和可持续发展方面脱颖而出。遵守这些法规可以作为质量的标志,吸引那些优先考虑环保和可靠产品的消费者。此外,倡导这些可持续发展实践的公司还能提高其品牌声誉,不仅吸引具有生态意识的客户,还能吸引希望支持负责任企业的投资者。此外,达到这些高标准可确保无缝进入欧盟市场,消除潜在的监管障碍,降低罚款或运营中断的风险。

The new EU Battery Directive provides EU companies with significant competitive advantages within the regional market. By adhering to the stringent CE conformity assessments and other regulatory requirements, EU companies can differentiate themselves as leaders in safety and sustainability. Compliance with these regulations acts as a mark of quality, attracting consumers who prioritize environmentally friendly and reliable products. Additionally, companies that champion these sustainable practices can enhance their brand reputation, appealing not only to eco-conscious customers but also to investors looking to support responsible businesses. Furthermore, meeting these high standards ensures seamless access to the EU market, eliminating potential regulatory barriers and reducing the risk of fines or operational disruptions. 


For Chinese companies, the new EU Battery Directive offers substantial opportunities to enhance their supply chain relationships with EU partners. The directive’s requirement for supply chain due diligence fosters greater transparency, allowing Chinese companies to build stronger trust with their European counterparts by providing detailed information about their sourcing practices and materials. This transparency can facilitate smoother business operations and strengthen long-term partnerships, ensuring a steady demand for their products. By demonstrating a commitment to quality and sustainability, Chinese companies can secure more stable and enduring relationships with EU firms. 


The EU Battery Directive also opens up significant investment opportunities for both EU and Chinese companies through joint collaboration. With a growing market for green technologies driven by the directive’s focus on sustainability, both regions can attract investments aimed at developing advanced recycling methods, efficient battery designs, and sustainable production processes. Joint ventures between EU and Chinese companies are particularly attractive to investors, as they can leverage the strengths of both regions—China’s manufacturing capabilities and the EU’s technological advancements and regulatory expertise. 


Additionally, the emphasis on sustainability and innovation is likely to increase the availability of public and private funding, supporting initiatives that align with environmental goals through favorable loan conditions. These investments not only drive economic growth and create job opportunities but also facilitate market expansion. Collaborative efforts can help companies enter new markets, leveraging combined resources and expertise to meet diverse regulatory requirements and consumer preferences across regions. Ultimately, joint investments in the battery sector can stimulate local economies, enhance technological capabilities, and contribute to global sustainability goals.

Source: Innovation News Network 



Final Remarks


At CNEUCN, we specialize in facilitating seamless market entry and collaboration between European and foreign companies, particularly in the realm of circular economy and battery technology. Leveraging our deep understanding of the new EU Battery Directive, we can provide invaluable insights and comprehensive assistance to help foreign companies comply with European standards and enhance their sustainability branding, making them more competitive in the EU market. Simultaneously, we support European companies in navigating the other markets by fostering strategic partnerships and aligning them with local market dynamics.

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China Europe Carbon Neutral Technology will play an active and innovative role in providing services to conceive, shape, design and accomplish the transitions needed to achieve carbon neutrality.